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5/2023 “Wisconsin lawmakers hope to outlaw local bans on gas engines”

Updated: Jan 17

Great Spangled Fritillary (Speyeria cybele)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2022-07-04 _F2A0868aaa

Maureen Haley:

“Privatizing our Medicare! Fight this!

“Privatizing is code for billionaire profits!” = “Joe Biden is privatizing Medicare


“Elizabeth Warren was an anti-lgbt republican until 1996.

Joe Biden as an anti-lgbt conservative until 2012.

Anyways, here’s our boy Bernard (Sanders)”


“Pipeline Leak on Wyoming Reservation Spills Crude Oil Into Wind River Tributary”

“A pipeline leak has resulted in a spill of an undetermined amount of crude oil into a tributary of the Wind River north of Crowheart on the Wind River Indian Reservation.”



The government says it needs secrecy in order to win wars and protect freedom. History says the government needs secrecy in order to start wars and restrict freedom.

It’s just so crazy how it’s taken as a given that governments keep these secrets for good and noble reasons which must be protected with as much force as necessary, when we know for a fact att this is false and have known it for gernations.

As Julian Assange once said, “The overwhelming majority of information is classified to protect political security, not national security.”


“Sam Carana, NearTermHumanExtinction, April 17 at 10:07 PM

Sea surface remains hot”

“This year, the sea surface temperature between 60°South and 60°North has remained above 21°C for 24 days. Temperatures above 21°C haven't occurred before on any day in earlier years in the NOAA record that started in 1981.

The image shows a difference between 2022 (orange line) and 2023 (black line) of as much as 0.3°C and this is partly due to the fact that we're moving into an El Niño.

Vast amounts of ocean heat are moving toward the Arctic this year. With further melting of sea ice and thawing of permafrost, the Arctic Ocean can be expected to receive more and more heat over the next few years, i.e. more heat from direct sunlight, more heat from rivers, more heat from heatwaves and more ocean heat from the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean.

Last year, North Atlantic sea surface temperatures reached a record high of 24.9°C in early September. Rising temperatures threaten to trigger massive loss of sea ice (and loss of albedo) and eruptions of methane from the seafloor of the Arctic Ocean.

A huge temperature rise thus threatens to unfold over the next few years. Altogether, the rise from pre-industrial could be more than 18.44°C by 2026. Meanwhile, humans are likely to go extinct with a rise of 3°C and most life on Earth will disappear with a 5°C rise.

From the post 'Temperatures rising fast March 2023', at:


Sam Carana \ Arctic news, April 18 at 2:04 AM

“Shift to 'flash droughts' as climate warms”

“A global transition to flash droughts under climate change - by Xing Yuan et al.


Ukraine: The First (or Third?) Climate War” - by Peter Olandt”



Carbon dioxide (CO₂) at Mauna Loa, was 424.83 ppm on April 17, 2023, a record high in measurements taken at Mauna Loa, Hawaii.

Average CO₂ was 422.88 ppm for the week beginning April 9, 2023, also a new record high.

Monthly CO₂ in March 2023 was 421 ppm, also a new record high.

From the post 'Temperatures rising fast March 2023', at:”


“’We weren’t bribing Speaker Madigan’: Ex-ComEd CEO Anne Pramaggiore back on witness stand in her own defense in ‘ComEd Four’ case”


“Protecting self destructive choices (that benefit big oil) by taking away our rights to self govern. The result is compounding environmental collapse with all the attending suffering and death from not having taken common sense measures. To put it in terms that our politicians can understand it’s like a bartender over-serving a patron and then having that patron who exercised his\her right to choice (fueling the bar owner’s profits$) go drive off drunk and cause property damage, suffering and death. And, like with any addiction, laws that outlaw a drug dealers right to sell, say, Koch’n is bad social policy and when it comes to the environment we can afford ANY missed opportunities.

That is why the politicians behind such ‘right to choice legislation despite it ‘being clearly and profoundly good for you because it damages our shared plight from the planet’s death must be prosecuted no matter how long it takes to create a climate in which they can be prosecuted. They and thei theirs & assigns must not be allowed to profit from this”

“Wisconsin lawmakers hope to outlaw local bans on gas engines”


(Facebook is going bananas on my account! Even striking down a picture of a rainbow used by David Attenborough! Did something happen in zuckerberg’s personal life or something?!)


Climate collapse eliminates competition:

“A sad story. They lost their crops AND their bees as well as their dog.”

“Floods tore through California crops – now small immigrant farmers face destitution”


“Almost Everything You Need to Know about Global, Regional, and Local Sea Level Rise and Acceleration”

“"There is an awful lot to know about sea level rise, and the consequences to humanity, as well as to changing carbon sinks and cascading links to accelerate already abrupt climate system change.

I cannot possibly cover all these things in one video, so I take a scattered, shotgun type approach to bring up a number of important aspects and consequences of rapid sea level rise.

Here are some of the topics I chat about in this video:

- how rising sea levels can undercut fresh groundwater near coastlines, forcing the less dense groundwater upwards to near the surface and even above the surface level to flood inland areas even before the sea water rises significantly over the coastlines

- how rising seas make tropical storms much more deadly and costly, especially when the storms hit during so-called king tides

- how an indigenous community in Panama is escaping rising seas; this community has been in place for many many centuries and has no choice but to move inland

- how climate and human impacts have disrupted the hydrological process greatly increasing the land area lost in Southern Louisiana

- Puerto Rico has declared a state of emergency on coastal erosion; two-thirds of the islands 3.2 million residents live along coastal areas, with 20% living in areas at high risk of ocean flooding

- how to access data on the US Nationsl Esruarine Research Reserve System (estuaries are brackish meeting places of fresh water rivers and the ocean)

- rapid sea level rise of 10 mm per year are occurring along some parts of the US East and Gulf Coasts over the past decade

- how the vast Sundarbans Mangrove Forest in southwest Bangladesh is responding to climate change impacts including coastal flooding and extreme weather events. Mangroves are one of the most carbon dense systems on our planet, and are a vital global sink of carbon

- how coastal nuclear power plants (comprising one quarter of the worlds working commercial nuclear reactors) are being negatively affected by accelerating global sea level rise

- how coastal infrastructure planners use widely varying sea-level rise projections for coastal adaptation, or even ignore global SLR completely

- how record rises in global sea level along some Chinese coastlines (10 mm per year) threaten China; about 45% of China’s population of around 1.4 billion people, and more than 50% of the counties economic output comes from coastal regions

- how climate risk causing flooding is unpriced in US housing markets, and thus the residential housing market is overvalued by US $121 to US $237 billion dollars. Low-income households are at greater risk, and municipalities that are heavily reliant on property taxes for revenue (most of them) are very vulnerable to budgetary shortfalls”


“Greta Thunberg used to say her goal was to protect the planet from climate change but she now admits it’s to overthrow “the whole capitalist system,” which she says is responsible for “imperialism, oppression, genocide..racist, oppressive extractionism”


“Our Meaningless Existence Killed the Planet, but We’re Already Dead

We pursued profit and private property, creating nothing while destroying everything.”

"The relentless raping and abuse to build a civilization destabilized ecosystems, the atmosphere, and every species, including us. Pursuing profit and private property compelled us to unsettle the perfectly settled environment. We destroyed everything we touched without ever coming close to constructing a decent existence, and there are no second chances."


“As time goes on, we learn just what a disaster Ronald Reagan was—first as a presidential candidate, and then when actually holding the office. At both stages, he broke the law repeatedly in ways that, by comparison, made Richard Nixon look “small time.””

“Ronald Reagan’s Fratricidal Basis of Power”

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