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1/2023 Know your Politician: "7 Tactics Criminals Use to Perpetrate Fraud"

Updated: Jan 12

Little Wood Satyr (Megisto cymela)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2022-06-07 _F2A5939aaap

“Prominent lawyers, journalists and human rights defenders say prosecuting Assange poses a grave threat to journalism.”

“Prosecution of Assange Would Lead to End of the First Amendment, Advocates Warn”


Know your 3 Branches of American Government:

7 Tactics Criminals Use to Perpetrate Fraud

Scammers have learned how to manipulate people’s emotions and take advantage of their trust in others”


Pollinator Friendly Yards:

“Insects are not optional.

It’s not okay if they disappear.

Insects are the primary drivers of our ecosystems.

If they go, we go”

Dr. Doug Tallamy

“A do-it-yourself, homegrown park”


“Nature is my religion and the earth is my church”


“By age 30, you should have:

- Rage at those who told you to take on six figures in student debt

- Skepticism about who the ‘gig economy’ benefits

- The knowledge you can work ceaselessly…and still fail at just paying rent

- A maniacal laugh at the mention of ‘trickle down’



“The United Nations leader slammed Exxon and other oil companies for ignoring their own science to promote dangerous levels of oil extraction that are "inconsistent with human survival."”

“‘Big Oil peddled the big lie’: UN chief slams energy giants for ignoring their own climate science”

““Big Oil peddled the big lie,” Guterres said during a special address at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

His comments come shortly after research showed how Exxon Mobil accurately forecast global heating as long ago as the 1970s only to then spend decades publicly contradicting their own research.

Referring to the research, Guterres said, “Just like the tobacco industry, they rode rough-shod over their own science.””

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