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6/2022 Republicans are building an army of conspiracy theorists & election deniers to deploy in Nov

Updated: Jan 12

“This is the best theory Democrats can come up with: more police, more weapons, more violence. They defund the police by giving them more money. All I continue hearing Dem leadership is that we need more police. I hear nothing about Medicare for All. I hear nothing about responsible environmental practices, and I hear nothing but BS about CO2. And I hear nothing about decent mental healthcare.

We need their fracking poisons out of our water ways. Meanwhile Democrats babble about raising taxes to address Global Warming. How is raising taxes always the Democrat’s solution? It hurts my brain trying to understand this ridiculous party. How does raising taxes on the middle class improve mental healthcare? Making it harder for people to pay their bills improves their mental health?”

Samuel Sinyangwe:

“After Columbine over 10,000 school police officers were hired just in case a school shooting happened. Two decades later, they haven’t stopped a *single* school shooting. Instead they’ve arrested over 1 million kids, mostly students of color, for routine behavior volations.”

Little Wood Satyr (Megisto cymela)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2020 6/15 _F2A6084aaa

“Don’t Arm School Police”

“Students Call to #DisarmPSU

“Dear America, here’s how other countries stop mass shootings”

“Portland Shooting Reignites Debate Over Armed Campus Police”

“After Fatal Shooting by Portland State U. Police, Students Again Question Arming of Officers”

“Georgia Tech Student Leader Is Shot Dead by Campus Police”

“Disarming the Police on College and University Campuses”


“People need to stop emulating and adopting the bogus political divides acted out by Dems and Republican politicians. That’s all an act designed to convey 2 ideological stances that will keep us at odds with one another- keep us from unifying against the actions of what is clearly one political party”

“Together We’ll Save Ourselves”


Brad Johnson:

“We spend 50% more hours in school than Finland. And they get 15 mins of recess every hour. They have NO standardized tests except for PISA in HS and they outperform us every time. If we can’t give students more movement, recess, and play time then we don’t understand education.”


Sam Carana:

“University of Chicago scientists discovered that a cyclone spawned an “anticyclone,” which combined to produce and then trap heat near the surface of the region.

They found that in the week prior, a cyclone had formed over the Gulf of Alaska. Cyclones are large, spiral-shaped systems that form around a center of low pressure. When clouds form out of water vapor, the process actually releases heat, which accumulated in the atmosphere.

Then, as the cyclone moved slowly away, it triggered the formation of an anticyclone to the east—a system that rotates slowly around a center of high pressure instead of low. These are known as “blocking” systems because they disrupt the normal eastward movement of weather systems. A blocking anticyclone acts like a blanket, trapping heat in a region.

The result was a warm, stagnant column of air that made it difficult for surface heat to escape to the upper atmosphere as it normally does.

“Since the heating mechanism identified in this work involves condensation of water vapor into clouds, the intensity of atmospheric blocking and heat waves will likely increase in the future as the warming climate allows more water vapor to be present in the atmosphere,” UChicago Prof. Noboru Nakamura said.”

“New study lays out hidden backstory behind deadly Pacific Northwest heat wave”

“The 2021 Pacific Northwest Heat Wave and Associated Blocking: Meteorology and the Role of an Upstream Cyclone as a Diabatic Source of Wave Activity” - by Emily Neal et al.


We have obliterated ourselves:

“The 10-day forecast for the air temperature at a height of two metres over the Arctic Ocean, is for none of the fourteen million and sixty thousand square kilometres to be below freezing.

Well known and easily understood physical laws in the universe are all pointing to the fact that it will all be melting. Every. Last. Square. Inch.”

[the Climate Reanalyzer website is apparently not available when I tried it but here is the link]


Death by a thousand seemingly small cuts:

“In retrospect, we should have taken to the streets when mcconnell refused to let Obama rightfully fill a supreme court vacancy. That was an epic fail on our part as citizens [seeing as today’s Democratic Party will not do whatever it takes to remedy the situation with America’s failed Judiciary.] Shannon Watts”


“Country Level Impacts of Global Grain Production Shocks.”


“The total concentration of all greenhouse gases and other forcing agents, including cooling aerosols, reached 460 parts per million CO2 equivalents in 2019.

This is already within the range of the peak level that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change states should not be exceeded if — with a 67% likelihood — the global temperature increase is to be limited to 1.5oC above pre-industrial levels by 2100.

The peak concentrations corresponding to a temperature increase of 2oC by 2100 could be exceeded around 2030.

Published: 6 Jan 2022.”

Democrats are fully and knowingly complicit in Republicans assault on the nonrich


“Bert Wolfe

President Ike Eisenhower tried to warn us about the grave danger that the military-industrial complex represented to American freedom, democracy, and the “American way of life.” Sadly, I fear that the vast majority of the American people simply didn’t fully understand what President Eisenhower was trying so earnestly and desperately to warn us about. Because of that, today the military-industrial complex and the American oligarchy which profits mightily from it are fully in the driver’s seat in the American government.

The upshot of it all is that, outside of military spending on a mad quest to establish an unquestioned and unquestionable American global hegemony — an American world empire — the American federal government simply doesn’t give a damn about the well-being of the American people, and we have been left in the domestic policy lurch, fully on our own to make our way through life in 21st century America without the desperately needed social programs and amenities that the rest of the developed societies of the world take for granted.

And the American oligarchs, the powers-that-be behind the American military-industrial complex, have conned the American people into thinking that this perverse situation is “normal” and that we should be “rugged individualists” who “pull ourselves up by the bootstraps.”

Unfortunately, most Americans neither have “boots:” the individual financial resources necessary to get educated and trained to get ahead in 21st century America without becoming deeply indebted modern day indentured servants to corporate America — a debt that has been deliberately designed to guarantee that they will, in all likelihood, never be able to pay it off. Or, if Americans are lucky enough to have any form of financial “boots,” unfortunately in all too many cases they lack the “bootstraps,” the time and opportunity to fully take advantage of those financial “boots” because of their individual life circumstances.”

“In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. (Dwight D. Eisenhower)



And here comes the authoritarian dictatorship,…:

“Republicans are building an army of conspiracy theorists and election deniers to deploy this November.”


Briahan Joy Gray:

“Leftists: Biden promised to cancel student debt and can do so by executive order. My vote is continent on him following through on that promise.

Liberals: “Biden is doing the best he can!”

I don’t get it. Do these people not know what an executive order is?”


“Austerity is Murder”

“Federal Spending is ALWAYS new money

Federal Taxation of ALL varieties is money deletion

New money in.

Old money out.

Every single time.

There is absolutely NO printing money.


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