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11/2021 “EXPOSED: These companies are funding Trump’s insurrectionists”

Updated: Jan 10

“If you’re blaming only Manchin and Sinema, Biden and Pelosi thank you for being their dupes.”


If they don’t have it all washington prints more or gives it’s cash value:

“The cruelty and greed of the super-rich shows just how detached these corporations and people are from the notion of shared prosperity.”

“The Super-Rich Have Taken Almost All of It”

Hackberry Emperor (Asterocampa celtis)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2015-06-10 297aaaa2p

“So far as scientific evidence goes, the universe has crawled by slow stages to a somewhat pitiful result on this earth and is going to crawl by still more pitiful stages to a condition of universal death…If this is to be taken as evidence of purpose, I can only say that the purpose is one that does not appeal to me. I see no reason, therefore, to believe in any sort of God.”

Bertrand Russell (1948)


“Blue no matter who” should be “Blue they also don’t care about you”:

“Biden Rebuffs Reports His Administration Could Pay $450,000 Per Separated Child at Border”

“…Biden’s refusal to remedy the trauma and other psychological harm caused by family separation would be an “abandonment of a core campaign promise.””


“10 SINKING Cities That Will Soon Be Underwater (2021)”


if our own extinction depends on eliminating meat & other animal agriculture from our diet, then a law banning it must be passed. It goes without saying that we must hold govt & business people personally responsible for their material contributions to the death of our planet’s ability to support life.


The beauty of corporate personhood is your money entitles you to continue to benefit from the exclusive use of govt without having to recognize any of the “personal” liability for financing a deadly coup attempt on Jan 6


Cooper is awake:

“'That freaked me out': Anderson Cooper spooked by historian's claim that we're 'the last generation' of humans”


“Best quote I’ve heard in a while, “You can’t leave those who created the problem, in charge of the solution!””


Kirk Norring:

"When is this COP26 BS officially over with?"

“Until they start talking about COP27.

It's just one big running gag.

Almost all scientists report their findings to the government. The government has joined the dots well before anyone else did. They are fully aware of how bad the world has gotten in terms of Global Warming.

They just don't want to tell you because they know that would be a very painful death sentence. It's better for them to keep the populous under control with lies than to have everyone in a mass panic by telling you the truth.

Their lies get them rich and lets them live longer while telling you the truth will end the entire government system and throw the world into utter chaos.

COP Talks are lies designed to fool the masses and for the most part they work beautifully.

Just keep on giving empty promises and rely on people's hope to do all the work for them.

What is Hope?

It is the lie we tell ourselves so that we can feel better for the choices we have made.

Being optimistic is relying on hope or relying on lies.

The real world does not work on lies.

Global Warming is a fairly simple process and you can lie all you want about the outcome but in the end, Global Warming is an extinction event that will kill off everything.

I find all of these "negotiations" to be nothing but a massive joke. There are times that I find myself laughing every time someone comes up with some idea to "Save the planet".”

“It's a Joke”

“Global warming is irreversible. That is a fact. Stopping Global Warming is a tremendous task to be accomplished and can only happen if every man woman and child on this planet works together to do just that.

Mankind has not once achieved world peace.

So why would you think we can stop Global Warming?”


Even if they keep their word, there will be little left by 2030 at the current rate of deforestation. What’s more, In America, it is common practice for politicians to “shake down” the effected industries for money.

Finally, this probable lip-service (and if not, a lot of damage can still be done by Biden working with Timber companies prior to the cut off) should in no way exonerate anyone from acts of deforestation (or other environmental degradation) in the past that constitute Ecocide. If guilty Bolsonaro, Biden, Trudeau, etc MUST be prosecuted and if found guilty they must be stripped of their wealth to help the world cope with the consequences of their acts.

I did not consent to die for them as a result of the politicians & kin’s reckless accumulation of wealth and quest for ever more power:

“COP26: World leaders promise to end deforestation by 2030”


“The climate crisis is just another form of global oppression by the rich world” The climate crisis is just another form of global oppression by the rich world


Think of the Politicians that are still in Washington during this time:

“A new study reveals that the since 1980 the richest Americans have stolen $50 trillion from the bottom 90%

That amounts to $1,149 stolen from every American every single month of every year.”


“The Top 1% of Americans Have Taken $50 Trillion From the Bottom 90%—And That's Made the U.S. Less Secure”


Democrats & Republicans seemingly up their destruction$ of our planet for the Rich as the earth’s magnetic field cracks:

“The Earth's Magnetic Field is Cracked, So Are We in Any Danger?”


Complicity: Did ya notice Democrats party leaders won’t use the bully pulpit on Sinema or Manchin? And both Sinema and Manchin haven’t had their access to party funding stopped until they comply?

The saying shouldn’t be “vote blue, matter who” but “blue, they also don’t work for you!”


“Remember who we are dealing with........ Pelosi killed the $2k, as I predicted yesterday ( Dec 2020 ) .

By calling for "unanimous consent", she knew one person could kill it. And they did.

h/t Maureen Haley

Just following orders

After she ReplacePelosi tweeted support for $2,000!!!!! in 1st comment.

from Peter Menchini”

From DemocracyNow:

Nancy Pelosi:

“Republicans refused to say what amount the President wanted for direct checks. At last, the President has agreed to $2,000 – Democrats are ready to bring this to the Floor this week by unanimous consent. Let’s do it!”

“Nancy & Hoyer Say To Progressives: Just Pretend We Are Winning”


Jan 6: Corporations that wish to abolish America (and likely the US Constitution):

“EXPOSED: These companies are funding Trump’s insurrectionists” [including Pfizer]

“General Motors; UPS; American Airlines; Tyson; Boeing; Koch Industries; Lockheed Martin; Toyota; Reynolds American Inc.; Pfizer; Cigna; Walmart; Anheuser Busch Companies Inc.; PNC; Rocket Mortgage; Aflac; Chevron; Ford; iHeartMedia Inc.; Delta; AT&T; Johnson & Johnson; Comcast; Verizon; Alphabet Inc (Google); Motorola; PG&E; Anthem Inc; CVS Health; T-Mobil/Spring; Publix Super Markets; GE; Navient Corporation; AstraZeneca; Rolls Royce; Best Buy; Bloomin Brands; Liberty Mutual Insurance; Humana Inc. United Airlines; Lowe’s; Charter Communications Inc. (Spectrum); Home Depot; FedEx; Scotts Miracle-Gro Company; H&R Block; 1-800 Contacts Inc; Fox Corporation; Conoco Phillips; Gap; Deere & Company; Exxon Mobil; The Wendy’s Company; AutoZone Inc.; Wawa Inc.; Jet Blue Airways; Bacardi USA Inc & more”

“This sedition is brought to you by…”

“616 corporations and industry group PAC’s have given to Sedition Caucus members”


“EXPOSED: These companies are funding Trump’s insurrectionists”


Petition: “Tell AT&T: Stop funding Trump's favorite "news" channel”


“Amplifying Small-Dollar Donors in the Citizens United Era”

“Connecticut’s Citizens’ Election Program Shifted the Balance of Power to the People”

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