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11/2021 “Never let a good disaster go to waste”, Rahm Emmanuel Democrat

Updated: Jan 17

They rich will not be able to control the deadly forces of their main tool in their biggest act of social murder to date - the environment. And they will die along with us.

“Peter Carter: COP26 "Glasgow Pact" Global Suicide Pact”

“The last minute watered down coal (phase down not out) clause and watered down fossil fuel subsidy phase out (inefficient added) makes COP26 another dismal failure. Neither coal consumption nor emissions will drop, and fossil fuel subsidies will not be dropped. The protection of the fossil fuel industry, while killing the future, exercise will be repeated in a year at COP27 In Egypt.”

The American Petroleum Institute should be given the corporate death penalty along with those entities involved in the oil industries political funding apparatus. The penalty should be applied to ALEC and the Chamber of Commerce.

Great Spangled Fritillary (Speyeria cybele)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2021-06-21 _F2A7947aaap

“Anyone who thinks what’s happening is Manchin & Sinema’s fault, reminder that Biden could immediately:

Erase all federal student loan debt.

Use emergency authorization to give everyone Medicare.

Legalize cannabis.

Declare climate change a national emergency.


“Climate crisis: Scientists spot warning signs of Gulf Stream collapse

A shutdown would have devastating global impacts and must not be allowed to happen, researchers say”


Wayne Thickett:

“Hansen says AMOC could shut down by 2050. Don’t think I’ve heard anyone put a date on it till now.”

James Hansen:

“October temperature near record despite current La Nina. 2021 will be 6th warmest year, 2022 warmer, then hold onto your hat. Remarks at Brandenburg Gate:”


“Less than 1/2 of 1% of dying Americans pay ANY Estate Tax.

Key Passage:

Revenues from the federal estate tax have fallen by 50% in just two years, according to new data from the IRS reported by Blomberg News.

In 2018, about 5,500 families paid more than $20 billion in estate taxes. In 2020, the IRS collected about $9.3 billion from 1,275 families.

“The dramatic decline – to the point where the tax is paid by 0.04% of dying Americans – is largely the result of the tax overhaul enacted by Republicans in 2017, which doubled the amount the wealthy can pass to heirs without triggering the levy,” Bloomberg’s Ben Steverman writes.”

“Estate Tax Revenue Plunges, Even as Wealth Soars”


The “over population” comment could use further detail, but all in all not a bad rant

“This is the way I see it.

We have done so much damage to the planet that it is beyond belief.

We have essentially backed ourselves onto a ledge and that ledge is about to give way from our weight.

Only a very small few is saying "Hey! Let's get off this ledge!" And the rest are ignoring the few.

We have passed so many tipping points that Global Warming is now irreversible yet people refuse to accept reality and will continue the 'Good Fight' even though it is an effort made in vain.

The Arctic is about to go ice free and there is nothing that can be done about it because we people are not acting as a whole.

It is only a very small percentage of the population that wants to do anything and the rest do not.

We live in a world where we want World Peace but as it turns out the only time we will get World Peace is when everyone is dead.

So we have a very small part of the population (less than 1%) that wants to "Save the World" and are willing to ignore Science just so they can hope for a better tomorrow.

Hope is a lie we tell ourselves so that we will feel better for our actions.

Global Warming is just one problem. It is a direct effect from the number one cause that almost nobody talks about all because we love the sound of little children playing.


Global Warming is not the only effect that is threatening to wipe out all life.

Every person alive has to eat to survive. And that leads to another threat that will kill us all.

"Nearly 21,000 monitored populations of mammals, fish, birds, reptiles and amphibians, encompassing almost 4,400 species around the world, have declined an average of 68% between 1970 and 2016, according to the World Wildlife Fund's Living Planet Report 2020. Species in Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as global freshwater habitats, were disproportionately impacted, declining, on average, 94% and 84%, respectively."”

“Animal populations worldwide have declined nearly 70% in just 50 years, new report says”


Nancy Pelosi has inflicted incalculable death, suffering and devastation by blocking healthcare for all Americans for 40 years:

“Number of people declared bankrupt each year because of medical bills - America 5,300,00 Great Britain 0

Save our NHS from Tory privatization and US companies!”


“Thanks to its public biotech sector and its government’s deep commitment to public health, Cuba is now the only low-income country to have made its own COVID vaccine. It’s already helped millions of Cubans, and it’s poised to help millions more around the world.”

“Cuba’s Vaccine Could End up Saving Millions of Lives”


“Today's kids will live through three times as many climate disasters as their grandparents.”

Children born in 2020 will experience up to 7 times more extreme climate events.”

People under 40 will experience unprecedented life of climate change disasters, study says.”


“I am opposing a social order in which it is possible for one man who does absolutely nothing that is useful to amass a fortune of hundreds of millions of dollars while millions of men and women who work all their lives secure barely enough for a wretched existences.” Eugene V. Debs


“EPA Inspector General Finds IDEM Air Compliance Monitoring Dropped by 28% During Pandemic

Indiana one of 10 states with a decline of more than 25% in air compliance reporting during pandemic.”

“Never let a good disaster go to waste”, Rahm Emmanuel Democrat


Health insurance, Food insecurity, wages, childcare, drug policing, police brutality, etc. it is ALL a part of a mental health issue that countries face.


Biden just leased 80 million acres of the Gulf of Mexico for oil and gas exploration,…it will not be a boom for the government’s cash flow:

“U.S. Promises Royalty Relief for Offshore Drilling Firms”

“Royalty Relief Procedures Cost Taxpayers Tens of Billions”


COP26 was attended by 503 fossil fuel lobbyists$$$, that is more than any other delegation:

“Who sent the largest delegation to COP26? The fossil fuel industry. At least 503 lobbyists have been taking part in the UN’s climate conference in Glasgow — that’s 2 dozen more than the largest country delegation.

They represent some of the largest oil and gas corporations in the world, including Shell, BP, and Gazprom. A data analysis was conducted of the UN’s provisional list of named attendees, including people directly affiliated with fossil fuel companies and those attending as members of delegations that act on behalf of the fossil fuel industry. This has led to more than 100 fossil fuel companies and 30 trade associations and membership organizations being represented. Comparatively, there are double the amount of lobbyists as the UNFCCC’s official Indigenous constituency, and more than the combined total of delegates from the 8 countries that have been hit hardest by the climate crisis in the past 2 decades (Puerto Rico, Myanmar, Haiti, Philippines, Mozambique, Bahamas, Bangladesh, and Pakistan), according to Global Witness, one of the companies that performed the data analysis. Global Witness also notes that lobbyists from other polluting industries (such as finance, agribusiness, and transportation) are also in attendance, though not part of this count.

This report comes as activists criticize COP26 for not being inclusive of those most affected by climate change, as there are many barriers to getting to the summit. There have been calls in recent years to address and institute policies for conflicts of interest, and how many lobbyists from these corporations should be allowed into the conference.

via NowThis Earth”


“The Fossil Fuel Industry Was More Represented at the UN's Climate Summit Than Any Country. Fossil fuel lobbyists have no place at a convention intended to save our future from the destructive ways of oil, gas, and coal.”

“The Fossil Fuel Industry Was More Represented at the UN's Climate Summit Than Any Country”


“Coal, oil and gas will never be clean, safe and reliable.

Renewables are market-ready, proven and cost-effective technologies that will expand energy access for all.

We cannot trust the fossil fuel industry to transition to clean, safe and reliable energy on their own. We need government intervention to lead the transition.

That’s why a new global fossil free treaty is so critical. Add your voice and we can stop fossil fuel expansion, phase out existing fossil fuels and ensure a just transition for all.”


Biden said nothing when Rittenhouse won acquittal of his white nationalist murder spree in our equally white supremacist Judiciary. Instead, Biden is moved to speak when tragedy strikes Scott Walker’s\Charles Koch’s Fatherland of Waukesha. Biden is an over the top white supremacist


Politicians brought science fiction writers to COP26:

“# Artists must confront the climate crisis – we must write as if these are the last days - by Ben Okri

The response to our most urgent threat requires new forms of creativity and human imagination”


White Supremacy and Nationalism are running riot in our judiciary that Democrats refuse to cure. Do what it takes or leave politics.

“No prison time for man who pleaded guilty to rape and sexual assault of four teenage girls”


“Humans have broken a fundamental law of the Ocean”


Elon Musk: “I’m a weirdo because I’m autistic”

Everyone Else: “Your not weird because you’re autistic. You’re weird because you’re a billionaire daddy’s boy larping as an inventor and entrepreneur, whose intergenerational wealth is based on slavery and apartheid. Leave the autistic community out of your cringefest.”


“Pacific NorthWest Monsoon Apocalypse”


“Thawing permafrost isn’t just a problem for the Arctic. Here’s how it can impact the globe”


The person who posted this omitted any mention of the privatization provisions and the Democrats tax scam for the rich. Hmmm, must be an establishment stooge putting this out...Pelosi, is that you?!

Why should I be excited when my government spends my money setting up a stream of profits for the already rich?

Let’s be clear, the money for that stream of profits to the political connected for-profit entity will come from my paying more to use public goods and services - that my taxes already paid to build - that I used to use for relatively free.

Again, why should I be happy about Washington using my money and heretofore public assets to set up more wealth for somebody who is already rich? Especially when. after they’ve set them up, they get to bleed me with tolls, fees, and the like raising my basic cost of living? Ever been to Chicago?

Reader Comment: “Don Ford: Im a dem... But that's a minuscule amount of money and none of the spending is binding”


“Waiting for the media to discuss the inflationary impact of the $778,000,000,000 defense bill:”



…and I’d hazard a guess they are not terribly concerned as a Republican dominated Washington will not be viewed by the Rich as Democrats failing them:



That includes the both parties in all its forms, financial networks, and their persons, and ESPECIALLY Pete Buttigieg

“A majority of American voters in a new poll said that Biden should step aside and let someone else run as the Democratic nominee in 2024. What's more, the incumbent President couldn't even get HALF of Democrats to say that he should run again, though a plurality (45%) said that he should. These are remarkably bad poll numbers, but they should be used as guidance for the Democratic Party moving forward.”

“Majority Of Voters Want Biden To Step Aside For Someone Else In 2024”


Time to wake up: Manchin and Sinema are the chosen villains for a position that sinks the BBB that A L L Democrats are being paid to sink:


“For people who say ‘don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good’ to pass legislation, consider why no one tells that to the Dems who killed passage of Rx drug pricing and Universal Pre-K this week over small process demands from safe Dem seats in places like NY and Hawaii,” Ocasio-Cortez wrote, referring to conservative Democrats like Rep. Kathleen Rice (New York) who opposed crucial elements of the Build Back Better Act.

“The reason platitudes like this are insulting is because they are exclusively employed to deny the working class, POC, and youth’s basic demands for livability. Like affordable rx drugs,” she continued. “No one says this to the safe-seat Dems who derailed climate action and healthcare over a [Congressional Budget Office (CBO)] table.”


Ryan Knight:

“Facts: Kamala Harris got zero delegates and her approval rating is 28%.

Democrats: “She is the future of our party and if you disagree then you’re racist.”

@TheDemocrats are authoritarian corporatists who weaponize identity politics to shield themselves from valid criticism.”


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