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12/2022 COP27 Has Sealed Humanity's Fate

Updated: Jan 17

Giant swallowtail (Papilio cresphontes)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

7/23/2018 654aaa [PRINT Fall2018]

COP27 Has Sealed Humanity's Fate - Science Talk with Jim Massa “


Qatar’s gas output increase could cause catastrophic global heating, report says

If Qatar exploits all its reserves it will add 50bn metric tons of CO2 to atmosphere, more than entire annual emissions of whole world”

Joe nebauer

“With the way things are speeding up, it looks like "it is going to get it over and done with" SOONER than expected. The rioting and pillaging is going to be horrific. If you can, build a shelter that is well hidden. Stay there until you see the snow start falling in southern California and then get the hell out and move into one of the houses that has already been pillaged by the rioters. Remember, they are going to be looking for food and they will not care how many people they have to kill to get it.”


The sad truth of Climate Change & the Mass Extinction is that they both could of been avoided and the American economy would have actually been larger

Sign of the times: bald eagle, America’s national symbol, dies of heart attack after undergoing surgery for gunshot wound in Milwaukee County. Police are asking anyone with information on the whereabouts of Democratic &

Republican lawmakers (or Leonard Leo’s judicial choices), at the time of the shooting to please come forward


“The Future Turns Dark for Russia’s Oil Industry

An exodus by Western companies and disdain for Russian oil signal the start of a reckoning.”

“Val Eisman

According to this article,because of sanctions and lack of access to capital Russia will have a hard time financing new oil fields. And older ones are running low. Excerpt

"A further problem facing Russia’s energy sector is that, as existing oil and gas fields are depleted, Russian energy companies must develop new fields to sustain production levels. Many of the potential new fields are in the Arctic region or off-shore and will require billions — likely, tens of billions — of dollars of investment. Russian energy companies, however, will [not be able to count on]( Western energy companies for technical expertise, technology, or capital. That will hinder future production of oil and gas, as current fields become exhausted.

Another potential economic cost looms. The West has [frozen]( more than $300 billion in Russian Central Bank reserves. As damages in Ukraine mount, pressure will grow to seize some or all of these assets for a Ukraine reconstruction fund. Western governments thus far show little enthusiasm for the idea. That said, it is difficult to see how they could turn to their taxpayers for money to assist Ukraine’s rebuilding while leaving the Russian Central Bank funds intact and/or releasing those funds back to Russia.

Western sanctions did not produce the quick crash in the ruble or the broader Russian economy that some expected. However, their impact could mean a stagnant economy in the longer term, and they threaten to cause particular problems in the energy sector and other sectors that depend on high-tech inputs imported from the West. Moscow does not appear to have handy answers to these problems."”


“Greenwashing noun

Using misleading information that makes people think an entity is more environmentally friendly that it really is.”


They know democrats won’t retaliate against them. And it is at its worse during climate extremes when it becomes clear that access to electricity makes the difference between life and death:

“‘Corporate greed at its worst’: top US utility giants reap $14 billion in profits as households suffer”

“"Utility companies have chased higher and higher profits and enriched investors rather than keep prices stable for working families."

With colder winter weather looming, a new analysis released Tuesday shows that the nine largest energy utility companies in the U.S. raked in nearly $14 billion in combined profits during the first three quarters of this year—and dished out roughly $11 billion to their wealthy shareholders—as tens of millions of U.S. households struggled to pay their utility bills due to soaring costs.

The watchdog group Accountable.US found that NextEra Energy, Duke Energy, Southern Company, Dominion Energy, Constellation Energy, Eversource Energy, Entergy Corporation, DTE Energy, and CMS Energy Corporation brought in $13.8 billion in the first nine months of this fiscal year. The firms, the nine largest in the U.S. by market capitalization, returned over $11.2 billion to shareholders during that period in the form of dividends and stock buybacks.

The utility giants’ massive profits have come at a cost to U.S. households, roughly 20 million of which are behind on their utility payments as providers continue to raise rates across the U.S., pushing home energy costs to unaffordable levels and prompting warnings of a “tsunami of shutoffs.”

The Center for Biological Diversity recently estimated that utilities have shut off households’ power 440,000 times across 15 states that have made their rates publicly available, a large increase from last year. #corporategreed #UtilityCompanies


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