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Koch’s continued privatization of Medicare\caid must cease

Updated: Jan 12

“Would Americans fight for their country like Ukrainians? A recent poll is discouraging | Opinion”

Reader comments:

~#1Waterworold fan: “I’m busy.”

~Discount Dog Scuba: “I would assist the invaders in anyway I could.”

~a tiny, old manatee: “Nope”

~Punished Tony Toponi: “Nah, man I’d give free rides to the invading force”

~Stuck Fuel Nozzle: “Invaders got healthcare?”

~Civil Discourse Bot. Not Rude. Very Nice: “Who’s invading? I might be on their side.”

~Grand Moff Tarkus: “Do you know how much it costs to treat a gsw”

~Casey at the end of the cave monsters: “I dunno, are the invaders gonna pass stupid shit…?

~defeated of the Midwest: “I would gladly turn traitor and help any liberators”

~AJ Rottini(good): “Ready to greet invaders as liberators”

~boo: “Why should we”


“I see a corrupt Democratic Party that is owned by the same corporations that own the Republican party and in secret the Dem Party doesn’t really give a shit who wins. As long as the winner is a corporate sell-out.”

Gray Hairstreak (Strymon melinus)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2018-07-05 107aaap

James Moore:

“They've been trying to get us to understand this for decades. We are actually participating in a exercise that validates our own oppression.”

“I shall not go to the polls.

I believe that democracy has so far disappeared in the United States that no “two evils” exist.

There is but one evil party with two names, and it will be elected despite all I can do or say.”

W.E.B. Du Bois


“War is when your government tells you who the enemy is.

A revolution is when you figure it out yourself.”


I find it glaring that Russia was building up at the Ukrainian border for weeks but when Russia actually invaded it was like Zelensky had no policy in place to protect Ukrainian citizens, other than “stay and get killed”

We all know what’s going on - you might as well ski[ Ukraine and just give the effected corporations a check$ minus your kickback (oh, excuse me “donation”)


“We live in capitalism. Its power seems inescapable. So did the divine right of kings. Any human power can be resisted and changed by human beings. Resistance and change often begin in art, and very often in our art, the art of words.” Ursula K. Le Guin


United States and Israel are supporting genocidal campaigns against South American environmentalists:


“Indigenous Maya and local Ladino communities, some of which have been stewarding these forests for generations despite decades of anti-leftist, genocidal, “scorched earth” campaigns enacted against them by their own government (funded-and-backed by the U.S. and Israel, of course)”

“Mormon Mythistries–Richard Hansen in El Mirador

U.S. settler-colonial-capitalist-imperialism, white-Christian-Zionism, and eco-fascist conservation in Guatemala”


Marco Daniel Summaria:

“Even in the middle of a lethal pandemic...”

““May plan lets you keep your medical bankruptcy!” Just like Trump”


How about that Eric Prince of Blackwater and those Nazis:

01.15.2022 “The CIA may be Breeding Nazi Terror In Ukraine”

“The CIA has been secretly training anti-Russian groups in Ukraine since 2015. Everything we know points to the likelihood tat includes neo-NAZIs aspiring far-right terrorists across the world.”

02.28.2022 “The Left Must Stand With the Ukrainian People and Against Putin’s War”

“Socialists’ first task in Vladimir Putin’s appalling war on Ukraine: provide unconditional solidarity with its victims.” (see Pete Buttigieg comments)


“Waltzing Toward Armageddon with the Merchants of Death”

“The Huge Gap Between How Serious Nuclear War Is And How Seriously It's Being Taken”


Fostering normalcy bias with errors of omission: the deadly nature of the Rich & Washington’s use of censorship-for-profit in their corporate main stream media is about to go thru the roof with the environment. It’s criminal



This photograph taken on March 15, 2022 shows sand from #Sahara that fell overnight covering the snow, in Piau-Engaly ski resort, southern #France.”


“Bees in the Anthropocene: Four Thoughts”


Lulu man bags, thousands of dollars in Ice cream bars, Manchin, etc.:

“"The French Revolution put the middle classes, the bourgeoisie, into the government, in place of the aristocracy and nobility that preceded them. It gave certain constitutional rights to the farmer and worker, who until then were mere serfs. But the power of the bourgeoisie, its industrial mastery, made the farmer its abject dependent and turned the city worker into a wage slave.

Liberty is an empty concept as long as you are kept in bondage economically. Freedom means that you have the right to do a certain thing; but if you have no opportunity to do it, that right is non-existent. The opportunity depends on your economic condition, whatever the political situation may be. No political rights can be of the least use to a person who is compelled to toil all their life to keep themself and their family from starvation."

-Alexander Berkman

[Description: image of Alexander Berkman speaking to members of the I.W.W. in New York City]”

“Liberty is an empty concept as long as you are kept in bondage economically. Freedom means that you have the right to do a certain thing; but if you have no opportunity to do it, that right is non-existent. The opportunity depends on your economic conditions, whatever the political situation may be. No political rights can be of the least use to a person who is compelled toil all their life to keep themselves and their family from starvation.” Alexander Berkman


"To the American Youth" by Alexander Berkman


“Tyranny must be opposed at the start. Autocracy, once secured in the saddle, is diffucult to dislodge. If you believe that America is entering the war "to make democracy safe," then be a man and volunteer.

But if you know anything at all, then you should know that the cry of democracy is a lie and a snare for the unthinking. You should know that a republic is not synonymous with democracy, and that America has never been a real democracy, but that it is the vilest plutocracy on the face of the globe.”


Bernie Sanders a Democrat:

Koch’s continued privatization of Medicare\caid must cease and Pelosi needs to be barred from holding public office:

“The average cost to remove an appendix around the world:

United Arab Emirates: $1,160

United Kingdom: $3,050

South Africa: $3,110

Holland: $3,410

New Zealand: $6,710

United States: $13,020

We need Medicare for all now.”

Reader Comment: “Tony Nunn

Oh cool! dem leadership gave you permission to speak about M4A again! Any update on holding your party accountable?? How about even speaking about the fact they completely dropped the public option right after the election (that they only ran on to contest your run)??”

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