Biden is guilty of ECOCIDE:
“Biden opens 80m acres in Gulf of Mexico for oil drilling in wake of climate-driven Hurricane Ida”
Great Spangled Fritillary (Speyeria cybele)
Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2021 6/27 _F2A8153aaa
“King Biden kicking his Serfs out of their homes and ending Unemployment right as Delta virus surges!”
“Before he stole $169 million and fled his failed state in disgrace, Afghanistan’s puppet President Ashraf Ghani was formed in elite American universities, given US citizenship, trained in neoliberal economics by the World Bank, glorified in the media as an “incorruptible” technocrat, and coached by powerful DC think tanks like the Atlantic Council.”
“How elite US institutions created Afghanistan’s neoliberal President Ashraf Ghani, who stole $169 million from his country”
Yep “Teen Vogue” on Washington’s Environmental Holocaust, and when you think about,… BRAVO!!!:
“A really compelling argument from Teen Vogue (which has been surprisingly great about covering political and social issues)!
"When thinking of the scope of harm that the fossil fuel industry has caused, it’s hard to imagine financial compensation that could ever be substantial enough. What cost can be put on the mass extinction of wildlife, the illness and deaths of human beings, and the destruction of the Earth’s land and waters? The companies and individuals that have benefited from so much destruction must be held responsible, and we must stop them from creating more violence. We must look at the world we live in and how colonialism, anti-Blackness, and capitalism have allowed industries to be so negligent for so long. It’s not just one pipeline that needs to be stopped; it’s a complete value system that needs to be eradicated."”
“U.S. probing nearly 350 reports of oil spills in wake of Hurricane Ida”
“It's beyond time for "a just transition away from offshore drilling in the Gulf."”
“Gulf Drilling Condemned as Hundreds of Hurricane-Related Spills Investigated
"This is the petrochemical industry's responsibility, so it should foot the bill for a total cleanup—not the taxpayer."”
Never forget regarding Texas Restricting Voting & Abortion laws: the “Texas Taliban” was made possible by “The US Supreme Court Taliban”
What’s more, the oil industry will order Texas State politicians to do whatever they have to – by ordering Supreme Court approval - in order to secure their continued profits, even if it means secession. America is an oil company with an army.
Just another cut in a string of a thousand cuts that killed our democracy in favor of Christian fascism
“She calls out her conservative colleagues' breathtaking disregard of precedent and the Constitution.”
“Sotomayor’s Defiant Dissent”
252,000 Children infected with COVID during last week alone:
Washington is against abortion because, once born, the little children are so damn much fun to kill in their profit and power schemes by using social murder.
Ah Democrats! There true colors:
“"Pandemic unemployment benefits expire today..."
Let that sink in. It's #LaborDay2021, and workers are being disconnected from life support. Ever wonder why the U.S. doesn't join in the global recognition of workers on #MayDay? It's so things like this can be normalized. Click through to read the details, and also help to pass the #ProAct by taking action at the link.”
“35 Million Americans Kicked In The Teeth for Labor Day”
“Some commentators have taken to describing Afghanistan as a “failed narco-state.” While accurate in many ways, the description has a bitter ring when it is used by American officials. That’s like robbing someone of everything they own and then accusing them of poor money management.
Meanwhile, in a bankruptcy ruling that makes a farce out of “equal justice for all,” a judge has just granted the multibillionaire Sackler family immunity from all future lawsuits stemming from the role of their company, Purdue Pharma, in a drug overdose epidemic that has killed at least 1 million Americans. The Sacklers were not only enriched by their company’s lawbreaking. As board members, they were legally responsible for the company’s actions. They will remain free, and will remain billionaires. The people killed by their products will remain dead.”
“Afghanistan and the Purdue Pharma Case are Reminders That the U.S. is a Failed Narco-State, Too”
“It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong.” Thomas Sowell
“When exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime, you are being ruled by criminals.” Edward Snowden
Privatization raises the basic cost of living and very often is also accompanied a dilution in the quality or quantity of the good or service being privatized.
America is sliding it’s White Supremacy over to Christo-fascism:
“Exvangelicals and the limits of evangelical empath”
“Christian kindness, particularly from the most conversion-focused Christians, tends to come with goals, expectations and conditions that objectify those receiving the kindness.”
“Chris Hedges: How the American empire dug its own grave”