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11/2021 Whims of billionaires: “Koch Funding for Campuses Comes With Dangerous Strings Attached”

Updated: Jan 12

DemocracyNow: 196 countries understating emissions


“Washington Post investigation has found most countries’ pledges to reduce greenhouse gas emissions are built on flawed data. The Post examined 196 country reports and found a giant gap between what nations declare their emissions to be versus the greenhouse gases they are actually sending into the atmosphere.”

“Climate Activists Blast COP26 Draft Statement for Failing to Phase Out Fossil Fuels”

Gray Hairstreak (Strymon melinus)

Waunkee, Dane County, Wisconsin, USA

9/26/2012 0001_IMG_0144_99999aaaa F:\2018 Photos\OldPhotoZ2012

DemocracyNow: UN COP26 formal decision fails to recognize fossil fuels as responsible?!


“United Nations climate summit in Glasgow, Scotland, have released a first draft of the COP26 “final decision text” — and it’s being blasted by environmentalists as “exceptionally weak.” Greenpeace noted the 850-word document fails to acknowledge that fossil fuels are driving the climate crisis, while making no commitment to tangible actions to end global reliance on coal, oil and gas. ”

“Climate Activists Blast COP26 Draft Statement for Failing to Phase Out Fossil Fuels”


DemocracyNow: US Military greenhouse gases are NOT counted, but are greater than 140+ Nations

It’s a double whammy. Despite bearing the word “defense” in its name, in actuality the US Military primarily serves to concentrate wealth into the hands of the Rich,…who in turn live so they are the worst personal emitters of greenhouse gases.

“Costs of War project estimates the military produced around 1.2 billion metric tons of carbon emissions between 2001 and 2017, with nearly a third coming from U.S. wars overseas. But military carbon emissions have largely been exempted from international climate treaties dating back to the 1997 Kyoto Protocol after lobbying from the United States.”

“War Helps Fuel the Climate Crisis as U.S. Military Carbon Emissions Exceed 140+ Nations”


Again, the US Military’s emissions, despite being greater than 140 countries, are NOT counted and US Military’s principle purpose is to concentrate wealth who make the problem worse,...again it’s the rich killing the planet with the assistance of our political party “Democrats\Republicans”


Jason Palmer \ Near Term Human Extinction:

“We were warned”

“James Lovelock: 'Enjoy life while you can: in 20 years global warming will hit the fan'

The climate science maverick believes catastrophe is inevitable, carbon offsetting is a joke and ethical living a scam. So what would he do? By Decca Aitkenhead”


30 yr high inflation of 6.2%: goods included in the calculation of inflation change at political will. So, goods whose prices skyrocketed are excluded & goods not increasing in price are included. Essentially, the play a game of “Dial a rate”


Parade of Fakes 1:

Rittenhouse can cry without shedding tears?!

Quote: “…take a closer look...Rittenhouse isn't distraught, he's actually checking out whether the jury is buying it. That's a hard look to his left, without turning his head to make it too obvious.”


Parade of Fakes 2:

Buttigieg is a mindless establishment stooge.

His parents were professors and emphasized book smarts. His real powers of ratiocination are abundantly clear in the current supply crisis in the lap of the Dept of Transportation where he is Secretary.

“Buttigieg enlisted after he’d already graduated from Harvard and Oxford, worked at McKinsey, and decided to run for public office. The mayor’s [Buttigieg] six-month deployment was a photo op. He did it to add a red white & blue bauble to his resume, so you’d take him seriously. You shouldn’t. “ And itsn’t Mc Kinsey and the CIA practically one and the same?

“Krystal and Saagar [youtube] offer their thoughts on the reporting about a new documentary focusing on the life of Pete Buttigieg who appears to be nothing more than his carefully curated image.”


Chinese officials have publicly encouraged citizens to accumulate and store food


Why Charles Koch is not in jail erodes the last shred of faith I had in America. The rest of the planet should save themselves and as much of our natural world as they can by vaporizing America. American People are powerless to change what is essentially the most deadly criminal organization on the planet because our two parties have a monopoly. DEMOCRATS WILL NOT SAVE THE COUNTRY FROM FASCISM.

“There’s a reason authoritarian governments want to control education by denying it to it’s citizens and controlling the content. Critical thinking is at an all time low, not only in the U.S., but worldwide. The WSJ about a month ago had the headline , “ We’re in the golden age of dumbness “.”

“Betsy DeVos's strategy was to defund public schools, hence the push to transfer public funds to charter schools. The next stage was to privatize schools to siphon public cash, thereby enriching themselves further. Just like trumps father, they LOVE soaking up taxpayer money to which they NEVER contribute!”

“Koch funding on campuses is a blatant effort to steer curricula and hiring to funnel students into careers with conservative groups.”

Starving the beast and making Universities subject to the whims of billionaires.

“Koch Funding for Campuses Comes With Dangerous Strings Attached”


“The greater the power, the more dangerous the abuse.” Edmund Burke


“No, the Richest One Percent Don’t Pay 40 Percent of the Taxes.”

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