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5/2023 Pharmaceutical Profits $50 billion while 1 in 5 Americans can’t afford lifesaving medications

Updated: Jan 10

Hackberry Emperor (Asterocampa celtis)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2022-06-23 _F2A8390aaa

“America: Kids can work in factories

America: if an active shooter comes into their class, kids should just hide in a big metal box

America: Lmao why would preschool be free

America: why aren’t people having kids anymore


“Julian Assange should receive the nobel prize for exposed the CIA’s frauds to the whole planet” Lula Da Silva, President of Brazil

“Maureen Haley, April 19 at 4:19 AM,

This Morning I tried to buy a t-shirt from Wikileaks as an assist by donations and was unable to pull up that part of web sight. Despicable!”


“Dave Chia writes

After the revolution, any attempts to hide the truth will be considered anti-democratic and treasonous, punishable with long, mandatory prison sentences.

Govt Transparency:

“Caitlin Johnstone: People shouldn’t punished for revealing the secrets of the government, governments should be punished for keeping secrets from the people.

Caitlin Johnstone: It shouldn’t be illegal to expose the abuses and deceptions of your government, it should be illegal for the government to abuse and deceive.”


““Polarization” isn’t intrinsically good or bad, but the kind we have now is a roadblock to progress. We need to find ways to depolarize along culture war lines and repolarize along class war lines.”

“We Don’t Need a Culture War. We Need a Class War.”


“Could anthropogenic climate change result in worldwide societal collapse or even eventual human extinction? At present, this is a dangerously underexplored topic … yet there are ample reasons to suspect that climate change could result in a global catastrophe,” wrote the eminent Australian climate scientist Will Steffen and his colleagues in August 2002 in “Climate Endgame: Exploring catastrophic climate change scenarios.”

“Faster than forecast, climate impacts trigger tipping points in the Earth system”


“There were seven mass shootings on Saturday. A park shooting in Kentucky, in a community still processing a bank shooting. Two dead. A Sweet Sixteen birthday party in Alabama. Four dead, 28 injured. The numbers are horrific beyond belief. Guns are now the number one cause of death for children. Why is such extreme violence normal in America?”

“Why is America the Rich World’s Most Extremely Violent Society?

The Unique Problem of Extreme American Violence”


“In 2019, poverty was the fourth leading cause of death in the US for people aged 15 or older, with at least 183,000 deaths linked to inadequate income, according to research in the Journal of the American Medical Association.”

“Poverty Is the 4th Leading Cause of Death in the US, Research Shows

“Poverty silently killed 10 times as many people as all the homicides in 2019,” says the lead author of a new analysis.”


“It’s Time to Ban Depleted Uranium Weapons”


“Poverty is violence.

Endless war is violence.

Homelessness is violence.

Racial profiling is violence.

Mass incarceration is violence.

Denying healthcare is violence.

Unaffordable housing is violence.

Inequitable opportunity is violence.

Destroying our environment is violence.

Once we recognize these unnecessary and avoidable cause fo harm as forms of structural violence, we begin to understand the dominate culture in the United States for what it is – a nation that legitimizes and perpetuates violence for profit.”


In a real democracy, people who leak government secrets are honored, in fascist military states they are imprisoned.


French Protests:

“A reminder from France, Bordeaux, 17.04.2023:

Political states and their juridical systems are legitimate insofar as they represent the will of people, their legitimacy over power and violence is not absolute, neither untouchable”

“CHAOS: French Protests After Macron Signs Pension Reform”


“The pharmaceutical industry made $50,000,000,000 in profit last year.

Meanwhile 1 in 5 Americans can’t afford lifesaving medications.

It’s nothing short of criminal negligence for that to happen.”


There is no way in hell Wisconsin “taxed to much” when stuff like this is on its way. It’s true. Billions are going to die:

“Severe heatwave engulfs Asia causing deaths and forcing schools to close”

“A severe heatwave has swept across much of Asia, causing deaths and school closures in India and record-breaking temperatures in China.

Maximiliano Herrera, a climatologist and weather historian, described the unusually high temperatures as the “worst April heatwave in Asian history”.


“Amid climate experts' urgent warnings to keep planet-heating fossil fuels in the ground, two recently published studies show that methane emissions from U.S. oil and gas fields as well as megafires exacerbated by rising temperatures are even worse than scientists thought.”

“Drilling Operations, Wildfires Emitting Far More Methane Than Previously Known: Studies

One study found that methane pollution from gas and oil fields during a recent decade was 70% higher than EPA figures.”


“Blair’s Former Allies on Trial for War Crimes”


“The amount of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere reached a new daily record over the weekend.

Before the industrial revolution CO2 was around 280ppm for 6,000 yrs.”


“Tweet by Matthew Todd:

‘If we carry on the way we’re going, I can’t see this civilisation lasting to the end of this century… no chance in my opinion, on this current trajectory’, Scientists on the severity of the global climate and biodiversity crisis [#JustStopOil](

) [#ExtinctionRebellion](


Prof. Lenton,

Prof. Schellnhuber,

Dr. Kalmus,

Prof. Steinberger,

Prof. Anderson,

Prof. Steffen,


America’s Judicial Corruption is helping to kill the entire planet. Please notify you’re respective government to apprehend any America Judges that may set foot in your country.

“The US’s First Natural Gas Ban Just Got Shot Down in Court

Natural gas use in buildings not only releases huge quantities of greenhouse gasses, but also threatens people’s health.”

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