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12/2021 Blackrock owns all the major pharmaceutical & weapons manufacturers and most main media

Updated: Jan 12

“When you live in a country where a U.S. congresswoman proudly publishes a photo of herself with Kyle Rittenhouse and is popular for it, it’s obvious why we need progressives, not posers” (e.g. Marc Pocan, etc)..

“With dark forces such as this in Congress, we need every member of the #CongressionalProgressiveCaucus to be true to the name: Progressive. We need courage and fortitude NOW, not #PINO's (#ProgressivesInNameOnly). Check out RootsAction's campaign:


AGAIN,…You are not counted as unemployed if you are unemployed for more than 6 months! Digest unemployment numbers with corresponding Labor Force Participation Rates,…for starters:

“Wisconsin unemployment rate ties record low of 3”

Gray Hairstreak (Strymon melinus)

South Central Dane County, Wisconsin, USA

9/26/2013 640aaaa2p (ref. 2022)

“It’s not safe to visit your parents, but you must report for work” – this is a policy designed to evoke contempt.”


“'Literally Celebrating Killing People': Chris Hayes Segment Details Growing Right-Wing Bloodlust”

“With a standing ovation for Kyle Rittenhouse and comments about taking up arms against Democrats, a right-wing gathering this week displayed "one of the most ominous, despicable developments in our politics in recent memory."”


“The Depraved Deification of Kyle Rittenhouse is Yet Another Symbol of America's Decline”


“Want to keep christ in Christmas?

Feed the hungry,

Clothe the naked,

Forgive the guilty,

Welcome the unwanted,

Care for the ill,

Love your enemies,

And do unto others as you would have done unto you.”


Don’t forget Pelosi McConnell Obama Cheney etc etc:

“It isn't hyperbole to say that fossil-fuel executives are mass murderers. We should put them on trial for crimes against humanity.”

“It’s Time to Try Fossil-Fuel Executives for Crimes Against Humanity”


“Patient Drug Prices Can Vary by $50 a Pill Among U.S. Hospitals”

"Some [hospitals] charged a nearly 6,000% MARKUP on average compared with the pharmacy price for the same drug.”

This insight came from a digital healthcare platform that compared prices for 12 generic drugs at 16 hospitals, more of their findings HERE:


“Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be understood let alone believed by the masses.” Plato


Xavier Rosseel:

Nitrogen fertilizer for corn causes soil carbon to diminish:

"The nitrogen in the residues stimulates the microbes to burn carbon off through”


“Noam Chomsky on the "Bailout Economy" and "Class War" November 26, 2021”

“Noam addresses the super-wealthy and the class war it bequeaths. Congress bails out the wealthy and ignores the victims.

Look at the small details. They established tax "red lines" for the wealthy and consequent giveaways amounting to corporate welfare.

Tax cheats for the very rich and wealthy yet no protections are granted to the average citizen.”


Sam Carana:

“Wood burners cause nearly half of urban air pollution cancer risk – study”

“Exclusive: Wood smoke is a more important carcinogen than vehicle fumes, finds Athens analysis”

“Annual exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in urban environments linked to wintertime wood-burning episodes” - by Irini Tsiodra et al.


“MEGA Disasters (2007) Methane Apocalypse”


“Tornadoes and Climate Change: What a Warming World Means for Deadly Twisters and the Type of Storms that Spawn Them”


George Tsakraklides:

“Like a fish getting caught in a net, it is too late for humanity to realise it took the wrong turn. Death comes unexpectedly, causally, and without goodbyes or fanfare”


“A Massive Cold Outbreak Heads for Europe This Week, but what about Snow and White Christmas Forecast?”


“Ask a Caltech Expert: Newman and Orphan on Microbes and Climate Change”


“Four-day week ‘an overwhelming success’ in Iceland. Shorter hours, same pay, same or even improved productivity, smaller carbon footprint. This should be the future of work.”


“Where in the world are all the rare earths?”


“He who has a why to live can bear almost any how.” Friedrich Nietzsche


“U.S. federal “defense” budget $768 bilion.

U.S. federal education budget $66 billion.

“A nation that spends 11.63 times more on “defense” than education at the federal level is a failed state”

“I am convinced that if we are to get on the right side of the world revolution, we as a nation must undergo a radical revolution of values. We must rapidly begin to shift from a "thing-oriented" society to a "person-centered" society. When machines and computers, profit motives and property rights are considered more important than people, the giant triplets of racism, materialism, and militarism are incapable of being conquered. . . . A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual death. America, the richest and most powerful nation in the world, can well lead the way in this revolution of values. There is nothing, expect a tragic death wish, to prevent us from reordering our priorities, so that the pursuit of peace will take precedence over the pursuit of war. There is nothing to keep us from molding a recalcitrant status quo with bruised hands until we have fashioned it into a brotherhood and sisterhood. We still have a choice today: nonviolent coexistence or violent co-annihilation.

— Martin Luther King, Jr., Testimony by Daniel Berrigan

Via Simon Wood”


“The U.S.A. doesn’t have a health care system. It has a disease management system, there is no profit in healthy people for the American Medical mafia”


“Just remember this, Mr. Potter, that this rabble you’re talking about… they do most of the working and paying and living and dying in this community. Well, is it too much to have them work and pay and live and die in a couple of decent rooms a bath? Anyway, my father didn’t think so. People were human beings to him. But to you, a warped, frustrated old man, they’re cattle. Well in my book, my father died a much richer man that you’ll ever be!” George Bailey, “It’s a wonderful life”


“Israel’s war criminals spread fake cheer at Christmas”

"Israel’s military frequently poses as a humanitarian organization. So it came as little surprise that it recently sought to turn an announcement about Christmas celebrations into a goodwill gesture." The Electronic Intifada


John Scheve:

“Current global 2 m air temperature anomalies for the date (left) and global sea surface temperature anomalies for the date (right), degrees C. Note how much warmer than average for the date the air is over *all* of the polar regions and especially Antarctica. Air temperatures are about 6 to 14 degrees C (11 to 25 degree F) above average for the date across Antarctica. (Note the polar regions of the SST anomaly map are mostly white because of no data). Ladies and gentlemen, we have a climate emergency.


“I pledge allegiance to the earth of our beloved solar system

And to all of her creatures for here they dwell

One planet, united in harmony with universal love & compassion for all”


“Leave the old and dying America and use your creative energies to help form a new America, which would be de-militarized, more humanistic, where the police are less hostile and closer to the community, where the wealthy are not given unleashed power for the exploitation of the people.”

“It is wrong to expect a reward for your struggles. The reward is the act of struggle itself.”

“The fortunes of the entire world may well ride on the ability of you Americans to face the responsibility of an old America gone mad.”

“Even though you can’t expect to defeat the absurdity of the world, you must make the attempt. That’s morality, that’s religion. That’s art. That’s life.”

Phil Ochs, American songwriter and political activist


Jim McHenry

“It didn’t seem plausible to him that a massive, underground mix of rocks, soil and trees was relentlessly inching toward the highway 200 miles north of Fairbanks near Coldfoot. The 414-mile thoroughfare begins in central Alaska north of Fairbanks and continues north to Prudhoe Bay on the Beaufort Sea.”

“Unleashed by Warming, Underground Debris Fields Threaten to ‘Crush’ Alaska’s Dalton Highway and the Alaska Pipeline

When the highway and pipeline were planned in the 1970s, the debris “lobes” were frozen solid. Now, they’re monsters devouring everything in their paths”



“dems really restarted student loan payments, ended child direct payments, hiked medicare premiums, gave the pentagon $768 billion then lit a candle and went on vacation”

"I’m sick of symbolic things. We are fighting for our lives.” - Fannie Lou Hamer


“A hospital offered a payment plan for baby's NICU stay — $45,843 a month for a year”


“The Cold War was BS, as is the new Cold War on Russia and China. The US has always been the primary aggressor and more threatening to Russia than they were to us. Winston Churchill, who coined the term “Iron Curtain,” said Bolshevism should be strangled in the cradle. We tried by putting boots on the ground in the Russian Civil War. The US always had superior firepower and a willingness to use it. And yet the rhetoric always portrays Russia as the aggressor. This works on people who are easily duped, as I was when I was a kid. But it’s time for us all to grow up and stop letting the weapons dealers pick our pockets here in the “land of the free.” Hart Hagan


“Why 20 of us went on a hunger strike in support of the Freedom to Vote Act

Opinion: It became clear a few days into our hunger strike that President Biden should use his bully pulpit to publicly support Senate rules reform.”


“Breakdown weather, post-doom & the new Arctic”

David Morrison

“We are transfixed in the global accident. Guests Michael Dowd and scientist Michelle McCrystall. After drought and fires come flooding rains, record tornadoes - in December. A novel virus is sweeping the world. How can we cope and continue? Eco-minister Michael Dowd shares post-doom conversation. Then to hidden climate threats: new science finds there will be more rain than snow in the Arctic, decades earlier. A new feedback loop emerges. From the University of Manitoba, our guest is lead author Dr. Michelle McCrystall.”


“The way Mexican farmers farm wheat releases large amounts of nitrous oxide (no laughing matter).”


“Snow is glowing in the Russian Arctic. The culprit? Tiny sea creatures.

Tiny bioluminescent animals called copepods recently lit up the snow near a remote field station, in the first documented sighting of its kind.”

Kevin Hester:

“"Perhaps what’s most surprising is that glowing snow had not been seen before at a biological station that’s been active for over 80 years"

We are in a time of unprecedented change and none of it is good.

We have unleashed a Pandora's box of so called 'Black Swans'. Whilst this may not seem so bad at first glance precedents in Science foretell of unknown consequences.”


“Ground Flare At Mammoth New Exxon SABIC Plastics Plant Likened to A Harmless ‘Barbecue’ In Corporate Video

Environmental advocates fear the Gulf Coast is poised to become a sacrifice zone as the latest petrochemical facility goes into production.”


“M5.9 earthquake hits Southern Alaska at intermediate depth, U.S.”

“As we spiral into the abyss we will see additional tectonic activity as a feedback of iso-static rebound. In the Arctic it could destabilise submarine methane hydrates and terrestrial methane deposits.”


“The whole educational and professional training system is a very elaborate filter, which is just weeds out people who are too independent, and who think for themselves, and who don’t know how to be submissive, and son on – because they’re dysfunctional to the institutions” Noam Chomsky


“Most of us wish to believe we are good person. Knowledge that we may be harming others make us uncomfortable, and we shun the realities of our wrongdoings as a defense mechanisms to protect our self-images.

Yet, learning about the harm we cause ourselves and others are opportunities for personal growth and life-enriching transformative change. And it is our moral obligation as emotionally intelligent adults to challenge our biases and accept our imitation in our ongoing quests for self-improvement.

It is not the responsibility of those who witness injustice to allow the agents of harm to remain comfortable in their willful ignorance. We must raise awareness by calling it out, not in contempt of the offenders, but to help them become better persons, including corporations with legal “personhood”.

Therefore, all attempts to expose the harm caused by institutions, whether or not they wish to acknowledge it, is a morally responsible act. On the other hand, a company’s unwillingness to face its demons – to improve itself and prevent further harm – is an irresponsible act, indefensible on moral grounds.”


“Climate Change: Ocean Heat Content”

Sam Carana:

“NOAA: Ocean heat compared to average

"Heat absorbed by the ocean is moved from one place to another, but it doesn’t disappear. The heat energy eventually re-enters the rest of the Earth system by melting ice shelves, evaporating water, or directly reheating the atmosphere. Thus, heat energy in the ocean can warm the planet for decades after it was absorbed."


Who is righting this. Yeah, yeah, liquidate Musk\Bezos\Gates\Zuckerberg\Fink’s assets and take what cash you can. Trust me, there will be more than if you did it to anyone of 99% of Americans. Government does it to the “little people”. It’s called “civil asset forfeiture”.


America’s abominable Judiciary:

Kyle Rittenhouse is being treated like a Royal Prince after murdering two people,

Rogel Aguilera-Mederos received 110 years in prison for an accident he couldn’t control.

Two sides of the same system”


George Tsakraklides:

“Before industrial humans came along, Earth was a thriving Democracy of 8.7 million species find strength in diversity. Now it is a Squid Game Dictatorship where 150 species die each day. The Big Countdown has begun.”


“Blackrock owns all the major pharmaceutical & weapons manufacturers as well as most mainstream media”

Pfizer, merck astrazeneca, moderna, johnson & johnson

Northrup Gruman, KBR, Texas Instruments, Raytheon, Beoing, General dynamics Honeywell

MSNBC, CNN, FOX, time warner

“All pundits from both Parties represented on msm are given orders on what to say by Blackrock in their entertainment sessions!”


“When Debts Become Unpayable, They Should Be Forgiven”

“For centuries, debt and indebtedness have had profoundly destabilizing effects on human societies. In the ancient world, rulers and their subjects had a solution: known as a debt jubilee, it involved a periodic, unconditional wiping out of debt. We need such a jubilee today.”


“Science Update: Climate Havoc in the Arctic”

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