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01/2022 Democrats are delivering us to authoritarian fascism

Updated: Jan 17

Democrats are leading us to a very bad place. But they are fully on board with giving the Rich whatever they want, including our government:

““The Coming Coup”: Ari Berman on Republican Efforts to Steal Future Elections”

“The Republican Party is plotting to steal the upcoming elections through a combination of racist gerrymandering, voter suppression and election subversion.”


Human extinction baked in?:

“New Findings Warn Earth Could Break Key Warming Barrier In 2033”

“New analysis of temperatures around the world in 2021 indicate that the planet is on track to pass an all-important warming threshold much earlier than scientists had hoped.”

Great Spangled Fritillary (Speyeria cybele)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2019-07-05 _F2A0040aaa

“Fascism in the USA and Strategies to Fight It”



“If dems cared about voting rights it’d be Bernie Sanders 2nd term right now”


“DNC Attorney Bruce Spiva

1) There is no such thing as a “Democrat”. The DNC just encourages people to vote for the Democratic Party.

2) No one has any right to an expectation of a fair election. If the DNC wishes to select a candidate in the primaries, instead of a free election process, that is their right.

3) Donating money to Bernie Sanders doesn’t mean you thought that money was going to assist him to win the primary. You have no right to think the DNC was obligated to follow their own charter and internal policies about elections.

4) Discussion of, and any disputes with the DNC do not belong in a transparent process in a court of law. The DNC is a private association, which should never be asked to engage in the discovery process, or have to reveal any of its internal workings or strategies should they decide to select a candidate, rather than allow a fair election of a candidate.”


'In This Letter, I'll Read It': Lankford Points To Letter Signed By Harris Supporting Filibuster”


Democrats are delivering us to authoritarian fascism and Biden is a White Nationalist:


Joe Biden made history by calling for changes to the filibuster to pass voting rights legislation. Activists and civil rights groups aren’t having it.”

“A coalition of voting rights activists and civil rights leaders held a press conference to declare that they would not attend the president’s speech, expressing displeasure at the half-measures Biden has taken to pass a voting rights bill.”


“The Secret Student Group That Stood Up to the Nazis

The White Rose was short-lived, but its words were hard to ignore”


The final dissolution of our Democracy was only made possible with the complicit of the Democratic Party – period:

“I truly think it is beautiful that the last democrats we’ll ever have in the white house decided to do nothing during their whole term. A lasting testament to the party.”


So solve labor problem by allowing people who don’t fully have typical adult financial obligations work!? Effectively a child’s finances,...Democrats are the effectively promoting child labor,...this is Buttigieg’s solution?! If it looks like a duck and quakes like a duck its Democrats authorizing Child Labor:

“US to allow teen semi drivers in test apprenticeship program”

“Biden Administration Rolling Out Teenage Truckers To Ease Supply Chain Woes

The bipartisan infrastructure bill included a big favor to the trucking industry.”


Mark Trewick:

“This report, (referenced below) was released right before the unfortunate start of the Pandemic.

Timing is everything.

The report presents the latest data on the expected gap in 2030 for the 1.5°C and 2°C temperature targets of the Paris Agreement. It considers different scenarios, from no new climate policies since 2005 to full implementation of all national commitments under the Paris Agreement. For the first time, it looks at how large annual cuts would need to be from 2020 to 2030 to stay on track to meeting the Paris goals.

Considering a more realistic baseline of 1650, factor in the following.

The report revealed that even if countries meet commitments made under the 2015 Paris Agreement, the world is heading for a 3.2 degrees Celsius global temperature rise over pre-industrial levels, leading to even wider-ranging and more destructive climate impacts.

Tag on my extra half a degree and we have 3.7°

3°C is planetary annihilation.

Also consider. N.B.

The latest ENSO probability suggests El-Ninó could begin to kick in around July/Aug/Sept time. This will be the end of northern hemisphere ice if it coincides with a record min Arctic sea ice extent in Aug/Sept. If not, Boe will come next year, Summer 2023.”

“On the Brink, Emissions Gap Report 2019 Launch”

UN Environment Programme: “We’re on perilous ground. We are on track for a temperature rise of over 3C. This would bring mass extinctions & large parts of the planet would be uninhabitable. We need to supercharge our #ClimateAction ambition NOW to close the #EmissionsGap:”


Mark Trewick

“Nobody has ten years.

Most don't have five years.

Half don't have three years.

This is what abrupt, irreversible exponential hothouse Earth looks like in its early phase. Nonlinearity and climate variability, coupled with cascading self reinforced feedbacks and the firing of the clathrate gun will see us all gone by 2030.”


We would have gone extinct the last time CO2 hit 400 ppms (we’re at 420ppm):

“analyses of ice cores and ocean sediments in the coldest place on Earth have now revealed that 400 ppm was last surpassed three million years ago during the Late Pliocene, when temperatures were several degrees Celsius higher, and oceans at least 15 metres deeper.”

“Dire future etched in the past: CO2 at 3-million year-old levels”


“27,000 fewer deaths each year from cold as climate warms, ONS estimates

But there was a net increase in hospital admissions linked with warmer weather.”

Mark Trewick: “They fail to mention that extreme temperatures killed over 54 million people worldwide last year with the rate rising fast and 400 weather stations registered new all time record temperatures with the last 8 years being the hottest in human history.”


“Demand Term Limits on Members of Congress”


“Trump officials interfered with the 2020 census beyond cutting it short, email shows”


Washington’s Global Warming is devastating agriculture:

“Heat wave could raise temperatures to nearly 50ºC in South America”

"An unprecedented heat wave is going through South America and some cities in Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay have been forecast to be looking out for temperatures around 50ºC, it was reported, while 40ºC seems to have become the new normal.

Buenos Aires and Montevideo reached that mark Tuesday, while the city of San Antonio Oeste, in Argentine Patagonia, had registered 42.8ºC on Monday. For the Argentine capital it was the highest temperature since 1995. The National Weather Service (SMN) also said the city was facing its fourth hottest day in 115 years, or since records began to be archived in 1906.

According to MetSul, a meteorology company from Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil, some areas in Argentina are expected to reach between 45ºC and 47ºC, while Uruguay will face temperatures between 41ºC and 43ºC."

"In Rio Grande do Sul, 159 municipalities are already in an emergency situation due to the drought that started in November. The losses recorded so far are spread across the production of grains, fruits, vegetables and milk.

In Uruguay, the first days of 2022 were already marked by frightening images of fires in the Paysandú area, where about 37,000 hectares were burnt in the biggest fire in the country's history."”


Data showing Unions raise a state’s average salary:


“These 8 companies and trade groups are said to be among the top donors to 'Sedition Caucus' Republicans who voted against certifying the 2020 election result”


“Jan. 6 is over, but U.S. corporations are still funding a slow-motion coup. Call them out!”


“Carbon dioxide peaks near 420 parts per million at Mauna Loa observatory”

"The atmospheric burden of CO2 is now comparable to where it was during the Pliocene Climatic Optimum, between 4.1 and 4.5 million years ago, when CO2 was close to, or above 400 ppm. During that time, sea level was about 78 feet higher than today, the average temperature was 7 degrees Fahrenheit higher than in pre-industrial times, and studies indicate large forests occupied areas of the Arctic that are now tundra."


Sam Carana January 15

“CO₂ concentration at Mauna Loa was 419.08 ppm on January 14, 2022. The annual peak for CO₂ is expected to occur about May 2022, so it will still go up a lot higher than this over the next few months.

The danger is that high concentrations of greenhouse gases over the Arctic will contribute to high temperature anomalies in the Arctic and result in further decline of the snow and ice cover and associated changes to the Jet Stream, causing abrupt methane releases from submarine sediments containing hydrates and chambers of free gas.

The MetOp-B satellite recorded a mean methane level of 1958 ppb on October 25, 2021 am at 295 mb, and when using a 1-year GWP of 200, this translates into 391.6 ppm CO₂e. Together with the above CO₂, that's 391.6 + 419.08 = 810.68 ppm CO₂e.

Now add an additional 5 Gt of methane from an abrupt eruption of the seafloor, which is only 10% of the 50Gt that Natalia Shakhova et al. warned about long ago, while 50 Gt is in turn only a small fraction of all the methane contained in sediments in the Arctic. On its own, such an eruption of seafloor methane could raise the global mean methane concentration by almost 2000 ppb which, at a 1-year GWP of 200, would translate into 400 ppm CO₂.

So, that would abruptly cause the joint CO₂e of just two greenhouse gases, i.e. methane and CO₂, to cross the 1200 ppm clouds tipping point, triggering a further 8°C global temperature rise, due to the clouds feedback.

From the post 'Terrifying Arctic greenhouse gas levels continue', at:”


“Record levels of greenhouse gas methane are a ‘fire alarm moment’

Average atmospheric concentrations of methane reached 1900 parts per billion last September, the highest in nearly four decades of records


“U.S. reports over 1 million new daily Covid cases as omicron surges”


“Jimmy Carter: I Fear for Our Democracy”


It’s increasingly likely Mankind will not survive past 2050, if not sooner:

“Global Climate Change Impact on Crops Expected Within 10 Years, NASA Study Finds”

“Climate change may affect the production of maize (corn) and wheat as early as 2030, according to a new NASA study.”


American grocery store shelves are once again empty. And in a few more years, they’ll stay that way for millennia:

“U.S. grocery shortages deepen as pandemic dries supplies”

“High demand for groceries combined with soaring freight costs and Omicron-related labor shortages are creating a new round of backlogs at processed food and fresh produce companies, leading to empty shelves”


“Didn’t all the climate stuff go away when Covid came along? You might think so. With everyone running around getting masked and vaxxed — or for the Dunning-Kruger crowd, vocally de-masked and un-vaxxed — environmental stories have had a lower profile in the catastro-news cycle. But even with 5.5 million global deaths and counting, Covid-19 looks like a Disney princess sweet sixteen party compared to what’s coming down the climate pipe.”

“Apocalypse Soon: Climate Crisis Update for 2022

Latest numbers confirm that COVID-19 hasn’t derailed catastrophic climate change”


“The Global North’s Vaccine Charity Is a Sham”

“The Global North is responding to vaccine inequality by dumping near-expired doses on African countries without infrastructure to disseminate them. Those doses don't end up in arms – they end up in the bin.”


“The Insufferable Hypocrisy of Western Governments Hell-Bent on Destroying Julian Assange (Video)”

“Hypocrisy is morphing into some sort of western media virtual reality.

“You are in pretty bad shape when the Chinese government can justifiably accuse you of hypocrisy.””


Western rich desperately want another war and democrats will give it to them:

“Lacking Military Options US Considers Disastrous Plan to Sponsor Partisan War in Ukraine”


Hunter Biden’s Ukraine:

“America's War Machine”


“Over the past 20 years…U.S. and allied air forces have dropped more than 337,000 bombs and missiles on other countries. That’s an average of 46 strikes per day for 20 years.” Medea Benjamin & Nicolas J.S. Davies


Democrats will not tolerate Democracy in South and Central America:

“Venezuela, Nicaragua, Bolivia unite in Cuba at anti-imperialist ALBA summit”

“Leftist Latin American and Caribbean leaders gathered in Cuba for the 20th summit of the anti-imperialist Bolivarian Alliance (ALBA). Ben Norton discusses the important meeting, and translates highlights from the speeches of Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega, Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro, Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel, and Bolivian President Luis Arce.”


Sick or dead from COVID? Blame Charles Koch:

“Tea Party Redux: How the Koch Network Funds and Fuels the Anti-Lockdown Movement”


Jail him along with the politicians that won’t:

“Billionaire Koch funding anti-lockdown protests, anti-public health activism, research and messaging”


“The Killing$ of Tony Blair” aka “Wonderful World of Tony Blair.avi”

“A genocidal psychopath has been knighted by HM Queen Elizabeth II. It's 2022 & nothing has changed.

Tony Blair Institute for Global Change, International Criminal Court – ICC


Money based politics has rendered America incapable or responsible state craft:

“Trump Soft-Launches His 2024 Campaign

The former president’s message at his Arizona rally was as clear as it was dishonest: He didn’t lose to Joe Biden in 2020, and he’ll spend the next year working to elect Republicans who agree.”


Democrats are delivering the American 99% to a very bad place in order to serve the Rich:

“Election officials in Texas reject hundreds of ballot applications under state’s new voting restrictions”


“Florida gay rights activist found dead in landfill

Jorge Diaz-Johnston and his husband were among six couples who helped pave the way for same-sex marriage in Miami-Dade County.”


Trashing Constitutions via voting, it’s all the rage:

“Kosovo bans Serbian vote on constitutional changes on its soil”


“Ontario to stop logging COVID-19 school cases, memo says; NDP calls it 'terrifying for parents'”


Biden is also considering stopping the release of COVID infection and death data if he hasn’t already:

“We Can’t Stop Reporting Covid Cases”


“The Biden Administration Rejected an October Proposal for “Free Rapid Tests for the Holidays””


“Why the volcanic eruption in Tonga was so violent, and what to expect next”


Democrats\Republicans are taking the world to a very bad place:

“Long-term temperature trends point to a frightening trajectory in global heat records. In a stable climate, without annual re-orderings at the top of the hottest-years list, the world should set hot and cold records about evenly. But as greenhouse gas pollution continues to rise, hot extremes are intensifying and becoming more frequent. Cold spells are becoming weaker and more rare.”

“The World’s Troubling New Tempo of Temperature Records”


Special interests run America’s government. Recall that trump donated to Kamala Harris’s political campaign:

“Whose democracy are they talking about when they say our Republic is in danger?

Instead of talking to ordinary Americans, policy experts or community leaders, who is Vice President Kamala Harris talking to?

We live in a country where half of the people are poor or near poor; drug abuse, violence, mental illness & suicide are an epidemic. A country that has fallen behind other advanced nations, with out of date infrastructure, whose people distrust Politicians & the Media, and are angry at our bloodthirsty, greedy, corrupt ruling class. A world that faces two catastrophes: global warming & nuclear war.

She's getting policy advice from a cartel that is paid by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) & NSA - National Security Agency to spy on us...

Donald J. Trump supported Kamala Harris's political career by contributing to her campaigns. She kept Trump's Treasury Secretary, Steven Mnuchin out of prison & let him keep millions he stole. She was endorsed by police unions.

According to the The Wall Street Journal, Harris was the top choice of Bankers to be Joe Bidens VP. Black voters preferred Elizabeth Warren.”


“What Kamala Harris Means for Wall Street and Silicon Valley”

“Why Kamala Harris' cozy relationship with corporations is worrying

The vice president's corporate-influenced migration policy exemplifies why her hobnobbing should worry us.”

“Kamala Harris’s controversial record on criminal justice, explained”

“When Kamala Harris Could Have Pushed To Investigate Police Shootings, She Didn’t”


OneWest Bank, which Donald Trump’s treasury secretary nominee Steven Mnuchin ran from 2009 to 2015, repeatedly broke California’s foreclosure laws, according to a previously undisclosed 2013 memo from top state prosecutors.”

“Kamala Harris Has To Answer For Not Prosecuting Steve Mnuchin”

“Fact check: Yes, Trump did donate to Kamala Harris' past campaigns”

“Harris Quietly Taps Wall Street, Tech CEOs for Advice on Policy”


“Opinion: The GOP isn’t even trying to sound coherent anymore”

Hugh O’Connor:

“A quote from the article: "This is a single day in the life of a party that no longer attempts to appeal to grown-up voters, to stay within throwing distance of the truth or to produce a positive agenda on which to run for office.

There are several reasons, beyond just Republicans’ pathetic obedience to their reality-challenged leader, that we reached this moment of absurdity. This includes the right-wing cocoon that protects its MAGA favorites from scrutiny; the mainstream media’s pretense that the GOP is a serious and responsible party; and Democrats’ refusal to mock Republicans at every turn and call them out for undemocratic conduct (e.g., fomenting political violence, refusing to recognize election results).

The three-ring GOP circus, its enablers, its right-wing media propaganda machine and its bamboozled (or deeply cynical) voters raise a serious question about self-governance. If tens of millions of people willingly look at such crackpottery and say, “Yay, those guys!,” there is no democratic reform or voting rights legislation that will rescue us. Their excuses (they are disrespected, etc.) are similar to what a child would offer for rotten behavior. We infantilize our fellow Americans in assuming they don’t understand that this objectionable conduct is disqualifying for public office."”


“REPORT: Congress Gets RICH & Beats The Stock Market With Corrupt Trades | The Kyle Kulinski Show”


Today’s 6th Mass Extinction:

Trisha Roberts:

“The study, published in the journal Science, created a huge dataset based on almost 40,000 farms in 119 countries and covering 40 food products that represent 90% of all that is eaten. It assessed the full impact of these foods, from farm to fork, on land use, climate change emissions, freshwater use and water pollution (eutrophication) and air pollution (acidification).

“A vegan diet (a diet free of meat, fish, eggs, dairy etc) is probably the single biggest way to reduce your impact on planet Earth, not just greenhouse gases, but global acidification, eutrophication, land use and water use,” said Joseph Poore, at the University of Oxford, UK, who led the research. “It is far bigger than cutting down on your flights or buying an electric car,” he said, as these only cut greenhouse gas emissions.

The new research shows that without meat and dairy consumption, global farmland use could be reduced by more than 75% – an area equivalent to the US, China, European Union and Australia combined – and still feed the world. Loss of wild areas to agriculture is the leading cause of the current mass extinction of wildlife.”


“In 2012, a scientific study predicted a 39-inch rise in sea level along the North Carolina coast over the next century. In response, North Carolina lawmakers passed a law banning the use of scientific predictions of sea-level rise when considering new developments along the coast.”

“Michael Anthony Capone

Imagine living a life in which science isn't relevant and fairy tales are. We're doomed.”


“Impact of COVID-19 induced lockdown on land surface temperature, aerosol, and urban heat in Europe and North America”

Mark Trewick:


3.1. Nighttime and daytime LST during the lockdown over Europe and North America

The spatial distribution of nighttime and daytime standardized LST anomaly (°C) across European countries during the lockdown period in 2020 (10th March– 10th May) with respect to 2015–2019 mean is shown in Fig. 1 (a, b). The standardized LST (nighttime) anomaly in 2020 against the reference data (2015– 2019) reveals that the anomaly ranged between –5 °C (in the eastern part of Europe, Ukraine) and +5°C (Western Europe, mostly in France, Ireland and in Alpine region). The negative anomaly was profound (–1 to –5 °C), especially over central and eastern parts of Europe, as well as over the Balkans, while moderate negative anomaly was found over the Iberian Peninsula and the Mediterranean area (Fig. 1a). On the contrary, positive daytime LST anomalies were observed in the vast areas of central-western Europe and UK, while the negative LST anomalies were limited over the northern European countries (i.e. Scandinavia), as well as over the Baltic countries and the Iberian Peninsula (Fig. 1b). The LST anomalies over Europe are in general consistency with the respective anomaly of air temperature (Evangeliou et al., 2021), which revealed LST positive anomalies over France, UK, Belgium, the Netherlands and west part of Germany and mostly negative anomalies over the rest of Europe i.e. Russia, east Europe, Italy and Balkans)

This is happening right now, as I type ths and when you read it.

Wake up, tell all of you friends and family to look up!!!”


“NASA's ICESat-2 satellite reveals shape, depth of Antarctic ice shelf fractures”


Jet Stream?:

Mark Trewick:

“Just caught it wandering off down to North Africa and the Middle East. Like it has a will of its own and the Arctic has no control over its whereabouts anymore. Naughty Jetstream. Someone please restrain it, I'm busy watching Antarctica drop into the Southern ocean at the minute.”

“A stable jetstream simply does not cross the African Continent (in any discernible pattern I'm aware of. If anyone has evidence to the contrary, please provide a shread of evidence), not at any time in 12,000 years. Food will not grow without stable seasons. The local doves are pairing up and the trees are in bud. Its mid January.”


“The Faustian aerosol bargain arises from the simultaneous production of greenhouse gas warming and aerosol cooling, both primarily a result of fossil fuel burning. In a 1990 article in nature, Andy Lacis and I described this, pointing out that aerosol cooling can continue to offset a large fraction of greenhouse warming only if particulate air pollution continues to increase rapidly. But at some point fossil fuels will run out, or people will get fed up with increasing air pollution and decide to clean up particulate pollution. Then, because greenhouse gases remain in the air for centuries and aerosols fall out within days after aerosol emission stops, the payment – via rapid increase of global warming – will come due.


“This Debate Never Happened!

A bill would require Virginia students to learn about “the first debate between Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass.””

“The right-wing fight to suppress the teaching of uncomfortable truths in public schools reached a comical new low this week in a Virginia bill that blatantly misstated a basic fact about U.S. history. The mix-up will surely be corrected before the bill comes up for debate. But the bill also includes deliberate attempts to censor teachers and reshape the facts of U.S. history to flatter white men, per the manufactured panic over the supposed teaching of "critical race theory."”


“The Ways of Silencing”

Jose Camacho:

“Reasoned public deliberation in public discourse is the sine qua non of democracy. I'm trying to read Jason Stanley's dense and comprehensive "𝙃𝙤𝙬 𝙋𝙧𝙤𝙥𝙖𝙜𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙖𝙒𝙤𝙧𝙠𝙨" (2015 Princeton University Press). Such an in depth nuanced explication of the many ways language is used to quash democratic deliberation in public discourse. One way is rhetoric intended to silence such deliberation in anticipation of and underming rational argumentation - the antithesis of real democracy.

This is what I see the "We Must Save Democracy" professional class liberals engaging in as they blast their echo chamber with their brand of hysteria while omitting Biden / DNC's culpability for the mess we are in, while providing cover for his feigned advocacy for the poor, workers, and former or aspiring middle class. Yes, the trumper GOP and its propagandized base don't care about democracy. Shocker. But they were enabled down that road by a complicit capitulating corporate DNC which adopted conservative (racist) messaging and propaganda. And today's compromised and intentionally under-performing DNC rather than finally acting with integrity and coming clean continues with disingenuos propaganda intended to scare voters into being their one-issue kneejerk drones. (The screenshot is an excerpt from Stanley's 2015 book, not his article)”


“Challenge Government-Sanctioned Corporate Power

“Any systemic power that acts above the moral law and demands strict compliance without justification is a form of tyranny that must be challenged, illegitimized, dismantled and replaced with a wholly transparent and accountable alternative.”


“Philanthropy is commendable but it must not cause the philanthropist to overlook the circumstances of economic injustice which make philanthropy necessary.” Martin Luther King Jr.


“2 Degrees Till The End. Global Warming Documentary”

Global warming is sure to cause many cataclysms. Poisonous methane is overcoming the atmosphere. The new Flood is coming. These are not usual tabloid scary stories. United Nations have stated the point of no return for the climate on Earth. They say, we have only two degrees Celsius left. If the weather gets two degrees warmer, the consequences will be crucial for humanity.


“The cost of severe storms for the past 5 years: $750 billion.

Members of Congress can’t claim to care about fiscal responsibility and oppose action on climate change.”


“Media Bias Chart 9.0 is here!

Check out the 138 sources on Media Bias Chart 9.0, hot off the presses! This January 2022 flagship version contains select websites, TV networks and shows, and podcasts.

We produce an updated flagship static Media Bias Chart twice a year, in January and in August. Some sources are new, some have appeared before, some are no longer around, and some have moved!

Download your copy here:”


Democrats’ practice of forcing voters into the lesser of 2 evils is class warfare within the party waged against their own constituency.

Relatively wealthy Democrats who can afford not to feel the full weight of the Democratic Party’s failings are unaffected. They are content with the Party’s offering. You may see this reflected in the speech used by wealthy journalists when they write or talk about the party invariably in favorable tolerant terms. They will continue to vote Democrat.

But nonrich Democratic voters, who will feel the full force and effect of the Party’s failings, will be angered and dissatisfied. They don’t have the luxury of not complaining about their level of representation in their own government. They grow to view – correctly – that the rich are all who matter to both parties. Consequently, they look for an option that is not the Democratic party by the 2 parties’ monopoly over the political process precludes their finding a satisfactory solution.

Democrats breed disenfranchisement and give inertia to radical fringe groups. And pressure builds.

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