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8/2021 America's 2 political parties have damned the entire Planet - there's no going back

Updated: Jan 10

The unfolding Environmental Holocaust?, well as Naomi Klein puts it “This changes everything.”

More specifically, given where we are today – and this is going to be difficult for many people to accept - but it’s over. It’s ALL over - period.

Now everything we do. Everything we are. All of it must only be geared toward the long term survival of human kind or we are as easily extinct. In fact, if EVERYTHING doesn’t change, we are the walking dead.

If anybody thinks they can wait what we have unfolding out in a bunker they are sadly mistaken. Sadly, if anyone thinks they can stop what’s unfolding from claiming the planet, they may very well also be sadly mistaken.

Hackberry Emperor (Asterocampa celtis)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2021 6/13 _F2A5735aaa

"Publicly funded lobbying efforts have helped to maintain the fossil fuel industry’s stronghold in New Mexico – a state where Indigenous communities have criticized previous oil and gas policies as environmental racism because of the long-term impact on their health and land."

“How big oil keeps a grip on New Mexico – with the help of a major lobbyist

Records show the firm FTI and its fossil fuel clients benefit from local government tie”


The foolishness of banks offering and customers signing a 30 year mortgage today:

A trend I see developing in the next few years is that people will sell assets like houses and shares and cash in their superannuation funds. And also stop working.

Many more than usual will want to spend their money to get their kicks before the whole shithouse goes up in flames. Cruises and overseas travel and spending on "experiences" like hot air ballooning, sky diving and scuba diving will increase rapidly.

When people begin to realise that they only have 5-10 years left everything will change.

What other things do you see for the near future?”


“Say Goodbye to Quality Natural Water” while Biden gave Wall St the go ahead to trade potable Water”

“35 Years ago I saw the Great Salt Lake as A Tourist. At the time the Lake was growing so fast part of the tour was all the hotels and parks that were underwater. The lake was rising and growing so fast it was a huge problem back then. 30 years ago i used to watch the weather to see if it would rain or not, that can affect driving conditions. Now I watch the weather to see if roads are passable; If fire or flood have not destroyed them. Also now I can find out if I have to evacuate, shelter in place, or find god and start praying because escape is no longer possible. Oh and Close the windows the air cant be breathed due to more pollen and too much smoke.

Say Goodbye to Quality Natural Water”


Environmental Homicide for the rich - it’s all the rage in social murder for the Demgops:

How do they get away with it when they are already causing death to civilian Americans in so many ways?

Environmental Homicide:

Dispersive and non specific to any one person;

oftentimes there is a delay between the act of killing and the actual death; and

for a government official their position is thought of providing as at least one order of separation from the death, in fact, the killing relies heavily on the protections afforded public\elected office or judicial appointments


On tract:

“MIT predicted society would collapse by 2040. New data tells how we're doing”


“MIT Predicted in 1972 That Society Will Collapse This Century. New Research Shows We’re on Schedule.

A 1972 MIT study predicted that rapid economic growth would lead to societal collapse in the mid 21st century. A new paper shows we’re unfortunately right on schedule.”


145 F and climbing:

“Nowhere Is Ready for This Heat

The Pacific Northwest is melting now, but all across America the infrastructure we have was built for the wrong century.”


"Perhaps the scariest thing about the climate crisis is that as it accelerates, it is raging out of the neat little silo it’s been placed in and running smack into every other’s claiming its mantle as the 'threat multiplier' it was ordained as."

“2020: The Year of the Converging Crises

Dealing with one crisis at a time was a luxury that is now over, and climate change has become the “threat multiplier” we knew it would be”


“This is Why We Should Stop Calling it Climate Change

The Words “Climate Change” May End Up Being The Biggest Lie Ever Told”


“Science Update: Continued IPCC Conservatism and Lies”



“It's the policies: The Democratic Party helped to create today’s shockingly disillusioned and sullen public

The Democratic Party has also cleared the way for the greatest concentration of economic power in a century.

Clinton stripped antitrust out of the Democratic platform; it was the first time a reference to monopoly power was not in the platform since 1880.

Free trade, deregulation, and balanced budgets would animate Clinton’s political economy, with high-tech and finance leading the way.

NAFTA billy clinton's economy was not structural, it was a illusion”



“The highest form of knowledge is empathy, for it requires us to suspend our egos and live in another’s world” – Plato


“"Right now, we are facing a man-made disaster of global scale," said Sir David Attenborough. "Our greatest threat in thousands of years. Climate change. If we don't take action, the collapse of our civilizations and the extinction of much of the natural world is on the horizon."”

“Sir David Attenborough: Climate change 'our greatest threat'”


“EPA’S Permittance of Toxic PFAS Chemicals in Fracking is Cause to Ban the Process Entirely”


It could be argued that the falling purchasing power of the dollar is linked to Washington printing more and more money to give to campaign contributors:

“It is not an exaggeration to say that Fed policy has enabled zombie companies and made ravenous debt monsters of corporations and governments alike. It has the entire economy dangerously far out on a limb.”

“Fed Policy Has Enabled Zombie Companies, Created Corp. Debt Monsters”

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