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12/2022 We have warmed by +1.7 C and we are now rocketing past that as well

Updated: Jan 10

Gray Comma (Polygonia progne)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2019-10-8 _F2A2095aaa2

“The Pathology of the Rich - Chris Hedges on Reality Asserts Itself


Just announced the planet has now warmed to +1.7C. It is only 2022. This as Biden’s “Climate Power” Facebook page applauds alleged signs of human adaptation to heat & he proceeds with plans for a new LNG port. God help us all.


Buildings are killing up to 1bn birds a year in US, scientists estimate”

“A study published by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology reveals that birds are especially likely to collide with glass-covered or illuminated skyscrapers.

Why Birds Hit Windows - And How You Can Help Prevent It”


“Repression will not cool the planet.

Police powers will not restore the rivers.

Punitive courts will not clean the oceans.

Anti-protest laws will not regenerate the forests.

Incarceration of climate activists will not prevent extinction.”

“NSW court imposes 15 months jail for climate activist Violet Coco

Australia records 1.5 degrees of warming, continues drilling, digging & fracking”


~The costs$ & deaths incurred by the general economy resulting from their climate lead biosphere collapse are largely irrelevant to government as they are only concerned about the rich

~Washington thinks it acceptable to have the nonrich die for our country’s prosperity. The problem is our men & women in the military are supposed to be used for defense of our country and the leadership caste is confusing the rich with country. And yes they think the nonrich are genetically inferior and therefore at their disposal and otherwise not worth living

~Jamie Dimon’s plans to fund GHG fossil fuel until +5C is omnicide

~There is no stable or limited amount of warming. If the planet is warmed you’ll have feedback and temperatures will rise. It is a matter of how fast or out of control warming is but we will be propelled to a planetary thermal maximum

The planet is either in equilibrium or it’s not. And if it’s not, it’s on a path to return itself to a new equilibrium

~Their climate lead biosphere collapse is class warfare. And as we saw with COVID, they have no problem allowing us to die for their prosperity. That is what we continue to see now. Don’t be pacified by the fact that the deaths are mostly delayed.

Don’t die for your country or allow yourself to be killed by climate when the geriatric leadership caste is confusing ‘the rich’ with ‘country’ and ‘in defense of country’ with ‘preservation of the Rich’s wealth’. You are merely being viewed as genetically inferior - your life isn’t valued the same as the rich

~We are locked into warming sufficient to push feedback past the cloud tipping point and earn ourselves another +8C.

They know this and are just bullshitting us to as close to the precipice as possible so we don’t cause any trouble. And yeah the oceans could eventually boil off into space.

~Wages reflect the cost of living a the cost of living is effected by the cost of energy. All for profit organizations seek to minimize the cost of labor and benefit from cheap energy. Climate reparations should be paid commensurate with the benefits received from cheap energy - the rich

~Can’t help but think SCOTUS deciding on Religiosity being free speech is more about wanting to sow divide in American society while signaling they are in favor of killing Democracy for those vying to formally convert America into a christofascit country

~Reinstate the Johnson Amendment separating church and state

~When a country builds for profit jail skyscrapers, they are ignoring the cheaper cost of preventing crime by investing in its people in favor of their politicians doing whatever the hell they want and incarcerating those citizens that can’t tolerate it


“It's raining in Phoenix!”


“Supreme Court leans in favor of a Christian website designer’s right to turn away gay weddings”


One word - TWITTER. I mean really. Even little johnny on his big wheel wouldn't have screwed the pooch to the extent of musk:

“Elon Musk Decries ‘M.B.A.-ization’ of America”

[shouldn't he be smoking a bong or something?! well, I don't want to kick musk when he's down,....wait a minute, fuck that, the man is a garden variety privileged megalomaniac boob]


“Know Thine Enemy

The expedited legislation passed by Congress to avert a strike by railroad unions dealt one more blow in the decades long war waged by the two ruling parties against the working class.”


“Authorities have announced a mandatory curfew in a North Carolina county where around 40,000 customers lost power after two power substations were damaged by gunfire Saturday night.”

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