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12/2021 COVID-19 helped erase 1.8 years from the average (nonRich)American’s life expectancy in 2020

Updated: Jan 12

“The happiest people don’t have the best of everything.

They just make the best of everything they have.”


“Sometimes I forget that Elon Musk has always been a privileged rich kid & Elon Musk’s daddy owned an emerald mine & Elon Musk walked around with jewels in his pockets & Elon Musk didn’t start Tesla, he just ousted the founders & Elon Musk has never invented anything… Sometimes,”

Little Wood Satyr (Megisto cymela)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

5/23/2012 IMG_5789aaaa [F:\Data From 500gb OS Drive\Users\Pictures\Old Favs\New Folder (24) Hepatica]

“Against Charity “

“Rather than creating an individualized “culture of giving,” we should be challenging capitalism’s institutionalized taking.


“Even Nice, “Generous” Rich People Are Not Your Friends”

“Rich people love to give away money for charitable causes to convince you that they’re not so bad after all. Don’t be fooled: we need to dispossess the benevolent rich of their ill-gotten gains, too.”


“Netherlands proposes radical plans to cut livestock numbers by almost a third”

“Dutch farmers could be forced to sell land and reduce the amount of animals they keep to help lower ammonia pollution”


“Netherlands announces €25bn plan to radically reduce livestock numbers

Programme to tackle pollution crisis caused by an overload of manure faces fierce opposition from farmers”

"The Dutch government has unveiled a €25bn (£21bn) plan to radically reduce the number of livestock in the country as it struggles to contain an overload of animal manure. A deal to buy out farmers to try to reduce levels of nitrogen pollution in the country had been mooted for some time."



Another Climate killer

"Under this ultimately tariff-free deal low-welfare imports of meat, eggs and dairy such as beef which has been reared intensively in feedlots or chicken and pork that have been routinely fed antibiotics to compensate for low welfare conditions are to be permitted into the United Kingdom."


“As long as the general population is passive, apathetic, diverted to consumerism or hatred of the vulnerable, then the powerful can do as they please, and those who survive will be left to contemplate the outcome.” Noam Chomsky


“the very existence of a “bronze” healthcare plan should horrify us”

“The idea of “tiers” of healthcare – which is about healing People – is literally the same thing as “tiers” of people.

If you believe that “all people are created equal,” then all people should have equal healthcare. And that means #MedicareforAll


“With an emphasis on connecting to nature, some Wisconsin students spend their entire school days outside — despite the weather

More and more forest schools are popping up around the country, popular in the COVID-19 era and for kids to spend time in nature”


Peter carter:

“I've tried to make it clearer to follow. I just found that 50% of Arctic methane is emitted in winter- so that explains this big increase in winter Arctic methane right now. There never has been anything like this on feedback methane emissions.”


“Greenland Ice Sheet Melting Fast”


The changeable weather in Greenland varies between regions and with a unique climate offering great differences in temperature over the seasons.”

Yoshio Nishioka:

“Thank you. Mr. Jean-Michel Pourny . Greenland is still bad conditions at south and west. Though on now Dec 2021, the north area of Greenland can freeze some area. IF these area will don't freeze the next year will become the baddest year. Pry to freezeeeeee.

The Arctic area is warming in Greenland and the eastern north Canada. On 21 Dec 2021, the capital, Nuuk is very warming temperature, high become 10℃, low temperature is 2℃...!! Usually avarage of temperature in Nuuk on December is -7℃! The temperature of Summer time become nearly 10℃!


“Why the Idea of Progress Is Dead in America”

"The Right's assault on reason and intelligence has killed the notion that things can improve."


“A true economy shares the wealth generated by relevant work among all people. Otherwise you end up with billions of individuals with systemic and/or redundant #bullshitjobs, a destroyed biosphere and future. And you do so within just 2-3 decades of nonsense employment.

"The NYT headline "The Planet is Failing" is a masterclass in passive, apolitical framing. The planet is not spontaneously "failing", as if it's the planet's fault. It is actively being destroyed. And it is being destroyed by our economic system and those who run it."”


“It’s amazing how many Americans are totally devoid of compassion and think if a human being can’t work, they deserve to starve. Then they’ll go to a Christmas Eve service at church to celebrate the birth of a poor man who told them to feed the poor.”


“"It's going to take a lot of action, willpower and people agreeing that change has to happen." Dr. Jane Goodall weighs in on the power of collective climate action.”

“Z Talks Future Planet”


Whatever else it may be there is every indication that U.S. Government is following a policy with respect to the people and collapse our biosphere in a manner that is tribalistic, brutal, and ultimately very inhumane.

We either voluntarily undertake the sacrifices to swiftly and radically change to a green society planning for and managing the consequences as they unfold or change will be inflicted in the form of chaos from repeated and worsening national disasters complete with untold suffering and death. Taking the route of disaster so the rich do not have to suffer the inconvenience of changing their wealth is an indication of truly horrifying moral character.

Consider their choice either:

a) the few RICH CHANGE the composition of their wealth to parasitize a green world, while maintaining a relatively high level of luxury and convenience, to enable some 7 billion NON-RICH AVOID substantial suffering and death at the hands of dying world, or [the few who can change do, and we all salvage what planet we can]

b) the few RICH DO NOT incur the negligible expense and inconvenience of changing their wealth and effectively force let some 7 billion non-rich suffer to suffer a highly chaotic and destructive death of our biosphere with invariably little aid, planning and management from Government. [the few don’t change and we have worsening hell on earth until the inevitable happens]



“Inequality in America today is greater than it has been at any point since the Gilded Age, yet Congress still hesitates to tax the wealthiest Americans [or print money] so that people can simply survive.” William Barber



PCBTF is on a list of “green” compounds preferred by the EPA, even though there is ample evidence that it causes cancer.”

“The EPA is tasked with assessing existing chemicals to make sure they don’t harm humans. But at the present rate, it will take the agency more than 7,000 years to review all the chemicals now in use.”


“Today’s Supreme Court Reformers Should Learn from the Popular Politics of FDR’s Court-Packing”

“There are few fights as urgent in American politics as the one to reduce the reactionary, undemocratic power of the Supreme Court. To win that fight, reformers should examine how FDR took his case for court reform to the masses.”


“A recent Yale University study found that Medicare for all would save 68,000 lives and $458 billion every year.”


Melting permafrost releases nitrous oxide (N2O), a green house gas, that will not be collected by carbon capture:

“Carbon Capture Can Be Part of the Climate Solution”


“Billionaire Space Flights Are a Carbon Bomb That Will Destroy the Planet”

“Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk are dead set on expanding commercial space flight — even though a single person taking one of their carbon-spewing joy rides will produce more pollution in a few minutes than people belonging to 1/8th of the world population will in their entire lives.”


If and when Omicron mutates while retaining its hyper contagious characteristics, humanity could be in very deep trouble:

Eugenio Melotti:

“While we discuss how to save Christmas by avoiding lockdown for the unvaccinated, the omicron variant runs worldwide. Its contagiousness compared to the delta is evident in the graphs below, in logarithmic scale except for the one in the bottom right. For Italy there is not enough data, and we are in better position than other countries, but not very well. Two doses of vaccine are not enough, much less the obligation of a mask, too often worn in a creative way even on public transport (where no one checks green passes) and in crowded places. With the super spread of the new variant I foresee, unfortunately, more hard times and full hospitals, if we do not speed up with the third dose and if we do not self-limit travel and gatherings with friends and relatives (better a sober or lonely Christmas, how will it be mine, what a new lockdown). I reiterate that the vaccination obligation should be extended to everyone, without delay: there is no more room for the delusions of conspirators and deniers and for the freedom to infect. Why does the virus care about our motives and Christmas: it keeps circulating, mutating and killing.”


The “BidenTrump Bump Down”:

“NEW: COVID-19 helped erase 1.8 years from the average American’s life expectancy in 2020, according to the latest federal mortality data.

The decrease marks the greatest change in the American lifespan since World War II.”


South and Central America are busily engaged in purging the filth our two parties have plagued the area with to make the Rich richer:

Left Wave Continues in Latin America With Historic Victory in Chile


Juan Guido, Biden’s Scott Walker for Venezuela, must be stopped:

“'We Will Bury Neoliberalism': Global Celebration Follows Leftist Victory in Chile”


“For Chileans, the Choice in Today’s Election Is Socialism or Barbarism”


“Maybe I’m a little old fashioned, but I believe that when you talk about democracy, that means one person, one vote. It does not mean billionaires buying elections. It does not mean gerrymandering. It does not mean making it next to impossible to vote.” Bernie Sanders


“Mormon Billionaire Resigns, Rebukes Faith Over LGBTQ Rights”

“Jeff T. Green says he believes the Mormon church "has hindered global progress in women’s rights, civil rights and racial equality, and LGBTQ+ rights."


Gov Ron DeSantis is guilty of Ecocide:

“Manatee feeding was to begin Wednesday. The only thing missing? Manatees.”

“A record 1,056 #Florida manatees have died so far this year. More must be done to proactively address the root cause of food scarcity, which means fixing water quality degradation and ending habitat destruction.”


Democrat Nancy Pelosi should suffer the same fate at Trump:

“the 81 year old insidooor

Loves insider trading

Her own district is a poverty stricken war zone

Gets so much good information from the inside

Wants to know where you got that $600 from

$120 million net worth on 200k salary

Husband takes trades before house votes

Ahhh I’m insider trading

But ya about that $600


Maureen Haley:

“I feel completely disgusted that Biden and all the other Conservative Dems pretend to be ticked off because the people are not getting their basic needs met!!!! They think we are stupid.”



A leaked report that shows the military knew for years about dangers to civilian areas follows disclosures of toxic PFAS contamination hidden from the Senate.”

“Environmental infractions committed by the U.S. military on Okinawa include radioactive contamination from depleted uranium, massive spills of fuel, and the discovery of 108 barrels of dioxin-tainted herbicides buried beneath a children’s soccer pitch.”


“Civilian deaths and the Pentagon’s 20-year killing spree: Mistakes — or a matter of policy?”

"Those deaths have been completely predictable results of U.S. government policies. And in fact, evidence of widespread civilian casualties emerged soon after the 'war on terror' started two decades ago. Leaks with extensive documentation began to surface more than 10 years ago, thanks to stark revelations from courageous whistleblowers and the independent media outlet WikiLeaks," writes Norman Solomon


America’s national politicians openly encourage gun violence but the Democratic Majority do nothing:

“Trumper Congressman Madison Cawthorn is busted in an undercover sting telling his supporters that Republicans are “obviously heading in the direction” or resorting to “Second Amendment solutions” to the “stolen election,” and bragging that he will “be the first to call it.”

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