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3/2023 Massive Death Toll From Turkey’s Earthquake was caused by Erdogan's waiving building code

Updated: Jan 17

Giant swallowtail (Papilio cresphontes)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2017-08-09 278aaa

“The Massive Death Toll From Turkey’s Earthquake Is No Natural Disaster”

“Two weeks after twin earthquakes hit Turkey, thousands of dead bodies are still being picked from the rubble. Far fewer would have died if it hadn’t been for the Erdoğan administration’s lenience toward cowboy construction firms.”


America will not join enforcement of Ecocide law because liquidating the health of the People’s environment is a tremendous source of profit:

“Ecocide law could have prevented Ohio disaster”


“Steven Donziger, argues that if #ecocide had been law, the recent #Ohio train derailment incident and the calamitous ecological and humanitarian crisis that has resulted might have been avoided.

Read the full blog here:”


“How Leaf Blowers Are Trying to Kill Us”

“A leaf blower’s 200 mph blast causes fine breathable dust particles to linger in the air for days. That means we’re inhaling: dried animal excrement, pesticide-residue, fertilizer, mold, brake-lining dust (containing asbestos), grease, oil and tire-wear particles which are tire-wear particles which are also carcinogens.”

“STOP GA BILL SB 145 — GA Senator Shawn Still wants to take away Georgians’ right to limit gas leaf blowers in any way. Please write to him and tell him NO on this bill and NO to gas leaf blowers. Email address here:

▪️We don’t want these destructive machines in our green spaces, gardens and yards.

▪️Read complete article HERE:”



America’s rich and political human grotesqueries are swimming in a tsunami of cash profits with Ukraine as the earth and its people everywhere suffer the costs.

“Peace in Ukraine Isn’t Coming Soon”

“There is little cause for rejoicing here, even for those on the Left who oppose continued military aid to Ukraine. Setting aside the moral and political questions surrounding Ukrainian self-determination, the case for continued military support is too strong in mainstream US politics. Ukraine remains popular, Russia is a long-standing geopolitical enemy, and the whole enterprise offers a wonderfully clean way of whitewashing the reputation of the US military-industrial complex after the debacles of Iraq and Afghanistan.

Moreover, Ukraine is a fantastic real-world showroom and testing ground for the high-tech battle systems US taxpayers have been funding for decades in anticipation of a great-power conflict. These can then be exported to other, less media-friendly regimes. The $22 billion in military aid Joe Biden sent to Ukraine in 2022 — a pittance compared to the financial and political cost of direct military deployments — has been partially offset by a $15 billion year-over-year rise in foreign military sales compared to 2021, which are anticipated to increase even further in the coming years. Inevitably, military contractors either way.

“Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine one year ago today hoping to capture it in a few days — then spent the last year turning its southeast into a bloodbath. Even if the current military stalemate is broken, the divides created by the war won’t heal soon.”


“In 2021 alone, French food and drink giant Danone produced the equivalent weight of almost 75 Eiffel Towers in plastic packaging.”


Math, Science, technology, and especially an awareness of the difference between good and bad economic moves by government are all the languages of Satan and it is causing America to get it’s ass kicked on the international stage:

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