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6/2021 Democrats and Republicans have issued the 99%’s death warrant

Updated: Jan 17

Today’s Democratic and Republican parties have zero social conscience

“Krystal Ball: How Corp Dems LIED to you about the existential climate crisis”


Democrats and Republicans have issued the 99%’s death warrant:

“Cascading Climate System Domino Feedback Effects; NOT Good: Part 1 of 3”

“Welcome to the Climate Casino; Climate System Domino Effects from Cascading Feedbacks: Part 2 of 3”

“Abrupt Climate System Destabilization: Cascading Chain Reaction of Amplifying Feedbacks: Part 3 of 3”

Great Spangled Fritillary (Speyeria cybele)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2020 6/29 _F2A9668aaa

“It is a shame most people don't even understand these maps and the devastating consequences the melting of the Arctic sea ice will have for life on Earth and themselves

And there isn't enough time left anymore to teach them.

Their shadows are infinitely taller than their soul. I pity them.”


“MegaDrought USA”

Democrats have given our fresh water to Wall St to trade like a commodity instead of building, say, solar powered desalination stations. Problem is that the financially highest and best use is not the same as what is best for society:

“Major Portions of North America are about to become Uninhabitable - 49 Million Almost out of Water”


All that remains is the dying:

“Earth's carbon dioxide levels hit 4.5 million-year high”


“Thermokarst Apocalypse: Lighting Methane on Frozen Canadian Lakes on Fire HD”


“Pacific Marine Heat Wave ‘The Blob' May Return”


“World must rewild on massive scale to heal nature and climate, says UN

The ‘decade on ecosystem restoration’ launches with a call for ‘imagination’ and action on never-before-seen scale”


“The problem with billionaires not paying taxes isn’t even primarily that we need the tax revenue; it’s that they use that wealth to manipulate the political system.”

“There’s no such thing as an apolitical billionaire. I am not aware of a single one who doesn’t spend large sums of money on lobbying.”

Note: And yet these same billionaires also operate foundations for political change that don’t pay any taxes because the claim the foundation doesn’t have a political purpose


“Biden’s Broken Promises Spell Hard Times Ahead”

“First it was the minimum wage. Then student loans. Then the $300 weekly unemployment benefit. Then ditching the God-awful Trump tax cuts for billionaires. There was also the public option. Biden sure was racking up a lot of things he wouldn’t fight for, and guess what they all share? They’re all things working people care about – vitally.”


“As a perfect example how deep the democrat and neoliberal gaslighting has gone down, does anyone remember about the extra $600 that Joe Biden owes us and absolutely refuses to help the struggling populace, instead driving up inflation and heavily funding the corporations that have backed his political campaign (yes he got millions more than trump from corporate funding if anyone of you VBNMW gonna raise an objection). And no, as heavy as the gaslight goes it’s not the boogeyman Joe Manchin who owes us the $600, it’s Joe Biden and let’s be abundantly clear on this, Joe Biden has irrevocably failed to maintain any electoral integrity till date and the anti progressive democrat party are 100% complicit in this.”


“For every $1 we spend paying congress to ‘serve us’,

Lobbyists spend $32 making sure they don’t!

Congress will never again be a ‘service’ while it remains a lucrative ‘career’…”


“Special kudos go out to the Blue MAGA crowd that spent years focused on vilifying Berniecrats for supposedly not being team players, rather than spending anytime doing anything to prevent “good Dems” like Manchin and Sinema for destroying civilization.”


“The Biden administration says it may restart construction of the border wall to fill ‘gaps’ left by Trump”

“Biden “illegally” bombs Iranian backed militias in Syria, jeopardizing nuclear talks with Tehran”

“Biden administration will not shut down Dakota Access Pipeline during environmental review, DOJ Lawyer tells court”

“Biden’s Venezuela Policy: Continuity with Trump

“Critics blast Biden for denying entry to thousands of people still affected by Trump’s ‘Muslim ban’”

“Biden issues dozens of oil drilling permits in first few days”

“Biden won’t support Progressive Student-Loan forgiveness play, he says”

“Biden plans to continue many of Trump’s foreign policies – at least for now”

“Biden promised change at the border. He’s kept Trump’s Title 42 policy to close it and cut off asylum”

“Haiti deportations soars as Biden administration deploys Trump-era health order”

“Migrant children at border are still being separated from relatives for weeks under Biden administration”

“First migrant facility for children opens under biden”

“U.S. warns Iran it won’t lift all Trump-era sanctions to return to nuclear deal”

“Biden administration approves $735 million weapons sale to Israel”


Biden is helping Trump:

“Merrick Garland has become Trump’s legal protector”

“Jeff Hauser: MacBride nomination is a return to administrations that ended 'rule-of-law' and 'rich-person accountability'”


Our 2 parties appear to be cooperating for a Trump like Presidential Candidate in 2024:


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