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11/2021 6th Mass Extinction: a Mass Extinction by choice, by choice of the rich & their politicians

Updated: Jan 17

Biden is a Climate Liar: China’s emissions are driven by American Consumption and Biden just approved Russia’s pipeline for Germany, something Trump would even do. Worse still, America is an enormous exporter of greenhouse gas emitting fuels to the rest of the world (helping them continue to burn it by having access to a supply their consumers can pay:

“Wall Street's obsession with corporate short-term profits is one of the drivers of the World's Climate Change (CO2) problems. Clinton/Bush/Obama's economic & trade policies shipped millions of U.S. manufacturing jobs to China and other developing countries over the last 30 years.

Notice in 2000, China's spiked up in CO2 emissions after Pres. Clinton, U.S. Dick Durbin, and other congressional Democrats gave communist China PERMANENT most favored nation trading status (PNTR). The U.S. lost 5 million manufacturing jobs by 2010 and CO2 emissions skyrocketed.

In other words, shipping U.S. domestic market production highly regulated by U.S.A environmental laws to China and other developing countries significantly increased our worldwide CO2 emissions problem.”

Giant swallowtail (Papilio cresphontes)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

8/15/2019 _F2A9370aaa [2020 Photos\Old Postable]

Earth’s 6th Mass Extinction is a Mass Extinction by choice, by choice of the rich and their two political parties:

“If we all had a largely plant-based diet, we would need only half the land we use at the moment.” Sir David Attenborough


Washington must be furious. Or rather, “Washington must be getting paid to be furious”:

Latin American countries join reserves to create vast marine protected area

‘Mega-MPA’ in Pacific will link waters of Ecuador, Colombia, Panama and Costa Rica to protect migratory turtles, whales and sharks from fishing fleets

“Latin American countries join reserves to create vast marine protected area”


Acceptance is difficult for some people. But even if you’re accept hard reality it doesn’t mean you’ve given up. You can and should try to lessen your and the rest of the planet’s inhabitants suffering. It means you strive for a meaningful death. A death of dignity for the planet’s people, flora and fauna. You must answer to history. Bring a sooner means being sensible. It means striving for justice against those that played a key role in our destruction

“I've always disliked the expression/accusation of being a doomer, it doesn't fit my cheerful as fuck temperament !

I don't consider myself a doomer, more accurate I believe is a realist.

Good on Professor Jacobson for facing the predicament we find ourselves in, I like his style and courageous honesty. These are the conversations we need to have.

For the record Twitter @EliotJacobson”

“On Being a "Doomer"”


“Elites Are Using Climate Hysteria to Immiserate the Working Class | Opinion”


“Every House Member Who Aided the January 6 Rioters Must Be Expelled

“It’s inexcusable to wait any longer.””


“The pandemic profiteering continues.

"These decisions by insurers to stop waiving out of pocket costs for COVID care come as they continue to report RECORD profits."

That profiteering has continued into 2021, with UnitedHealthcare reporting $5.7 billion in profit in Q3 of this year.”


Mnucin is the one Kamala Harris kept out of jail:

“Want to know why you can't afford a house or an apartment? The 2008 meltdown was a giveaway to Tom Barrack and Steve Mnuchin. Journal of the Plague Year's Guide to Real Estate Investing (By Vulture Capitalists, Not You).”

“Jimmy Stewart Has Left the Room”


“Before you condemn Bernie’s wealth tax, let me burst your bubble: this does not and will not apply to you, ever.

You’re never going to be a billionaire. You’re statistically more likely to get struck by lightning. Don’t be a useful idiot for the ruling class.”


“'All You Have to Do Is Follow the Money': Ilhan Omar Rebukes Corporate Democrats”

“We did not come to Congress to watdh our entire agenda get torpedoed by corporate lobbyists, billionaires, and coal company owners hellbent on screwing over the American People.” Rep. Ilhan Omar and not Marc Pocan.

“Congresswoman Ilhan Omar offered what she termed "an honest accounting" late Wednesday night of the "ever-evolving negotiations" to do with the Democratic effort in Congress to pass the once sweeping, but now hobbling 'Build Back Better' bill that has been ransacked by a small handful of corporate-backed members of the party.”


“It’s interesting when people say higher ed is liberal indoctrination.

When I went to college, I wasn’t taught details or ideologies, I was taught how to properly research things and practice critical thinking skills.

We lean left because we tend to be better informed.”


Gabriel Zucman:

“Fun fact: an annual 0.3% wealth tax on the top 10% - similar to the one that exists in Switzerland – would fund the entire $3.5 trillion bill”


Aurangzeb Iqbal:

“History will remember Zionism with the same fondness as it does Nazism.”


(Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas used to work for Monsanto)


“ACTION UPDATE: Suggested language for EPA comments due Monday 10/25

EPA Must Protect Endangered Species from Pesticides

Deadline is Monday, October 25 11:59 pm (EDT)

Dear *,

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is requesting public comments on its draft Biological Evaluations (BEs) for neonicotinoid insecticides imidacloprid, clothianidin, and thiamethoxam by 11:59 pm (EDT) on Monday, October 25, 2021. The BEs will factor into EPA’s registration review decisions on the three bee-toxic insecticides. Written comments must be submitted through Please feel free to cut and paste parts of Beyond Pesticides’ comments (linked here) or cut and paste into the suggested comment language at the bottom of this alert.

>>Tell EPA to protect endangered species from pesticides. Submit comments now.

EPA’s Biological Evaluations for these highly toxic chemicals make no agency conclusion or recommendation that would trigger a request to initiate formal Endangered Species Act (ESA) §7(a)(2) consultations with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) to determine a possible jeopardy finding for the listed species and requisite mandatory use restrictions of the relevant pesticide. This, despite the fact that for imidacloprid the agency’s draft Biological Evaluation made a May Affect determination for 89% of the 1821 species considered and 90% of the 791 critical habitats considered. Strikingly, a May Affect determination was made for 100% of amphibian and avian listed species and their critical habitat. It was also determined that imidacloprid is Likely to Adversely Affect 100% of the listed amphibian species exposed. The Biological Evaluation for each of the three neonicotinoids makes effects determinations—NE (no effect), MA (may affect), NLAA (not likely to adversely affect), or LAA (likely to adversely affect)—that could affect 1821 listed species, and 791 designated critical habitats.

These serious risk findings for endangered and threatened species made for imidacloprid, clothianidin, and thiamethoxam account for existing product labels and mitigation efforts. The Endangered Species Act requires, “Each Federal agency shall, in consultation with and with the assistance of the Secretary, insure that any action authorized, funded, or carried out by such agency…is not likely to jeopardize the continued existence of any endangered species or threatened species or result in the destruction or adverse modification of habitat of such species….”

The complete Biological Evaluations—with all determinations and species considered—must be included with the formal consultation request and not just the LAA determinations. This will allow USFWS to also corroborate the agency findings of NLAA and LAA as part of the consultation.

A No Effect determination was made for only 11% of listed species considered because these species have a limited geographic distribution and would likely not be exposed to imidacloprid under the existing label use and mitigation instructions. Thus, any species listed and exposed to imidacloprid is potentially adversely affected.

For clothianidin, a similar May Affect determination was made for 86% of listed species considered and 83% of the critical habitats considered. Likely to Adversely Affect findings overall were made for 67% of listed species and 56% of critical habitats considered. As imidacloprid, 100% of listed amphibian species are likely to be adversely affected by clothianidin uses.

Thiamethoxam degrades to clothianidin and therefore shares similar fate and behavior in the environment. May Affect determinations were made for 88% of species and 89% of critical habitats considered. Likely to Adversely Affect findings overall were made for 77% of listed species and 81% of critical habitats considered. As reported for the other neonicotinoids, 100% of amphibian species and critical habitat are likely to be adversely affected.

EPA should also include the American bumble bee (Bombus pensylvanicus) in its revised Biological Evaluations for the neonicotinoid insecticides. Although this insect is not a currently listed species, the Fish and Wildlife Service has recently determined a petition including substantial scientific and commercial information indicating that listing the American bumble bee as an endangered or threatened species may be warranted. Bumble bee species are highly susceptible to neonicotinoid exposures and are likely jeopardized by continued use of these insecticides.

Must we wait until species are listed as threatened or endangered to protect them? Given the systemic character of neonicotinoids and their extreme toxicity to insects, EPA must assume that they will ultimately lead to the demise of insects that consume nectar, pollen, plant exudates, or plant tissues. The burden of proof is on the registrant(s) to demonstrate that these products will not further exacerbate the ongoing insect apocalypse—and lead to further biodiversity loss through decimation of this essential link in food webs.

Furthermore, EPA must use organic production as the standard against which pesticide “benefits” are weighed. Any crop that can be produced with chemical-intensive methods can be produced organically. Organic producers use very few synthetic pesticides and no neonicotinoids. Therefore, the potential jeopardy of extinction to the 1445+ species identified by these biological evaluations must be considered unreasonable under the definition in FIFRA.

EPA has determined unequivocally that neonicotinoids pose risks to the environment that cannot be acceptably mitigated in any long-term, sustainable way. The agency in its proposed interim decisions for these chemicals identifies several uses for imidacloprid and clothianidin that must be cancelled. However, EPA believes that the benefits of other uses outweigh these serious risks and is proposing limited or no mitigation measures. Given the frequency of detection in U.S. waterways, soil, and plants, the recognized acute and chronic risks posed to pollinators, aquatic invertebrates, vertebrate wildlife, and human health, the risk/benefit determination is pitifully insufficient, especially in light of the BEs identifying the majority of listed species as potentially jeopardized by these neonicotinoid insecticides. Therefore, EPA must quickly suspend all remaining neonicotinoid uses as it pursues the ESA §7(a)(2) consultations with the Services. Additional data to address existing uncertainties and gaps will not alter or lessen the environmental and health risks already unmistakably recognized.

>>Submit comments to EPA using

Suggested Comment to EPA (feel free to cut and paste the following into

EPA has determined unequivocally that neonicotinoids pose risks to the environment that cannot be acceptably mitigated in any long-term, sustainable way. The agency in its proposed interim decisions for these chemicals identifies several uses for imidacloprid and clothianidin that must be cancelled. However, EPA believes that the benefits of other uses outweigh these serious risks and is proposing limited or no mitigation measures. Given the frequency of detection in U.S. waterways, soil, and plants, the recognized acute and chronic risks posed to pollinators, aquatic invertebrates, vertebrate wildlife, and human health, the risk/benefit determination is pitifully insufficient, especially in light of the Biological Evaluations identifying the majority of listed species as potentially jeopardized by these neonicotinoid insecticides.

The agency’s draft Biological Evaluation made a May Affect determination for 89% of the 1821 species considered and 90% of the 791 critical habitats considered. Strikingly, a May Affect determination was made for 100% of amphibian and avian listed species and their critical habitat.

Therefore, EPA must quickly suspend all neonicotinoid uses as it pursues the Endangered Species Act §7(a)(2) consultations with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Additional data to address existing uncertainties and gaps will not alter or lessen the environmental and health risks already unmistakably recognized. Thank you for your consideration.

Thank you for your continued support!

—The Beyond Pesticides Team”

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