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12/2022 Even 'Forbes' calls out Military for trillions in unaccounted for CASH OUTLAYS

Updated: Jan 17

Giant swallowtail (Papilio cresphontes)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

8/6/2011 IMG_9992aaaaa2 [2011 Good AAAA]

“The short lifespan of technological civilizations and the future of Homo sapiens - by Andrew Glikson

The Fermi’s paradox suggests that advanced technological civilizations may constitute ephemeral entities in the galaxy, destined to collapse over short periods.

Within a blink of geological eye, at a rate unprecedented since the extinction of the dinosaurs, large regions of Earth were becoming increasingly uninhabitable for a multitude of species, surpassing 350 ppm CO₂ and approaching Miocene (5.3 – 23.0 Ma)-like conditions. All along humans continued busily developing a veritable doomsday machine near 1300 nuclear warheads-strong threatening release within seconds.

A nuclear war in the background of carbon saturated atmosphere can only lead to extreme damage to the life support systems of the planet. The propensity of “sapiens” to genocide and ecocide, are hardly masked by the prevailing Orwellian language of politicians in the absence of meaningful action to avert the demise of the biosphere as we know it.

From the post 'The short lifespan of technological civilizations and the future of Homo sapiens' - by Andrew Glikson, at:”


“An Unmistakable Stain in America’s Most Pristine Rivers

Climate change is rusting Alaska’s waterways.”


International Law says it all:

“USA’s backyard is not its backyard anymore”


“Two climate scientists say they were kicked out of the world's biggest meeting of the Earth and space sciences on Thursday.

NASA climate scientist Peter Kalmus and ecologist Rose Abramoff each told Insider they acted on their own behalf when they climbed onstage during a plenary event at the fall meeting of the American Geophysical Union, an association of 60,000 advocates and professionals in the Earth and space sciences.


“2 climate activists got kicked out of the world's biggest Earth-science conference for protesting, and one says the association is 'silencing scientists'


“FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried instantly lost his multibillion-dollar fortune because the product he was trading, the one that lent it all that value on paper, did not have any underlying value itself.”

“Crypto Predators Wage Class War with a Smile

The cryptocurrency bubble reveals the emperor’s new grift.”


“The gods of Silicon Valley are falling to earth. So are their warped visions for society via The Guardian

"When we view these monoliths as businesses like any other, or allow them to claim global monopolies, we fail to realise that they are competing for more than our attention or our cash: they are competing for the right to dictate what our societies look like. So it matters a great deal when that vision falters, or fails altogether."”

“The gods of Silicon Valley are falling to earth. So are their warped visions for society”


Who is to blame for your rising utility costs? Fracked Gas Exports:

“Tell the Biden Administration to stop the expansion of fracked gas exports. We don’t need more false solutions to the energy crisis that will only benefit the oil and gas industries while American families suffer from pollution and high energy prices.”


Reader Comment on trillions in missing cash outlays at the US Military:

“Kris DeWeese

"But the government and some of the mainstream media defended this mysterious $21 trillion by saying, “It’s not what you think. It doesn’t mean anything’s missing. It’s just financial discrepancies.” Yet Forbes, which is no lefty commie pinko rag, would disagree. They say, “…this is not simply a matter of boring accounting. Trillions in unaccounted outlays, if that’s what’s involved here, is trillions of our tax dollars being spent without our knowledge. If that’s the case, we’re talking about the biggest government financial deception in the history of the country. …Why is our government now systematically hiding these adjustments from public sight?””

“They will never have a legit audit. Because if they did, the American people would realize we’ve been saluting and celebrating and glorifying the largest money-laundering operation in the history of humanity” - @LeeCamp via @MintPressNews

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