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4/2022 They had $8 Trillion, gave you $1400, sent the rest to their friends, and now inflation

Updated: Jan 10

Richard D. Wolff:

“From the 2008 crash through he 2020crash, US profits kept rising: triple now what they were in 2008. Working class economic fortunes shrank as US capitalism redistributed wealth upwards. The system is the problem. Source:


“The hell that Saudi Arabia and its master America created for 40 years for Yemen and the world silently passed by and passes by it...

But these days the media empires have laid a stone for Ukraine...!!!”

Gray Comma (Polygonia progne)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2020 7/24 _F2A3361aaa

“Dave Chia writes:

“Who's the biggest terrorist organization in the world...? “”

US Interventions since WWII

Bomb attacks, sabotage, attempted regime change”

[list of 70 times US did this - countries’ name and the year it happened]


It is wrong to say that America hasn’t prepared for the death of our global biosphere because I’m sure they have it’s just that their plans don’t include me, you, your children, or 99% of the people everywhere. -

“We just observed the 5th warmest March on record globally according to Copernicus EU

It wasn't warm for everyone. Extremely cold conditions were recorded in Southeast Europe and North Africa.

Arctic, Asia, and eastern Antarctic really stand out as the hot spots.”

“Scott Duncan

I have pulled together a zoomed in look across the globe in this thread:”


“They printed $8 Trillion, gave you $1400, sent the rest to their friends, and left you with inflation.”


“Food Prices Rise 1.0% in March: CPI Report”


“The U.S. Is Run by a Selfish Oligarchy, a Ruling Elite with a Pretend Democracy & Free Market (1993)”


Biden: “My plan lets you keep your medical bankruptcy!” Just like trump


“Mural in Copenhagen by Palestinian artist Salim Assi”


American Democratic and Republican politicians have engineered our oblivion:

“Just pay attention to the rate of increase and it seems it is getting ready to shoot straight up. I have seen curves like this and the end result of such curves are the shooting star. The abrupt change.

For the second year in a row, NOAA scientists observed a record annual increase in atmospheric methane, a powerful, heat-trapping greenhouse gas that’s the second biggest contributor to human-caused global warming after carbon dioxide.”

“Methane is Gas

Methane is a product of leaking fossil fuel infrastructure and intentional flaring.

End fossil fuels

Learn more:

“Increase in atmospheric methane set another record during 2021”


“El-Ninó, gone.

La-Niná building up to permanently replace it.

These are conditions never experienced or witnessed in our species history.

Nothing says that anything has to be the way it's always been.

History has no precedent for the current global climatic conditions.

'Everyday unprecedented' is the normal and we'd be foolish not to expect the unpredictable.”

“NOAA Climate.Gov

According to the latest ENSO outlook from NOAA NWS Climate Prediction Center, La Niña continues. The current forecast favors the continuation of La Niña through the summer (59% chance), and into the fall (50-55% chance). A third-year La Niña would be pretty unusual, with only two others since 1950.”


“Anyone seen it? Anti-War activists are stalked in the scorching California desert in a terrifying twist on capture the flag. Anyone seen this?

PS. I love this movie poster.

"British filmmaker / anti-war provocateur Peter Watkin’s Punishment Park is a vitriolic rebuke of America’s policies of global aggression and war-making of the 60s and 70s. Part dystopian nightmare, part pseudo-documentary, Punishment Park is a political tale of the macabre set in an arena of a scorching California desert where cops hunt convicted protesters down like dogs.

Shot cinema vérité style as a docudrama, Watkins went even further to strike an authentic tone by casting actual anti-war activists for the hunted hippies, and real-life conservatives to play the police force and litigating body. The result was an incredibly tense film set that rendered an incredibly moving and realistic portrayal of state-mandated violence and all of its players.

Watkins began his career at the BBC in the early 60’s, moving up the ranks before helming his own features. His second film, The War Game, a docudrama depicting nuclear war, was produced by the BBC but immediately banned when they saw the horrific final cut.

It’s no wonder Watkin’s style was deemed too dangerous by the Establishment – his films are unfathomably gritty, but yet intellectual and didactic enough to appeal to audiences who sensed something was rotten in their governments."”


“America is experiencing a shortage of greed inflated$$$ baby formula, but Biden prints $800 million for war because warfare increases and concentrates wealth. This is a problem of priorities as well as a system that benefits the rich at the expense of the 99%


“Nikolas Miyagi Maslow writes

If you ‘stand with Ukraine’ but not Somalia, Yemen, Palestine, Syria, Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq you’ve been co-opted into the NeoCon Uniparty in Washington.”


“The Secret Plot To Unleash Corporate Power

In 1980, conspirators launched a secret plot to get rid of antitrust law. It worked. Now enforcers are asking for help from you and me to restore the law. Let's give it to them.”

“URGENT - Antitrust legislation has been gutted and/or gone unenforced which has caused corporations to get bigger than ever to the detriment of the people and the planet. We finally have people in government trying to do something about that BUT THEY NEED YOUR HELP! Please check out this article by Matt Stoller and use the link he provides to send your thoughts on mergers and anti-trust. (an example message is included in the link) Right now the only people commenting are lobbyists and economists and the deadline for comments is April 21st... our government needs to know that "we the people" care about breaking up monopolies. Please read, respond and share widely!”

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