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Updated: Jan 7

“Huge wildfire sweeps across Canford Heath nature reserve in Dorset”

“Police appeal for witnesses as fire crews describe blaze as the largest in the area for years”


“Final warning - what does the IPCC’s third report instalment say?”

Gray Comma (Polygonia progne)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2018 6/21 _F2A9295aaa

“IPCC 'Survival Guide'. Hope or delusion?”

“The latest IPCC report suggests we can survive the 21st century by making unprecedented and totally radical changes in the next eight years. But even then we'll still need to suck billions of tons of CO2 back out of our atmosphere for decades. The IPCC reckon it can be done. But are they deluding themselves and giving us a false sense of security?”

IPCC Report Link


South west and Alaska both burning:

“The largest April wildfire in Alaska in a quarter century is burning near Kwethluk”


Peter Carter:

“WORLD MILITARY expenditure passes $2 trillion- for the first time ever.

The Military is the most fossil fuel intensive institution. The US military is the single largest consumer of energy in the US and the world's single largest institutional consumer of petroleum. The Heavy Arms race drives fossil fuel dependence, increases the risk of nuclear war and obstructs any chance cooperation to prevent climate planetary catastrophe.

It's Strategy for Annihilation whatever way it's looks at.”


“Climate Change is Killing Trees”



Deadly combination existential threat as reported in this major UN review of the world's lands- Global Land Outlook.”

“Global food security threatened by land degradation, UN report finds”



Arctic permafrost regions are giving off substantial CO2 emissions in the winter - big bad surprise, at 1.0°C warming. This has switched the Arctic from carbon sink to CARBON SOURCE “

“Permafrost Becoming a Carbon Source Instead of a Sink”


“Copernicus Europe annual climate report.

2021 Record hot summer in Europe.

Atmospheric CO2 and methane (by satellite) rising fast, especially methane.”


Like America did with COVID:

“Russia Stops Publishing Most Economic Data

Blinds Western besiegers but also means Russian citizens and analysts are left in the dark”


“A major Atlantic current is at a critical transition point

New evidence suggests that the larger system the Gulf Stream is part of is approaching a tipping point that could cause dramatic shifts in global weather patterns.”


“Common Sense Climate Solutions

Reducing risks and costs can go hand in hand”


“Why Trump Runs Free”


“The New Turn in Ukraine: Putin’s War Becomes Biden’s War”



Bank of America has financed fossil fuels to the tune of $232 BILLION since the Paris Agreement. The climate crisis is a life or death situation, and right now Bank of America is choosing death, climate destruction, and environmental racism.”


“This Is What a World Collapsing Into Fascism Looks Like

Remember When I Used to Warn You About It? Take a Hard Look Around the World.”

[It’s more than fascism, it’s the rich organizing a society where they will be sure to have the best chance of surviving the global environmental collapse they’ve caused]


“Demand the USDA take action to address the excessive power of a handful of pesticide mega-corporations!”

“In the past twenty years, the Western bumblebee population has declined by 93%. And they aren’t the only bee species suffering catastrophic declines. Neonic pesticides, which coat virtually all conventional corn and soy seeds, are a key driver of bee declines, killing them outright, interfering with navigation and reproduction, and making them more susceptible to pests and diseases.

These bee-killing pesticide coated seeds are used across the country, contaminating our water, soil, and plants that pollinators rely on -- and neonics have made agriculture 48 times more toxic to bees over the last 20 years. Because only four pesticide mega-corporations produce the majority of the world’s seeds and pesticides, non-organic farmers are left with no pesticide-free alternatives to Big Ag’s toxic, pre-poisoned seeds. But the USDA could protect bees by ensuring farmers have access to neonic-free, sustainable options.”

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