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2/2023 Permafrost melting 100yrs sooner than expected

Updated: Jan 15

Leconte's haploa (Haploa lecontei)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2020-06-20 _F2A8318aaa

[Erebidae is a large and diverse family of moths including the groups commonly known as tiger moths, footmen moths, lichen moths and wasp moths. Many species have 'hairy' caterpillars which are popularly known as woolly bears.

The most distinctive feature of the family is a tymbal organ on the metathorax (Scoble 1995). This organ has membranes which are vibrated to produce ultrasonic sounds. They also have thoracic tympanal organs for hearing, a trait which has a fairly broad distribution in the Lepidoptera, but the location and structure is distinctive to the family. Other distinctive traits are particular setae ('hairs') on the larvae, wing venation, and a pair of glands near the ovipositor (Scoble, 1995). The sounds are used in mating (Simmons and Conner 1996) and defense against predators (Fullard et al, 1994).]


Kevin Hester:

“Lots of talk about the permafrost melting 100yrs sooner than expected and the word 'Methane' doesn't appear in the article!


“The ‘Last Ice Area’ Is Already Disappearing

Scientists race to study Arctic lakes before they are lost forever.”


COP, the Inflation Reduction Act, EV’s , offset credits, blah, blah, blah,…..

Guyo Smith\Methane News, Info and Data:

“When you know the relevant significant warming evidence, the rest is all pure Bull Schitt”


“That time of year again for SAMOC.”

“Energetic overturning flows, dynamic interocean exchanges, and ocean warming observed in the South Atlantic”


“Antarctic sea ice extent sets a new record low”


“Arctic Sea Ice extent has declined 50,000km2 (According to JAXA ) in the last two days even though it’s winter. 2023 is presently the 2nd lowest Arctic extent year on record for this date at approximately 13.1 million km2. The only year lower is 2018, next three days of extent respectively for that year are (13.08 / 13.16 / 13.25 ) Arctic ice extent has not increased more than 30,000km2 a day since January 17th of this year. At present trends it will be lowest on record for either February 1st, 2nd or 3rd.

4-6 weeks until melt season starts, 1st or 2nd lowest on record isn’t the most optimal starting point !”

Zack Labe:

“Most of the #Artic is experiencing warming temperatures over the last four decades in January. This is largest in the Barents sea region and corresponds to losses of sea ice cover (turbulent fluxes).

[Data from @CopernicusECMWF ERA5. For more info:…]


Kevin Hester:

“"On the docket, there’s a trigger mechanism for much more rapid loss of Arctic sea ice looming in the wings, ready for attack. It is El Niño, which sounds innocent enough until it’s examined in more detail. Indeed, it’s a wolf in sheepskin."

Robert Hunziker reiterating my contention that the El Niño will be an accelerator of the great unravelling!”

“The Arctic’s Iceless Upheaval”

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