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6/2022 Beware the "blue ocean event"

Updated: Jan 17

Here comes the death:

“Water, water not everywhere”

“(A map of surface soil moisture in June 2021, with lower values in darker red.

Concurrent crop losses in major production regions can cause price spikes and have cascading effects on food access, famine and food riots.)”


Miles Halpin:

“so heres todays jet streams... 250hpa. pic from earth.nullschool...

what a total utter and complete mess. it's broken!”

Great Spangled Fritillary (Speyeria cybele)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2020 6/15 _F2A7287aaa

Heather Cox Richardson on Uvalde school shooting:


“the Billionaire Mafia runs the show, as brilliantly explained by George Carlin is Correct The Game is Completely Rigged.”

“The wealthy owners of this country don’t want us little folk

to control anything, and we don’t. THEY OWN EVERYTHING, INCLUDING YOU.

They own all of the important land, corporate media, judges, and politicians.

Look no further than money is speech and corporations are now people?”


“While The Rest of Us Die The Game Is Rigged - VICE TV –“



“I hate to break it to you but the United States is a Corporate Dictatorship NOT a democracy or a Constitutional Republic and the Left vs Right paradigm isn’t going to do anything about it.”


Know Smedley Darlington Butler:

“Memorial Day Salute to a Repentant Ex-Marine”


George Tsakraklides:

“This is why Humans have already been Technically Extinct for hundreds of years”


“Gary C. Noland writes

Reps – Dems

via a commenter:

"The Democratic Party is unable to claim to represent the interests of the people because it does not represent the interests of the people. It refuses to support Medicare for All. It supports the slow death of Social Security via the illegitimate failure to support increases equivalent to inflation. Since the Clinton 'third way' shift, it has joined with Republicans in full support of neoliberal economics which provided the 2008 crash. The final nail in our democratic system coffin was the adoption of the 'legalized bribery' system we now have, also fully endorsed by the Dems. Could or would Truman have been able to run his campaign the way he did under this bribery system? I don’t think so. The Dems differ from the Republicans only on the most extreme right wing issues, e.g. racism, xenophobia, misogyny, etc. And those differences are manufactured by the party elites of both parties in order to manipulate their respective clans to vote for them. On the core economic & foreign policy issues (what I call the 'money issues') there is no substantive difference. Both parties represent the 1% & receive their marching orders from them. They know how to collect their bribe money."”

“Maureen Haley


"On the core economic & foreign policy issues (what I call the 'money issues') there is no substantive difference. Both parties represent the 1% & receive their marching orders from them. They know how to collect their bribe money."”


Excellent mapping site:

Mexico is burning:


“MacroEconomic Solutions, Including Reparations

Ty Steven D Grumbine”



“Foundations with Warren Mosler”


“The unraveling of the American Empire”

“There is not a single case since 1941 when the coups, political assassinations, election fraud, black propaganda, blackmail, kidnapping, brutal counter-insurgency campaigns, U.S. sanctioned massacres, torture in global black sites, proxy wars or military interventions carried out by the United States resulted in the establishment of a democratic government.” (it was all for the purpose of using American taxpayer resources to create and take wealth for the few)

Chris Hedges Pulitzer Prize Winning Journalist


“Brad Schrunk

Chris Hedges Explains The Laws That Are In Place,…

“How Bernie & Squad Actually Support Corporate State. w/Chris Hedges”

…To Give The Uber Class Complete Control Over The People.

Dumb down the population, make them subservient,

take away our rights, detain forever, turn prison populations

into corporate profit centers. Jimmy you hit the ball

out of the park way out out of the park Hedges is an incredible person.

Please interview if you can author Thomas Frank Author of What’s The Matter With Kansas.

Jane Mayer her book is

Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right (Paperback)

and David Cay Johnston author of Free Lunch:

How the Wealthiest Americans Enrich Themselves at Government Expense (and Stick You with the Bill)

You and your show are going places.”


“Brad Schrunk

“The Ruling Elite Has Lost All Legitimacy”. w/Chris Hedges Explains

The Police Are Enforcing The Rules Of The Rich.”


“Brad Schrunk

Please Please Watch This Video Run it a 1.5 the speed.

This is the best example of why America is in such bad shape.

You can thank the Democrats for Becoming Republicans as explained so well in this video

“A Conversation with Chris Hedges: Corporate Totalitarianism”

Hedges talks about the rise of corporate power and the danger of fascism around the globe, based on personal experience as well as academic scholarship. He has been a teacher inside the American prison system for the past ten years; a reporter on the front line at violent coups and successful revolutions in foreign countries for the preceding two decades; and an ordained Presbyterian minister and competitive boxer in earlier years. Hedges is a graduate of Harvard University and has taught at Columbia University, New York University, Princeton University and the University of Toronto.”


“What Is a Blue Ocean Event and How Will It Impact Global Climate?”


“(Once a Blue Ocean Event starts occurring in the Arctic Ocean during each warm season, the Earth's atmosphere will warm up even faster than it is currently warming. This rapid warming will have major impacts on Earth's climate that humans rely upon for stability to grow food and survive.)”

“It is absolutely important that we educate people about what is happening to sea ice so as to prepare them for future consequences of an ice free Arctic Ocean Event”


“Scripps Oceanography researchers discover "heat bombs" destroying Arctic ice”


“The Arctic Death Spiral”

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