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7/2022 11

Updated: Jan 7

“The Irreversibility of human induced exponential climate, ecological and environmental change has largely escaped most people's attention.

If you think you're going to wait this out until things get better again, I pity you.

The Blue Ocean Event will catastrophize your thoughts in unimaginable ways. The BOE will be the equivalent of adding another 25 years worth of heat...”

Gray Comma (Polygonia progne)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2020 7/24 _F2A3080aaa2

“They call me 007

0 things built

0 things better

7 dollar gas soon


The Fascists have only begun:

““Suddenly the battle for control of Congress may take on a new urgency—especially among Democrats and younger voters who previously had not been very enthusiastic about the upcoming midterm elections. The reversal of Roe v. Wade so close to the midterms could in fact save the Democrats from what was looking like a disastrous election year.

But even if the impact on this year’s elections is minimal, now that the abortion issue is back in the states, it’s bound to have continued relevance for electoral politics from the state house to the presidency. Today’s actions are just the beginning.””

“The Supreme Court’s abortion decision – just the beginning of the battle”


“Obama lies about freedom of choice act being the first thing he signs. 2 years later says opposite”


“It’s in the us constitution: Ron Oden “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.” 1st Amendment, 1789”

“The separation of church and state is essential to our democracy.

There are three branches of government.

Your church is NOT one of them..”


Police in America:

“Supreme Court decision Gonzalez v castle Rock. Law enforcement is not obligated to protect anyone nor liable for any damages or denial of due process because they are just employees”

“Our government is bold enough to force you to have a kid

But too weak to ensure they make it to recess alive!”


Australian Bees in crisis:

“Newcastle it is time to say goodbye to our honeybees.

Kelly and I started keeping bees in our backyard over ten years ago to protect honeybees as the worldwide threat to bees hit the media. Our business grew organically from that first hive as we saw Newcastle shared our passion for bees. With 100s of households embracing our beehives and just as many students learning to maintain their own. With the Varroa mite parasite being detected in Newcastle we will have all our 90 hives destroyed to protect honeybees across Australia.

Now the most powerful way to protect the Australia Honeybee industry is to say goodbye to our bees. To stop beekeeping in Newcastle. All of our hives are in the 10km eradication zone. If your hive is too it will be destroyed.

In the coming weeks, the Department of Primary Industry’s Biosecurity emergency response team will take samples from your hive then it will be euthanised. This is hard and so sad. To starve the parasite, they will kill the host, our beautiful honeybee hives, and all feral/wild European honeybee colonies will die. Native bees will not be affected by Verroa mite and will not be targeted in the eradication by the DPI. If you are within 50km of Newcastle Port, you cannot open your hives, you cannot take honey. If you are in NSW you cannot move your bees.

If you have attended one of our workshops you know how passionate we are about biosecurity, that we teach every backyard beekeeper that they are part of an important network that is Australia’s food security. That your hobby is linked to all hives in Australia. If Varroa Mite leaves this area we will lose between 40% and 90% of hives Australia-wide, we have seen this around the world. Please be prepared that this red zone may expand if they find more mites.

Please BEE KIND. The Biosecurity response team are passionate beekeepers called up from this area doing a hard job. Many will have lost their hives too in this response. When they enter your backyard remember this. Kelly also works as a Bee educator at the local Agricultural collage and was quickly seconded to help mount a response. It has been a hard week.

What does this mean for Urban Hum, we have some honey that is ready to Jar and I (Anna) will be at the Olive tree market in July. After this, we do not know just yet. Newcastle will not be able to have hives for several years.

We will also have pollinator-friendly seeds at our Olive tree stall.

We will be planting flowers, we need pollinators, let's plant for our native bees. Let’s attract butterflies to our gardens. Let’s create a memorial garden across Newcastle. Come spring Newcastle will not have honeybees in our veggie patches let's mark this session's loss with colourful blooms to remember the joy our hives have given our families. I will sit with my bees and say goodbye. A honey bee colony is all about the health of the whole colony, not the individual bee, the bee network across the nation needs our help it is about the whole Australian Honey Bee Industry, not our individual hives.

1. 10km or less don't touch your hives. Make sure you register your hive location we need to all be in this together or it will not work.

2. If you are outside the 50km radius do a sugar shake test.

3. Plant flowers to support native bees and other pollinators”


“George Orwell and 1984: How Freedom Dies”


“Drought conditions in Germany threaten crops.”


“If you don’t accept that bodily autonomy is an essential unconditional liberty, it’s a waste of time talking to you at all. No other liberties survive without that one, more fundamental than property rights: if you don’t own yourself absolutely, you own nothing.”


“Extremist right-wing Supreme Court justices voted to overturn Roe v. Wade on Friday, the result of the far right’s decades-long disinformation and funding campaign to restrict bodily autonomy and the right to an abortion in the U.S.”

“Thousands Rise Up to Protest Far Right Supreme Court Justices’ Overturn of “Roe””


“Don’t tread on my uterus”

“And most free countries understanding the importance of separation of church and state, and don’t allow right wing donors influence decisions making…


“What type of shithole country allows 6 unelected zealots to impose their fucking religion on everyone else.”


It is what it is:


1. Are there any sanctions against ISRAEL for the murder and destruction of innocent Palestinian women and children?

2. Are there any sanctions against AMERICA for killing and destroying lives of innocent women and children in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Cuba, Vietnam, and even stealing their diamonds and gold?

3. Were there any sanctions against AMERICA/FRANCE over the killing of Muammar Gaddaf and the destruction of Libya?

4. Has there ever been an American/NATO soldier ever been punished for raping and torturing innocent women/children of all the aforementioned countries?

5. Are there sanctions against FRANCE for causing crisis and unrest in several African countries? These are very war crimes America and NATO should be punished.

Maybe it's time we understand that NATO, USA and all their allies are the most dangerous evils of our time. So we need to change the balance of power in the world and ensure everyone has equal rights and stop the oppressors.”


“I believe that there will ultimately be a clash between the oppressed and those who do the oppressing. I believe that there will be a clash between those who want freedom, justice and equality for everyone and those who want to continue the system of exploitation. I believe that there will be that kind of clash, but I don’t think it will be based on the color of one’s skin…”

Malcom X


The white-collar pen-and-paper terrorist organization known as the United States Supreme Court in abolishing the much despised by the rich "regulatory state" – including the EPA are guilty of pre-crime - mass murder, negligent homicide, police violence, etc, etm.

“MINORITY REPORT (2002) | Precrime and Precogs Featurette”

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