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3/2023 Global Biosphere is dead & that death is coming fast - BBC's Michael Benfield, Founder GREEN

Updated: Jan 2

Little Wood Satyr (Megisto cymela)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2018-06-12 379aaa

Apocryphal: Drought in Kenya is China and California drought x 10:

“This is the reality of the drought situation in Kenya, even one of the largest ecosystem in the world is on its knees, the great Mara river is drying up, the water is toxic and its taking with it thousands of wildlife.

We are in a biodiversity crisis


“The United States is a human rights hypocrite. No country has been more aggressive in lecturing others about human rights and no country has been less willing to take part in international efforts to halt crimes against the peace or even genocide.”

“The United States and Human Rights: a History of Hypocrisy”



“A noble heart will refuse the happiness built on the misfortune of others.”

Saadi Shirazi


Disaster upon disaster, our new future:

The devastation of the Earthquake in Turkey and Syria is being re-devastated by flooding:


Turkey - 1 dead, 4 missing after flash floods in Şanlıurfa and Adıyaman

Disaster authorities in Turkey report at least 1 person has died and 4 are still missing after torrential rain caused flash flooding in parts of the southeastern Şanlıurfa and Adıyaman provinces.

Flooding struck on 15 March 2023 following heavy rain. According to figures from Turkey's General Directorate of Meteorology, in a 24-hour period to 15 March, Karaköprü in Şanlıurfa recorded 104.5 mm of rain and Çelikhan in Adıyaman recorded 125.6 mm. Areas of neighbouring Malatya Province also recorded very heavy rain, with Doğanşehir recorded 151.4 mm during the same period.

Local media reported the rivers broke their banks in Adiyaman Province. Türkiye's disaster management agency AFAD, police, gendarmerie and municipality teams were evacuating residents from flooded areas. One person died and 4 were reported missing in Tut District. Search and rescue operations are ongoing.

SOURCE: Richard Davies


Wed, 15 Mar 2023 14:31 UTC

IMAGE: Floods in Adıyaman province, Turkey, March 2023.

© Government of Adıyaman Province”


The environment is as good as dead and that is a death that coming fast:

With the death of nature comes the death of food.


Peter Carter:


BBC Michael Benfield, who helped set up the new political movement in the 1970s, said he believed the "battle for the world's environmental survival" was "at this moment, lost.

Speaking at an event to mark the party's 50th anniversary, Mr Benfield told the BBC he had become "somewhat of a doomsayer" about efforts to protect the environment.

"I think we have succeeded in helping to educate... but we have failed in dealing with the battle for environmental survival.

Today's science says he is tragically right


“On War With China, Australia Is Caught Between A Rock And A Pentagon”


““Social murder” is a term used to describe the deliberate measures taken by a ruling capital class to create public policies which lead to austerity, thereby depriving the most vulnerable in society the necessities of life and forcing them into circumstances in which they cannot reasonably be expected to survive, inevitably leading to their early and unnatural deaths.

Austerity can be understood as a form of violence that is built into the structures of society and expressed as unequal power leading to unequal life chances, especially as inequalities and injustices deepen. For example, the increasing costs of rent force vulnerable seniors to choose between their immediate need for shelter and healthcare. And because shelter is the more urgent necessity, they defer preventative health checkups, do without medical procedures and cut back on medications. Of course, these pressures lead to severe stress and prolonged bouts of depression. As rent costs continue to increase, the pressures build until some are so overwhelmed that the struggle to survive becomes too difficult and they opt out of life altogether. They become constantly fatigued, stop eating and slowly waste away. In the final analysis, what seems to be death by natural causes is effectively a premature death sentence brought about by the increasingly harsh conditions placed upon them. Conditions that would not have existed in an otherwise caring society.

+ + + + +

Human Reform Politics

"a force for positive change"”

“Poverty is violence

Endless war is violence

Homelessness is violence

Racial profiling is violence

Denying healthcare is violence

Unaffordable housing is violence

Destroying our environment is violence. (eg. Willow)

Once we acknowledge that these unnecessary and avoidable causes of suffering are forms of structural violence, we understand the dominant culture in the United States for what it is – one that glorifies, legitimizes and perpetuates violence for profit.”


“A real “pro-life” movement would ban assault rifles while enacting Medicare for all, paid sick leave, universal childcare, and a living wage:


“If you have to make laws to hurt a group of people just to prove your morals and faith, then you have no true morals or faith to prove.”


American govt has failed to plan:

“Restore California's floodplains to capture more stormwater, protect human life”



Amazon Rainforest Fires, Brazil and others, 2019

The fires that ripped through the Amazon – the largest tropical rainforest on the planet – dominated news outlets around the world in the summer of 2019. While fires here can be naturally occurring, the 2019 events are thought to have been primarily caused by slash-and-burn practices used by farmers to clear land for agriculture.

More than 30,000 separate fires raged during August alone – according to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), that’s an increase of 196% when compared with August 2018. These numbers were the highest they’d been since 2010 (though they still didn’t reach the levels of 2005, one of the worst years for Amazon forest fires in modern history). The effects were devastating, with smoke shrouding Brazilian cities such as São Paulo and the homes of indigenous people and native wildlife destroyed.”


“Read about our Antarctic campaigner Alistair, coming across a krill supertrawler fleet in the Patagonia Australia’s Roaring Journals.

“It’s 4:30am and there is a firm knock on my cabin door. Stumbling out of bed, I open it. “We have the krill fleet 12 nautical miles away; we launch the fast boat in 30 minutes.” Immediately, a little bit of adrenaline starts to course through me. We’ve arrived at the krilling grounds.” Alistair Allan, Bob Brown Foundation.

A huge thanks goes out to Patagonia Australia who supported Alistair by providing some phenomenal gear to protect him from the Antarctic elements.”


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