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12/2022 Biden's Private Equity "relentlessly pursues profits in health care”"

Updated: Jan 17

Great Spangled Fritillary (Speyeria cybele)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2015-08-19 595aaaa

“Well, you see, Native Americans don’t own the land. They belong to it. It’s like their mother. See the rocks? Been standing there for 600 million years. Still be there when you and I are gone. So arguing over who owns them is like two fleas arguing over who owns the dog they live on.”


Andrew Paul:

“You have to love the attempt the BBC (and let's be fair they're not a special case) makes at pretending to try and report something for their right wing think tanks.

A common one this last week has been the phrase 'unseasonably high temperatures' which is code for you are quite frankly all ducked but we aren't going to say that.

They (the BBC), comically refer to ' the Horticulturalists ', as if they are some clan making up an unholy aliance with the asparagus quoffing, M25 traffic fiddling, undergrowth enviro state terrorists determined to ruin your 100mile journey to work by trying to save the planet.

And in all fairness if you haven't fallen into a kicky ball induced coma before getting to the end of this BBC standard value free 'oo it's warm look leaves no leaves oo' appeasement of the fossil energy cartels destruction of nature then you will meet the BBC qualifier last paragraph.

"Climate change can increase the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events - such as flooding and extreme heat in the UK."

It's just the standard footnote they use on all their news items to give them the illusion of meaning something. Personally it makes me physically sick to even feel the need to state any of this anymore. Which is why I've given up bothering. Because very few people seem to internalise much more anxiety about the 6th global extinction event rather than being trapped in some weird stage of grief denial that forces them to share photos of roast dinners.

And I envy those people. That's the bubble I wish I lived in. It would be wonderful to remember what happiness felt like.”

“UK weather prompts 'second spring' due to mild November weather”


You can raise interest rates all you want and if core inflation represented by energy prices are rising you will fail to control inflation throughout the economy. Or you’ll push businesses into bankruptcy:

“Insufficient quantitative tightening and structural labor-market problems threaten to undermine the effectiveness of the Fed’s rate hikes.”

“Why Higher Interest Rates Won’t Solve the Inflation Problem”


“A STAT Special Report: “They’re not in the business to make a health care company. They’re in the business to make outsized profits from their investments."”

“Private equity’s Welsh Carson, casting itself as a noble force, relentlessly pursues profits in health care


“Remember that no matter who or what a worker may be, if he works for wages he is in precisely the same economic position that you are. He is you class; He is your brother; He is your comrade.” Eugene V. Debs


“I don’t fear your god. Your god is fake.

I don’t fear your hell. It doesn’t exist.

I don’t care what your bible says. – It’s just a myth…

And nothing you say will ever change that.”

Note: but if you want to use it to personally cope with life, fine. Just don’t let it effect me.


“Cold weather can cause dangerous equipment to fail, putting communities and lives at risk.”

“The Effects of Cold Weather on Natural Gas Power Plants”

“Scary ways cold temperatures affect gas power plants and their workers”


If you fight to get off any grid, let it be America’s “food grid”:

“Today’s food system would be unrecognizable to a farmer or trader plying their wares a century or two ago.”

“The Industrial Food System”

“This method of producing food consumes finite resources without replenishing them, including the very resources on which food production depends: healthy soil, clean water and fresh air.

The industrial food system is built for scale and efficiency, and while it often results in food that is less expensive for the consumer, it also creates “externalized” costs — paying for environmental cleanup or public health fallout— that must be absorbed by governments and taxpayers. Farms under this system have become larger and larger, and food processing facilities have become increasingly more consolidated, with many industries controlled by just a few large companies.”



“How Today’s Industrial Food System Has Unleashed A Host Of Harms On Our Economy, Our Health, And Our Planet.”


NPR needs government money, so they are forced to do government’s bidding. Hence “NPR” stands for “National Petroleum Radio”:

“Chris Hedges | CORRUPTION of NPR and Public Media”


“Difficult to watch HRC... She's such a delusional criminal...and a lousy candidate...”

“Jon Stewart Gives Tongue Bath To War Criminals Hillary & Condi Rice”


“Everything on Earth is borrowed…

There is no “Mine” or “Yours”…

There is only “Ours”…

Even time is borrowed.

We kill over a Plot of Land, that belongs only to our Mother Earth.

All you have is what you came with…

And what you will leave with…

Your Spirit”

Native America Proverb:


“So You're Against Illegal Immigration Splendid When Do You Leave” Classic T-Shirt


“What’s Preventing Nuclear Annihilation?”


“The human spirit needs places where nature has not been rearranged by the hands of man.”


“ cryospheric potential interactions: ice loss in the Antarctic does potentially interact with that in the Arctic, through both the Pacific and the Atlantic (thermohaline circulation) pathways; it does behoove us to pay attention to all potentially-interacting tipping points..”

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