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Hummingbird Clearwing (Hemaris thysbe)

Updated: Jan 16

“More than 7 million fully electric or hybrid vehicles were on the road in 2021. How much emissions do electric cars produce? Explore the data.”

“How much emissions do electric cars produce?

Electric vehicles release half as much greenhouse gas emissions as gas-powered cars on average.”

Hummingbird Clearwing (Hemaris thysbe)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2020-07-24 _F2A3442aaa

“Several factors increasing gas prices but none are Ian”


America’s resources$ only flow freely to wealth concentrating schemes: Biden needs to stay in Washington and orchestrate hurricane aid to Puerto Rico & Ian victims like they do for Zelensky in Ukraine or Wall St at & trillion\day.

And make no mistake, greenhouse gas emissions are irrelevant to Washington when it comes to making the rich richer and alienating the poor. The use of the gassy Military is a prime example as is Democrats bombing of Russia’s Nordstream 2 methane pipeline.


At its most basic it is merely a fact of simple chemistry and right now there is enough methane & other GHGs in the atmosphere to trigger the death of all life on the planet.


If Putin nuked washington when the billionaires, lobbyists, Congress, Senate, White House and SCOTUS is in session does that mean we can then have a Govt that we can have a new Govt that makes decisions based on economics and not wealth concentrating bullshit that supress the country’s performance?!


“Supreme Court Sides With 2nd Amendment AGAIN!!”


“This Evil Company Owns ALL The Food In Your House”


Unlike other countries American Govt insists on suppressing its own economy. Stop the nonsense:

nationalize oil & gas;

enact healthcare for all;

pass a Green New Deal;

eliminate charter\voucher schools;

eliminate student debt and make college free;

end the warring$$ scams;



Optimizing the general economy leads to a much greater overall level of economic activity than making policy to maximize the wealth of a few


End the suburban sprawl fueled by the predator state. Our survival is not dependent on manifesting our aspirations with linoleum tornado fodder but rather restoring the nature it kills


“Tom Murphy: "Most people on Earth are members of a dangerous cult whose central beliefs seem... bizarre to one who has escaped the thought prison, but that are seldom questioned and even fiercely defended. This post offers ten heretical statements that seem obvious to me, but tend to produce emotionally charged reactions by members of the cult of civilization."”

“The Cult of Civilization”


“South Asia’s monsoon is inextricably linked, culturally and economically, to much of Asia. Climate change is making it increasingly violent and erratic.”

“The Monsoon Is Becoming More Extreme”


As American civilization collapses always remember our own 2 parties and 3 branches of government are completely responsible:

“Umair: "Neglect defines our age. In so, so many ways. From economics to society to ecology. Neglect at this point is probably the defining feature of our civilization — and what’s brought it right to the brink of what seems more and more like slow-motion collapse."”

Civilizations Collapse Through Neglect — And Ours Is On the Brink

We’ve Kicked Our Problems Down the Road for Too Long — And Now We’re Out of Road”


“Florida and Hurricane Ian offer yet another example of the truism that profound misunderstanding of how things work, a.k.a. ignorance, can be deadly. The same people who often complain after a hurricane that the forecasters hyped the danger while nothing much bad happened are now caterwauling that the forecasters and the media and the government did not warn them soon enough or strongly enough about Ian.”

“In Hurricanes, Ignorance Kills”


“Long heatwaves in Eurasia and North America baked soils dry, threatening ecosystems and food production, and contributing to a cascade of compounding impacts that can reduce power supplies and increase heat deaths.”

“Study Finds Global Warming Fingerprint on 2022’s Northern Hemisphere Megadrought”


The foundation of our own Apocalypse grows, strengthens and gains increasing momentum:

“A recently-published article points out that prudent risk management requires consideration of bad-to-worst-case scenarios. There is the danger that, as methane keeps rising, the clouds tipping point could be crossed. This danger is rarely discussed. How bad could it be?”

Methane keeps rising


“Watching the World Go Bye”

“Choking on Hope”


“Climate Change made summer drought 20 times more likely”


“Ian is Florida’s deadliest hurricane since 1935. Most victims drowned.”


“Florida Leaders Rejected Major Climate Laws. Now They’re Seeking Storm Aid.

Senior Republican politicians in the state have opposed federal action against global warming, which is making storms like Hurricane Ian more destructive.”


What anti radiation drugs are being bought won’t be available to the non rich:

“Poland discusses hosting American nuclear weapons as US buys up anti-radiation drugs”


“Housing Bubble Woes: Mortgage Demand Plunges, Rates Near 7%, Spread Between Mortgage Rate & 10-Year Treasury Yield Blows Out Most since Dec. 2008 and 1986”


Say good bye to the money you have in the bank:

“How Dodd-Frank Made It Legal for Banks to Confiscate Funds During a Banking Crisis”

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