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9/2021 Two stunning maps show how rightwing politics & COVID-19 are intertwined

Updated: Jan 10

“I love a graph that’s dropping a hint”

“Wealth Distribution in France, 1760-90” and “Wealth Distribution in the US, 2016”

Hackberry Emperor (Asterocampa celtis)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2017 6/24 558aaa

“The Ten Poorest States are all Right to Work States”


Debbie Tucker:

“1) The Declaration of Independence says it is our DUTY to remove government that is abusive and despotic – we definitely have a very long list of their abuses to justify such removal!

2) The Constitution directs that federal money be spent to provide for the good of all, but for decades corrupt Congress has issued federal money to enrich themselves and their criminal buddies. ROUND OF CONGRESS to face charges – dereliction of duty, violating the Constitution, embezzling federal money, crimes against humanity, war crimes and more.

3) At every chance we must declare to the lying inhumane sociopaths in power that WE DO NOT CONSENT to what they are doing! Look up “consent of the governed” – we must UNITE with this message to remove the corrupt liars.”


“Laws are created to be followed by the poor.

Laws are made by the rich to bring some order to exploitation.

The poor are the only law-abiders in history.

When the poor make laws the rich will be no more.”

Roque Dalton Garcia (1974)


“Israel Unveils New Armed Robot Amid Outcry Over 'Death Machines'

"DSEI is a vicious example of everyday militarism."”


“Israel has the right to defend itself”

“Apologists for Israel want you to believe that: this tank is the victim and the boy is the aggressor.”


Do it fast and thoroughly, like in the Amazon, ride out the “big bath” of public reaction and then you’re in the clear. The whole idea is to get a healthy natural world “behind us”:

“Young People Can’t Remember How Much More Wildlife There Used to Be”


Sam Carana

“Deep Forest Soils Lose Carbon as Temperatures Climb “

Study shows even the large, old, and presumably stable stores of soil carbon are vulnerable to warming and could form positive feedbacks to climate change

Five years of whole-soil warming led to loss of subsoil carbon stocks and increased CO2 efflux” - by Jennifer Soong et al.




Understand that all our Nuclear Energy reactors will eventually meltdown:

Jason Scherl

“when ppl leave their post to look for food or check on family (Think Pandemic or apocalypse; supply chain disruptions) Uranium deliveries will be interrupted. When a reactor runs out of fuel and shuts down. the grid goes down. the backup generators keeping the reactor fuel cool and full of water will run out of gas. Then the spent fuel rod pools will run out of water. the water will boil away, the rods will melt down. When they hit the water table the 7 megaton Steam explosion will destroy the nearby reactor cores. china syndrome

there are 450 reactors, the ones that produce Plutonium instead of Power will destroy all life on Earth. 3rd world countries melt down first

Typically, reactor operators change out about one-third of the reactor core (40 to 90 fuel assemblies) every 12 to 24 months. -----

did you know?

In 2020, about 48.6 million pounds of uranium (U3O8 equivalent) were loaded into commercial U.S. nuclear power reactors.

20 hours ago

Good analysis, I've worked in the industry for decades, everything is under stress, lack of training, aging workforce, outdated plant and equipment, there is no money to retire equipment properly, cooling water must be supplied for many decades, as you say eventually they will all meltdown but there will be nobody alive to witness it.”

“When Nuclear Power and Weapons Have a Bad Day”


“Two stunning maps show how rightwing politics & COVID-19 are intertwined

COVID-19 shows just how much politics divides Americans.”


“The Penalties of Poverty.

If a man were absolutely destitute and took to theft as the only means of warding off starvation for himself or his family, the whole force of law at once descended heavily upon him. In New York State the law decreed it grand larceny to steal to the value of $25, and in other States the statutes were equally severe. For stealing $25 worth of anything the penalty was three years in prison at hard labor. The unfortunate was usually put in the convict chain-gang and forced to work along the roads. Street-begging was prohibited by drastic laws; poverty was substantially a crime. The moment a propertyless person stole, the assumption at once was that he was prima facie a criminal; but let the powerful propertied man steal and government at once refused to see the criminal intent; if he were prosecuted, the usual outcome was that he never went to jail. Hundreds of specific instances could be given to prove this. One of the most noted of these was that of Samuel Swartwout, who was Collector of the Port of New York for a considerable period and who, at the same time, was a financier and large land-speculation promoter. It came out in 1838 that he had stolen the enormous sum of $1,222,705.69 from the Government,[55] which money he had used in his schemes. He was a fugitive from justice for a time, but upon his return was looked upon extenuatingly as the "victim of circumstances" and he never languished in jail.”

“Since the laws favored the propertied interests, it was correspondingly easy for them to get direct control of government functions and personally exercise them. In New England rich shipowners rose at once to powerful elective and appointive officers. Likewise in New York rich landowners, and in the South, plantation men were selected for high offices. Law-making bodies, from Congress down, were filled with merchants, landowners, plantation men and lawyers, which last class was trained, as a rule, by association and self-interest to take the views of the propertied class and vote with, and for, it. A puissant politico-commercial aristocracy developed which, at all times, was perfectly conscious of its best interests. The worker was regaled with flattering commendations of the dignity of labor and sonorous generalizations and promises, but the ruling class took care of the laws.

By means of these partial laws, the propertied interests early began to get tremendously valuable special privileges. Banking rights, canal construction, trade privileges, government favors, public franchises all came in succession.

The Rigors of Law on the Poor.

At the same time that laws were enacted or were twisted to suit the will of property, other laws were long in force oppressing the poor to a terrifying degree.

Poor debtors could be thrown in jail indefinitely, no matter how small a sum they owned. In law, the laborer was accorded few rights. It was easy to defraud him of his meager wages, since he had no lien upon the products of his labor. His labor power was all that he had to sell, and the value of this power was not safeguarded by law. But the products created by his labor power in the form of property were fortified by the severest laws. For the laborer to be in debt was equal to a crime, in fact, in its results, worse than a crime. The burglar or pickpocket would get a certain sentence and then go free. The poor debtor, however, was compelled to languish in jail at the will of his creditor.”

Excerpt From: Myers Gustavus. (1872–1942)“History of the Great American Fortunes, Vol. I.”


Politico is Hillary Clinton’s brain child:

“Politico runs Lockheed Martin puff piece amid sponsorship questions

A recent article on the company’s secret weapons facility read more like promotional content.”

“There’s good reason to take everything you read on the internet with a grain of salt, and there’s an even better reason when the writers are being funded by Lockheed Martin. The military-industrial complex at work.

From Eli Clifton in Responsible Statecraft:”


John Berbatis

“Magma is moving underneath La Palma/Cumbre Vieja. Canary Islands Volcano and probability of an eruption.”


“This movie shows a physics-based computer simulation of a Mega Tsunami generated by a flank collapse of La Palma, Canary Islands.”

“La Palma Mega”

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