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12/2022 "An additional 1.6°C rise may occur due to sea ice and permafrost decline"

Updated: Jan 17

Great Spangled Fritillary (Speyeria cybele)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2015-06-18 125aaaa

Mass Extinction is raging:

Val Eisman:

“I just read sad news this morning about the two wetland preserves we visit every year to see the migrating birds and local birds.

"But birds did not stop getting sick this summer in the Pacific Northwest. They continued to die during the hottest months and well into the fall – an anomaly to how the virus usually operates.

In recent weeks, wild birds have been getting sick and dying from the Fernhill Wetlands in Forest Grove to the Tualatin River Wildlife Refuge to the Willamette Valley Wildlife Refuges. It’s impossible to know exactly how many wild birds have been impacted, said Colin Gillin, State Wildlife Veterinarian.

“If I said it was in the thousands, it would be an under-estimate,” Gillin said.

About 17 percent of waterfowl that’s been tested have registered positive for the disease, which is “a substantial number,” Gillin said. The species currently most affected is cackling geese, but the disease is also killing numerous bald eagles, hawks, owls and herons."”

“Thousands of wild birds dead across Oregon: bird-flu outbreak blamed”


Mass Extinction is raging:

Val Eisman:

“Bark beetle infestation tree warning

This is what trees do when there is a bark beetle infestation around. They put out this sap to protect their tree bark. I have previously only seen this on the lower part of tree trunks. But I was amazed that this sap ran all the way down from the top of this tree in Forest Park, Portland so I took a picture of it. Hopefully the cold nights we are presently having will have freeze some of the bark beetles.”



“Steven Donziger Says Criminalize Ecocide to 'Help Save the Planet'

Environmental lawyer offers five key legal initiatives—including a fossil fuel nonproliferation treaty—to combat industry's assault on climate.”


“After COP27, What Are The Options? An Introduction to Plan E”


Val Eisman:

“How the U.S.-Chinese Technology War is Changing the World”

"In the summer of 2020, massive wildfires erupted in California and Oregon. Forest fires are a yearly occurrence in the region. Yet amid devastation and chaos, the thousands of firefighters battling the flames quickly noticed that something was different from other years. Controlled burning, a crucial tool to prevent wildfires, had not taken place during the spring. Something else was amiss: There were no drones available to monitor how quickly the flames were spreading. If firefighters had known why there had been no controlled burns and why drones were missing, they would probably have been surprised. It had nothing to do with forests, environmental policies, or perennial budget cuts. It was all about China.

The previous year, the Trump administration had [ordered](

) U.S. government agencies to stop using more than 800 drones that previously helped to monitor fires and to conduct controlled burns across the country. The drones worked perfectly well, but they were made by DJI, a Chinese company. Using unmanned aircraft from DJI is nothing special: The firm supplies more than 70 percent of the world’s civilian drones. However, the administration worried that the drones might covertly send sensitive information to China, allowing Beijing to see exactly what the drones could see.

DJI had vigorously denied these claims and taken steps to relocate production to the United States. Staff from the U.S. Interior Department had warned that halting controlled burning would likely result in catastrophic wildfires. Yet the administration had chosen to ignore these warnings and to go even further with its China-proofing strategy: Washington also halted the acquisition of 17 high-tech systems, called Ignis, which help to start controlled fires. The technology was American. Several years earlier, the U.S. government had [added](

) Ignis to a top list of “Made in America” innovations. However, there was a catch: The Ignis systems include Chinese-made components. For the administration, this was

too much of a risk to take.

With drones grounded and Ignis systems missing, the U.S. Office of Wildland Fire was able to carry out only a [quarter](

) of the controlled-burning operations that it had arranged to undertake in 2020. The backup plan would have been to use aircraft manned by firefighters, but this option was quickly abandoned: It imperiled human lives when there was a risk-free alternative.

The lack of drones was a tangible illustration of the ripple effects of the U.S.-China conflict. It came with catastrophic consequences. It is unlikely that using drones would have prevented the fires, which were due to an unusual combination of strong winds and extreme heat. However, perhaps it could have [helped](

) to lower the death toll (nearly 40 people died) and to reduce the scope of the damage (which reached $19 billion in California alone). Was mitigation of unsubstantiated risks that China may use the drones to spy on U.S. soil worth such a high price? For Washington, the answer was apparently a clear yes."



The next El Niño could strike within a few years and make a difference of 0.5°C. Sunspots are forecast to peak in 2025, further adding to the upcoming temperature rise.

Meanwhile, politicians at COP27 colluded to ignore rising greenhouse gas levels. Recent methane daily averages at Mauna Loa, Hawaii, are between 1900 ppb and 2000 ppb (recent monthly average is above 1950 ppb).

An additional 1.6°C rise may occur due to sea ice and permafrost decline and associated changes. When taking further events and developments into account, the temperature rise could become unbearable globally and drive humans into extinction by 2026.

See the post 'The upcoming El Nino and further events and developments', at:


DemGops are desperate to control the narrative. Consumers can’t be allowed to seize up (aka the must be continually milked for maximum profit by the already rich) until the very last moment before a sudden and catastrophic sure death:

“How is climate change affecting the US? The government is preparing a nearly 1,700 page answer.”


Christian Tieber:

“Things that really matter in life are not more consumer crap but

Having soil to grow crops

Having Bees to pollinate plants

Having clean water that is not contaminated with pesticides and micro plastic

Having clean air that is not toxic with pollutants

All now threatened”


Maybe the Vatican can hold a funeral for the earth?:

“No longer just an observer, Vatican looks to wield new status in UN climate talks”


Teri Mattson

November 23 at 6:13 PM ·

Thursday, November 24 @7:30pm ET on WTF is Going on in Latin America & the Caribbean: Save the Planet-Nicaragua & the Climate Crisis.

On the heels of COP27, we present an encore broadcast from August 2021 discussing climate change with guest Javier Gutierrez, Secretary of the Presidency of Nicaragua for Climate Change and Vice-Minister of Environment and Natural Resources.

The episode is a thorough presentation of the effects of climate change on food production, extreme weather conditions, insect borne illnesses, and migration, as well as, a scientific discussion as to what is happening to the planet as a whole.


WTF is Going on in Latin America & the Caribbean is a Popular Resistance (Stop the Machine! Create a New World) broadcast in partnership with CODEPINK: Women For Peace, Common Frontiers, Council on Hemispheric Affairs, Friends of Latin America, IRTF - The InterReligious Task Force on Central America, Massachusetts Peace Action and Task Force on the Americas.

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