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It’s ok to put your politicians in jail. Other countries do it ALL the time

Updated: Jan 17

“Sound familiar from somewhere….oh, right!”

“Russia’s fierce forest killing squad hunting Ukrainian targets using ‘deck of card’”


Smokey Memel:

“Remember Fallujah and Mosul were Carpet bombed by the U.S. killing thousands.”


It’s ok to put your politicians in jail. Other countries do it ALL the time:

“EURASIAUS-backed Saudi bombing killing most Yemeni civilians in years, despite Biden’s false claim to end war”

“"US President Joe Biden repeatedly claimed that he would end the war on Yemen, which has created the largest humanitarian crisis on Earth. But in reality, US-backed Saudi bombing of the poorest country in West Asia has reached the highest level in years, under the watch of the Biden administration. Yemeni civilians are paying the price, with one killed or wounded every hour, according to an analysis by Save the Children. The humanitarian organization said January 2022 was the deadliest month in Yemen since 2018." -- from the article.”


The only thing that has changed is that infection rates, hospitalizations and deaths are no longer being reported. Worse still, the hospitalizations and deaths of “long hauler” covid survivors is not being released and is probably yet to be recorded in a subsequent measuring period. Even if vaccinated, getting covid is not like the flu. You will get some internal damage. Rather catching covid when your vaccinated is a lot like getting lung cancer from cigarette smoking – corporations profit from the proliferation of the behavior and government only marginal regulates it. It’s social murder.

“Soon only one U.S. state will still have an indoor mask mandate”

Great Spangled Fritillary (Speyeria cybele)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2015-07-14 359aaaa

220,000 deaths.

If you hear nothing else I say tonight, hear this: Anyone who is responsible for that many deaths should not remain President of the United states.

US passes 900,000 COVID-19 deaths

But of course starting WW3 with Russia is at the top of the agenda when you have huge stock holdings with the defense industry:


“Imperialism is a policy or ideology of extending rule over peoples and other countries, for extending political and economic access, power and control, often through employing hard power, especially military force, but also soft power. #NoMoreWar

“Empires are bad. You can oppose both American and Russian imperialism at the same time. It’s not even hard.”


“What Saudi Arabia is doing in Yemen, or what Israel is doing in Palestine is infinitely worse than what putin is doing in Ukraine right now.

Where are all the brave commentators/politicians/journos calling for sanctions on those countres? Nowhere.


Income Growth over Time, Posttax Income Growth by U.S. Income Group”


“the only scenario for the extinction of Man which seems more and more likely”

“Stephen Hawking Talks about Fossil Methane Venting due to Permafrost Thaw”


“Researchers to study possible links between fracking, water contaminants

Registration now open for 2022 Shale Network Workshop


“New Report Details Exactly What Biden Could Do After Declaring 'Climate Emergency'

"The right and appropriate action is for the Biden administration to... declare a climate emergency to unlock the powers of government to respond boldly and effectively," said Sen. Jeff Merkley.”



Hope Taiwan was watching Ukraine - if China’s makes a move America will drop ya like a hot potato and get your people slaughtered by jacking up one of your leaders with the promise of a payday & weapons on a easy line of credit

“Here’s What Happens If China Invades Taiwan”


“Taiwan warns Chinese aircraft in its air defense zone”


Thaad missile system anyone?:

“EURASIAUS gov’t knew NATO expansion to Ukraine would force Russia to intervene”

Money. From the very start, it’s been all about washington seeking profits.

“Former US Ambassador to Russia William J. Burns, who is now CIA director, admitted in a classified 2008 embassy cable that NATO expansion to Ukraine crosses Moscow’s security “redlines” and “could potentially split the country in two, leading to violence or even, some claim, civil war, which would force Russia to decide whether to intervene.”

That is exactly what has happened.

Here I provide the crucial historical and political context that the Western media is leaving out about the Ukraine crisis. You can't truly understand the conflict without this background information:”


“If media covered the current Saudi bombing of Yemen, Israel’s new attack on Syria or today’s US bombing of Somalia in the same way as they’ve covered Russia\Ukraine, those wars would end tomorrow.

But they don’t. And that’s a choice they’re making daily.”


“American destroyer in Taiwan Strait meant to warn China about attacking Taiwan: Experts”


“As a socialist it’s necessary to condemn Russia as an imperialist state working against the international working class, while not letting NATO-member imperialist states off the hook. It’s not binary

May solidarity is with the working class, not capitalist states on either side”



“I didn’t think I’d need to say this but, war is bad. Very bad. Two Capitalist nations are struggling with one another, and those who lose the most are the working class of both. Ukrainians by immediate effects, Russians by sanctions. The oligarchs of both nations? Unaffected.”


“Here’s Why the Russian Sanctions Are a Dud: Big Foreign Banks Are Operating in a "Routine Manner" in Russia”

While Ukrainian children sleep with their pets in the subways, wealthy Russian oligarchs are being comforted by “relationship managers” at EU banks.”


“Wealthy Russians who parked money in Florida's 'Little Moscow' worry they'll be blacklisted from buying luxury real estate”


“Russia hasn’t been communist for 40 years. It’s a capitalist oligarchy led by one of the world’s richest billionaires.”

A kleptocracy. No wonder America is modeling themselves after Russia


“Perhaps The US Should Shut The Fuck Up About Respecting Other Countries' Sovereignty”



“World leaders vow regular people just trying to live their lives will bear the consequences”


“Fact check: Photo shows airstrike in Gaza Strip, not Russian invasion of Ukraine”


“US-backed Ukrainian National Guard fly NATO, Azov Battalion, and NAZI swastika flgas”

“Antifascist defender of th Donetsk People’s Republic with anti-Nazi placard reading “No to Fascism””


Stand with Anti-Nazi Resistance in Donbass and Ukraine

Stop the US/NATO Encirclement of Russia

Money for Jobs, Healthcare, Income Support Not War Profiteers!

The war in Ukraine did not start yesterday. With U.S. backing, Ukraine has been attacking the antifascist resistance fighters in the Donbass for eight years, killing at least 14,000 to date. For 8 years Ukrainians have endured terrorist assaults by U.S.-armed-and-trained Nazis who came to power when the U.S. enlisted them to violently remove the elected government and install a puppet regime.”


“Ukraine failed to comply with the Minsk agreements: Putin informs Biden , World News”


“Why are American Troops Still in Iraq?”


Zelensky encouraging his citizens to fight is nothing but America’s penchant for using social murder in pursuit of profit on full display



“Snipers at Maidan: The untold story of a massacre in Ukraine – Newsnight”

“A day of bloodshed on Kiev's main square, nearly a year ago, marked the end of a winter of protest against the government of president Viktor Yanukovych, who soon afterwards fled the country. More than 50 protesters and three policemen died. But how did the shooting begin? Protest organisers have always denied any involvement - but one man told the BBC a different story.”


“Hedges: Chronicle of a War Foretold”

“There would be no peace dividend. The expansion of NATO swiftly became a multi-billion-dollar bonanza for the corporations that had profited from the Cold War.”

“After the fall of the Soviet Union, there was a near universal understanding among political leaders that NATO expansion would be a foolish provocation against Russia. How naive we were to think the military-industrial complex would allow such sanity to prevail.”


Separate Church and States – reinstate the Johnson Amendment and tax churches retroactively:

“Pat Robertson: Putin's invasion of Ukraine 'is being compelled by God' to fulfill Biblical prophecy”

“Wingnut Warrior and former televangelist Pat Robertson doddered out of his retirement to weigh in on the Russian invasion of Ukraine. He sees something even grander in the whole affair — according to him, Vladimir Putin is being willed by God to conduct the invasion, as a way of triggering the End Times.”


Map of Nato expansion since 1997:


“Why is Ukraine the West's Fault? Featuring John Mearsheimer”


“A Kiev Protest You Won’t See on CNN”

“A rally in front of the US Embassy”

“You came to these countries to Kill! USA is a country of War, Not democracy”

Iraq, Syria, Somalia, Afghanistan, Laos, Liberia, Haiti, Yemen, Libya, Yugoslavia, Lebanon, etc. etc. ad naseum….


“#ManufacturingConsent for people killing sanctions in #Russia... for invading & removing a CIA-installed, #Nazi-friendly, corrupt AF USA-puppet govt in #Ukraine

David Chia\Jason Bassler:

“The U.S. has dropped at least 337,000 bombs in the past 20 years and has bombed

Syria for 5 years

Yemen for 7 years

Iraq for 16 years

Pakistan for 18 years

Afghanistan for 21 years

But now you care about Ukraine? Exactly when the media tells you to?”


Democrats Corruption:

“The Federal Election Commission let Trump off the hook for allegedly using $2.8 million in charitable donations to veterans for political purposes”


“Yes, this is what should be done in every country, with every oligarch, not just the Russians.”

“Seize the Oligarchs’ Wealth”


“Trump, who was impeached for withholding nearly $400 million in military aid from Ukraine, said 'this deadly Ukraine situation would never have happened' if he were in office”


“Cumulative vertebrate species recorded as extinct or extinct in the wild by the IUCN (2012). Dashed black line represents background rate. This is the ‘highly conservative estimate’.

It is also a decade out of date.”


“Factory Farms Destroy Ecosystems”


“Methane Is Killing Us. Does Anyone Care? Does Anyone Even Know?”

“"New satellites that are capable of seeing methane plumes from space are telling a chilling tale. Now all you fossil fuel apologists out there, listen up. Yes, we know methane burns cleaner than coal. But — and this is a huge “but” — exploring for, drilling, compressing, and transporting the stuff causes massive amounts of environmental damage. Some scientists estimate methane emissions in the atmosphere account for 30% of global warming.

The latest research by the International Energy Agency contains shocking news. Well, it should be shocking news to anyone who can put aside Tinder and TikTok long enough to pay attention. In its Global Methane Tracker report for 2022, it says actual global methane emissions are 70% greater than what the nations of the world are reporting.

“At today’s elevated gas prices, nearly all of the emissions [of methane] from oil and gas operations worldwide could be avoided at no net cost. The IEA has been a longstanding champion of stronger action to cut methane emissions. A vital part of those efforts is transparency on the size and location of emissions, which is why the massive under-reporting revealed by our Global Methane Tracker is so alarming,” Fatih Birol, head of the IEA, tells The Guardian.”


“Your Gas Stove is Bad for You (And Terrible for the Environment)

“Even when gas stoves aren’t running, they annually release about 2.6 million tons of methane according to a new study.”

“Methane and NOx Emissions from Natural Gas Stoves, Cooktops, and Ovens in Residential Homes” - by Eric Lebel et al.


Evo Morales:

“Nato is a serious threat to international peace and security, its record of invasions and aggression proves it. Now, its expansionist attempt is one of the main reasons for the situation in Ukraine.”



“An FTI Consulting Presentation Pulls Back the Veil on Fossil Fuel PR

The 2015 slides describe “discrediting” science, “debunking” documentaries, and positioning its fracking industry project Energy In Depth “at the center of the shale boom’s biggest moments.””


“The Canadian Government Is Funding A Researcher Who Spent Years Denying Climate Science

Gerrit Cornelis van Kooten has for years questioned if global warming is ‘real.’”


“Education Official Under Fire After Reportedly Saying ‘Indians’ More Deadly Than Tornadoes in Kansas”


“Normalize calling American billionaires “oligarchs” too”


“When is war crime not a war crime? Apparently when being done by Israel.”


“Civilized Nations Kill With Sanctions And Proxy Armies: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix”


“The worlds “Jewish settlers in occupied Palestine protest against Russian occupation of Ukraine” should be inscribed on the tombstone of irony.”


Yep, Washington has a hand in Ukraine alright,…racism:

“'Racist' Ukrainian Guards Threaten to Shoot African Students, Push Black Girl Off Train, Allow Whites to Board”


Yep, Washington has a hand in Ukraine alright,… nazi:

“Azov Special Operations Detachment” or “Azov Battalion”:


Yep, Washington has a hand in Ukraine alright,…lies & misrepresentations:

“The defiant soldiers of Snake Island are actually 'alive and well,' says Ukraine's navy”

“The Ukrainian soldiers who allegedly died a heroic death are now reportedly in Crimea. They apparently did not die. They surrendered to Russian forces.”


“Game footage being shared as ‘Ukraine videos’”

Anything goes in (disinformation) war.

“Clips from ‘Arma III’ and ‘Digital Combat Simulator’ are circulating online as “videos from Ukraine”

Several videos which have made their way around social media described as footage of the ongoing military conflict in Ukraine have been debunked as clips taken from games.

A report by Bloomberg has revealed that some of the most-viewed videos on Facebook’s gaming channel were clips that were being spread as on-the-ground footage of military action in Ukraine. The videos were reportedly viewed by more than 110,000 people and shared over 25,000 times before they were taken down. Nevertheless, they made their way to other social media platforms, being spread around with titles such as ‘Ukraine fires missiles to intercept Russian aircraft’s artillery fire’ and ‘Intense dogfight in the skies of Ukraine’.”


Romeu Peitniho:

"An image of Israel’s military assault on Gaza from the May 2021 eleven-day onslaught is being widely shared on social media and western media agencies claiming to show the brutal devastation of a Russian air raid on Ukraine."

“Image Of Israel’s Gaza Onslaught Being Used To Highlight Russia Aggression In Ukraine”


Yep, Washington has a hand in Ukraine alright,…burning union officials alive:

Romeu Peitinho:

“Ukraine - Masks of the Revolution”

“French produced documentary on the Ukranian far-right (with english subtitles). A must watch.

"Documentary Project "Ukraine: The masks of the revolution" broadcast on the French TV channel Canal +. Ukrainian Embassy in Paris asked for this documentary to be taken off air. What were the Ukrainian authorities so afraid of? Maybe the truth? Until now Europe does not know all of what actually happened and continues to happen in Kiev and across the country as a whole. This documentary film directed by Paul Moreira, tells the story of the tragic events that took place in Odessa: the fire in the House of Trade Unions and the burning of at least 48 people (according to official figures) and 300 (unofficial sources). Moreira said that his aim was to show the world the bloody history of Ukraine and Odessa in particular: "In the heart of Europe, people are burned alive and everyone is silent about that.""


US Dirty little secret: American\Nato backed troops have killed 15,000 pro-Russian forces in Donbas region since 2014

“Conflict in Ukraine’s Donbas: A Visual Explainer”


“German TV shows Nazi Symbols on Helmets of Ukraine Soldiers”

“The US and Saudi war machines are committing unthinkable atrocities daily in Yemen and the US media is quiet. But when these NAZI goons get their due…it’s a whole different story”


Facebook censorship:

“Is this really a surprise?

“ Facebook also reportedly allowed a special exception to its usual rules banning the praise of neo-Nazi and other hate groups to allow posts cheering on Ukraine’s infamous Azov Battalion, whose members openly sport Nazi regalia and espouse racist ideology.””

“YouTube cuts off RT channels

Video platform blocks RT channels from being seen in Ukraine”


“Western Leaders Are Hypocrites When it Comes to War”

Romeu Peitinho

“ In 2008, NATO invited Georgia and Ukraine to join its alliance. The logic for Georgians and Ukrainians, with an overwhelming and increasingly hostile military superpower next door, was obvious enough. But what kind of a game were Western leaders playing? Did they ever intend, as NATO membership requires, to go to war with Russia if it invaded these countries? The answer to that question was clear almost immediately when Russia invaded Georgia. It is even clearer today.

But onward our leaders pushed, encouraging the Ukrainian government to continue down a path of military integration with the West. (It is often forgotten that this is what NATO membership means, and why it is opposed.) They sold the Ukrainian people a lie that their democracy and freedom would be safeguarded with US and British and French military might. It was never going to be — and nor should it. Would the world be a safer place today if nuclear powers faced each other head-on in Eastern Europe? What would the prognosis be for freedom and democracy anywhere on earth under those circumstances?”


“"Hypocrisy of the West Is Unbelievable" | Richard Medhurst on Ukraine”


Income bigotry – a Democrat and Republican staple:

“you’ll see the people who told Palestinians they need to be peaceful and not take up arms defenindg their homes and land actually applaud Ukrainians taking arms to defend their homes and land.”


“Capitalism is the extraordinary belief that the nastiest of men for the nasties of motives will somehow work for the benefit of all.” John Maynard Keynes


“Why are Donetsk and Luhansk in Ukraine’s Donbas region a flash point for Putin?”


America is ultimately responsible for the Ukraine conflict:

“Historically we have always been sold that RUSSIA is the bad thing in movies. USA has taken care of it.

I'm just going to tell you something. Russia did not throw the first stone. Things didn't start with the military movement Russia approved yesterday. Things started time back

If, it did not start with Ukraine and NATO, it was with Ukraine and the exit of Crimea in 2014, there the Republic of Donetsk and Luhansk wanted to do the same and be independent, Ukraine does not leave them and go to war against their own people since 2014 where Genocide begins and thousands of innocent people die including Russians and children by the Ukrainian Government.

Putin raises his hand with the UN several times to say what is happening in Ukraine and do nothing (Just like they are doing nothing right now) while the NATO (led mainly by US) want Ukraine to unite with them for or good reasons; to have access to Russia (is the neighboring country of Russia and if also for gas, but mainly for the strategic location of Ukraine, they already know Geopolitical), because this would make it easier for them to have military bases in Ukrainian territory, no country in their right mind pe I would throw that away, Russia is just trying to defend itself before that I can't do it anymore (I see no one is in favor of wars or on anyone's side, it's just to see the full view).

Russia decides to declare Donetsk and Luhansk as independent and then the story we all already know.

The sad thing? Everything ends up exploding because NATO wanted Ukraine, and now NATO is washing their hands saying they can't help Ukraine because they are not NATO members (They left them alone in a war they can't win).

And there they have the USA speaking to the world; declares, sanctions and manipulates as it has always done, while the dollar strengthens (and sells weapons under water), changes its speech becoming a provocateur (for a long time he was releasing a statement nes, provoking and pushing for this to happen) a protector (How much cynicism).

Russia is NOT innocent but they never forgot that USA is the hand that moves the cradle.”


Benjamin Norton:

“Russia’s intervention in Ukraine has gotten more coverage, and condemnation, in just 24 hours than the US-Saudi war on Yemen has gotten since it started nearly 7 years ago

377,000 Yemenis have died. US-backed Saudi bombing now is the worst since 2018”


“Another All-Time Media Faceplant

After the Biden administration and the press wrongly predicted a Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 16th, they kept compounding the error in spectacular fashion”

“If cluelessness can be art, American journalists unveiled their Sistine Chapel this week, in a remarkable collection of misreports and hack stenography surrounding a predicted invasion of Ukraine”


“Ukraine War, West's Loss, China's Gain”


Dock Currie:

“If you’re vitally concerned about 100-200 Ukrainian casualties in the Russian intervention in Ukraine, but unaware or indifferent to the 15,000 killed in the Donbas over the past eight year, you’re either an easy mark or an enthusiastic participant in US/NATO propaganda.”


“Russia And China To Develop SWIFT Avoiding International Financial Systems”


Could they induce famine to slaughter the American civilian population and send America into worse social turmoil?:

“China lifts restrictions on Russian wheat imports”


“I long for the day when the USA is not assumed to be a Christian Nation [e.g. as evidenced by Leonard Leo’s judicial appointments during Trump years] but rather, a nation of logic reason, benevolence, altruism, humanity, and philanthropy”


Nazi’s, Al-Quaeda, Drug Dealers, Biden’s DemGOP’s will deal with ANYBODY if it aids the rich in the concentration of ill gotten gains:

Christo fascist Nazi America welcomes 911’s Al-Quaeda killers:

“US-NATO recruits Al-Quaeda killers to come to Ukraine, Organizng Notes”

“Al-Qaeda-Linked Syrian Drug Dealer Al-Jasim To Funnel Militants From Syria To Ukraine”


“On this day in 1933:

The Reichstag was burned. Nazis blamed the arson on communists and arrested them en masse. Dutch communist Marinus van der Lubbe was executed for the act, but some historians believe the burning may have been a false flag by the Nazis in order to consolidate their power.

The first report of the fire came shortly after 9:00 pm on February 27th, 1933. The police conducted a thorough search inside the building and found Van der Lubbe, who was arrested.

On February 28th, President Paul von Hindenburg issued the "Reichstag Fire Decree", suspending civil liberties and beginning a widespread crackdown on communists. The Nazi-controlled police arrested leftists en masse, including all of the communist Reichstag delegates, severely crippling their participation in the elections the following week.

Van Der Lubbe, and four communist leaders were tried in the Leipzig Trial in September 1933. All except Van der Lubbe were acquitted, and the Dutch council communist was executed at the age of 24.

At the same time Nazis were using the fire as a pretext to suppress their political opponents, communists internationally were accusing Nazis of organizing the fire as a false flag operation. Historians remain divded on the issue, with some concluding that van der Lubbe acting alone and others believing that Nazis were responsible for the arson.

In July 2019, more than 80 years after the fire, an affidavit from Hans-Martin Lennings, a former member of a Nazi paramilitary, was discovered. The document stated that, the night of the fire, his unit had driven Van der Lubbe from an infirmary to the Reichstag and that the fire was ongoing when they arrived, indicating Van der Lubbe's innonence and possible Nazi complicity.

In any case, the Reichstag Fire proved a pivotal event in the establishment of Nazi Germany, with Nazis winning the subsequent March elections after imprisoning and terrorizing their left opposition.”


Lee Camp:

“The Military Industrial Complex is a global murder machine enriching the upper class while standing on the graves of the lower class. Break. Your. Programming.


“Sneak peak into the rest of 2022”

People: “I can’t afford to live pls help in literally any way”

Biden: “No can do , Jack. There’s a war on!”


“Research has found that cultural stress can be passed down through generations of DNA. This means that Black families are dealing with stress from their own lived experiences and their ancestors’ experiences. So, how to begin a fitness journey leading to wellness and decreased stress? Find fitness tips and more on how trauma affects the body, right here”


James Parris:

"...and every man will be glad of those conscience-soothing falsities, and will diligently study them, and refuse to examine any refutations of them; and thus he will by and by convince himself the war is just, and will thank God for the better sleep he enjoys after this process of grotesque self-deception."

~Mark Twain


Caitlin Johnstone

“The US empire criticizing Russia for violating another nation’s sovereignty is like Jeffrey Dahmer criticizing someone else’s eating habits.”



“Empires are bad. Your can oppose both American and Russian imperialism at the same time. It’s not even hard.”


It has always bothered me that a small handful of Wall Street traders determine the price of a gallon of gasoline at the pump (and consequently core inflation) by using economic theory to predict the consequences of the world’s events on future supply and demand. Firstly, no one can accurately predict the future, much less do so repeatedly, and secondly by impounding their economic analysis into the price of gas before it has a chance to prove out, there are consistently periods of time at the new higher price before actual physical supply and demand can prove them out.

Also consider, what happens when Koch Industry parks its tankers in the ocean – supply manipulation – until the to prices are sufficiently high.

“Ukrainian oil, gas facilities burn as West prepares new sanctions”

“Russian forces have attacked oil and gas facilities in Ukraine, sparking huge explosions, officials said on Sunday, as Western allies prepared new sanctions, including banishing key Russia banks from the main global payments system.”


And they will have a willing ear in from Democrats loving social murder:

“The American Oil Lobby Is Having a Field Day Over Ukrainian War

The fossil fuel industry is pushing to roll back climate-protecting regulations and expand drilling in the wake of the Ukrainian crisis.”

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