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11/2021 Africa temps roasting people alive where they stand

Updated: Jan 17

“China overtakes US as world’s richest nation as global wealth surges”


“World hunger is not an agricultural problem, it is a political problem” or choice


Biden’s message to America’s Rich?! “Come, feed at will upon the American People!”:

“"Corporate America made you pay more while trying to make sure it didn’t have to." From food prices to fuel costs, corporations are as guilty as ever!”

“The Real Inflation Problem Is Corporate Profiteering

Don’t be hoodwinked. It isn’t Joe Biden who’s making record profits and gouging U.S. consumers. That would be corporate America.”

Giant swallowtail (Papilio cresphontes)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

8/1/2014 627aaaaa3p [2021 Photos\TransferPics]

Yes already! Billionaires are bad economics – period.

You optimize the general economy or the economics of a select few individuals you can’t have both. And optimizing the general economy results in a vastly VASTLY greater overall level of economic activity, including employment. Ossified wealth also sabotages a country’s competitiveness and development - something you attempt to correct with military might, imperialism and authoritarianism at your country’s own peril. In a good economy wealth should churn and churn in the hands of different people.

“And this is the real reason Billionaires and Wall Street types fund Pelosi/Schumer's corporate Dems...It's called hedging ... that is own both sides of the political process to avoid the rational economic reforms...

Key Passage:

A popular French economist says billionaires are harmful to economic growth and would be effectively abolished under his tax plan,

In an interview with the French magazine L’Obs, Thomas Piketty calls for a graduated wealth tax of 5% on those worth 2 million euros or more and up to 90% on those worth more than 2 billion euros.

Piketty says the notion that billionaires create jobs and boost growth is false.”

“Billionaires hurt economic growth and should be taxed out of existence, says bestselling French economist”


Gary Reber writes:

“Another example of China's innovations in rapid transit far outpacing the United States. This should be unacceptable. We need to create infrastructure that is user supported as they do China and elsewhere, and that is broadly owned by the citizenry, as individuals.”

“China’s New 373 MPH Bullet Train Is Now the World’s Fastest Land Vehicle

The vehicle can complete the 754-mile trip between Beijing and Shanghai in two-and-a-half hours.”


Prices at the pump,…I smell a rat. Remember how George Bush got re-elected - prices at the pump are a big determinant of presidential approval ratings. Consider a couple of things:

1Last I knew JP Morgan Chase had custody of America’s Strategic Oil Reserve and why are they releasing reserves after we’ve been sold “Energy Independence”!

2Why release strategic oil reserves but still allow a small handful of wall st traders to largely determine prices at the pump?

3Strategic Oil Reserves: Our own US Energy Secretary doesn’t know how much oil the country uses in a day?! Is she always full of shit or is this a service she provides? Face it,


“Optimists said Kyle Rittenhouse would at least be convicted on the gun charge. He was indisputably a minor with a gun. However, Judge Bruce Schroeder tossed it via a loophole. He also threw out the curfew violation.

Pessimists knew he would go scot-free. He cannot claim self-defense while committing a crime, so Schroeder simply dismissed his other crimes.”

“Judge Tosses Gun Charge Against Kyle Rittenhouse Before Closing Arguments”


Picture of Judge Schroeder giving the White Supremacist hand signal:

“Kyle Rittenhouse Was Acquitted in a Completely Unfair and Biased Trial. Remove Judge Schroeder from His Seat!”

Picture of Kyle making the same sign:


Africa temps roasting people alive where they stand:

“Another area with extremely high temperatures on 22 November was subsaharian Africa. The max. temperature of 42.4C Matam,in Senegal was one of the highest temperatures ever recorded so late in the season in the Whole Northern Hemisphere.”


Does nasa work for spacex?

“NASA’s DART Team Shares Details About The Upcoming SpaceX Launch That Will Crash A Spacecraft Into An Asteroid”


“National Geographic documentary about bumblebees. Most of it is from the Alps but the information and footage about the bumblebee life cycle is excellent.

Note that bumblebees are just a small portion

of more than 20,000 bee species that live around the world.

North America is home to 46 bumblebee species and many are disappearing due to habitat loss, lack of forage, pesticides, and introduced non-native bumblebee species species.

Most bee species are solitary ground nesters and have a very different lifestyle and life cycle from bumblebees. But it’s important to recognize the annual life cycles of bumblebee colonies because the mated queens need places to overwinter and that’s often just below the leaves that so many people are determined to remove and have carted away or chopped up. This is why as much as possible it’s important to leave the leaves exactly as they are.

“BUMBLEBEES - The Secret World of Bees”


“#TimLongson Given that 1/3rd of pollution comes from fossil fuel powered traffic (climate change gases & other substances that cause respiratory diseases & deaths), it is vital to swap to a cleaner solution. Also people are living in fuel poverty so as well as a greener solution we also need a cheaper solution (Electric cars cost under 2p/mile, Hydrogen over 30p/mile, Petrol 40p/mile (UK average). Three reasons why you should get an electric car (EV) rather than hydrogen (Fuel Cell Vehicle):”


Satellite tracking of methane:


Leonid Yurganov:

“A pictorial idea what is important and what is unimportant in methane emission from Arctic seas. Here are simple detrended maps of 0-4 km CH4 for two 10-days intervals of Novembers in 2010 and in 2021. Kara Sea: ice retreat gives a way to methane entering the atmosphere. Barents Sea: emission from thawing clathrates growth with growing water temperature. Laptev Sea: sorry, I am not sure in mechanism of emission.”


“A major oil exploration is going on in Russia's East Arctic waters

Several survey vessels are mapping the petroleum potential of the Laptev Sea and a drillship is on its way to spud the first ever wells in the area.”



“so let me get this straight. Since Biden took office there has been more kids in cages, more money for the Pentagon, more money for police, more tax breaks for the rich, more covid deaths, and *less* outrage? Is that right?”


“Sea Level Rise from Antarctica's West Shelf melt will be more due to Water Expulsion Mechanism”


“Police Stand With Pipeline, Arrest Journalists & Land Defenders In B.C.”


“Why cities should be designed for birds

Habitats that are good for birds are good for people, too.”


Left out the privatization provisions and the Democrats tax scam for the rich. Hmmm, must be an establishment stooge putting this out...Pelosi, is that you?!

Why should I be excited when my government spends my money setting up a stream of profits for the already rich off from goods and services that I have to use?

Again, why should I be happy about washington using my money to set up somebody who is already rich? Especially when. after they’ve set them up, they get rich off bleeding me with tolls, fees, and the like? Ever been to Chicago?


“Benito Mussolini created the word ‘fascism.’ He defined it as ‘the merging of the state and the corporation.’ He also said a more accurate word would be ‘corporatism.’ This was the definition in Webster’s up until 1987 when a corporation bought Webster’s and changed it to exclude any mention of corporations.” Adam McKay, Director of “the big short”


“Two acres of mowed turf will be converted to native plantings at Westlake Park in Illinois. The grant funds also support interpretive signs, explaining the benefits of native plants.”

“Turf grass to pollinator meadow habitat begins at Westlake Park”


“If you search “violets” online, you’ll be inundated with herbicide ads to kill them. Apparently, they are disliked by people because... lawns.

Learn about the Great Spangled Fritillary HERE:”


What’s wrong with flowering lawns? The chemical industry spends millions on advertising to demonize flowers in the grass. Choose normal biodiversity over chemically induced monoculture.

Read about the downfall of buying into the ‘perfect lawn culture’. LINK:”

“Ditching grass could help your backyard thrive

Lawns are ecological ‘dead space.’ Experts explain how to design a more eco-friendly yard.”


“Small Carpenter Bees Are Looking for a Home in Your Plant Stems

Provide flowers and nesting sites in your garden for this beautiful, tiny, metallic blue wild bee — your plants will thank you”


Val Eisman:


"In the 15 years since then, Beijing’s exports to the U.S. grew nearly fivefold to $462 billion annually. By 2014, its foreign currency reserves had surged from just $200 billion to an unprecedented $4 trillion — a vast hoard of cash it used to build a modern military and win allies across Eurasia and Africa. Meanwhile, Washington was wasting more than $8 trillion on profitless wars in the Greater Middle East and Africa in lieu of spending such funds domestically on infrastructure, innovation, or education — a time-tested formula for imperial decline."

"Advancing the date of this disaster by at least a decade, a report in the journal Nature Communications found that 150 million people worldwide are now living on land that will be below the high-tide line by 2050 and that rising waters will “threaten to consume the heart” of Shanghai by then, crippling one of China’s main economic engines. Dredged from sea and swamp in the fifteenth century, much of that city is likely to return to the waters from whence it came, possibly as early as three decades from now.

Meanwhile, increasing temperatures are expected to devastate the North China Plain, a prime agricultural region between Beijing and Shanghai currently inhabited by 400 million people. “This spot is going to be the hottest spot for deadly heat waves in the future,” according to Professor Elfatih Eltahir, a specialist on hydrology and climate at MIT. Between 2070 and 2100, he estimates, the region could face hundreds of periods of “extreme danger” when a combination of heat and humidity will reach a “wet bulb temperature” (WBT) of 31° Celsius, and perhaps five lethal periods of 35° WBT — where a combination of heat and high humidity prevents the evaporation of the very sweat that cools the human body. After just six hours living in such a wet bulb temperature of 35° Celsius, a healthy person at rest will die.

If the “Chinese century” does indeed start around 2030, barring remarkable advances in the reduction of the use of fossil fuels on this planet, it’s likely to end sometime around 2050 when its main financial center is flooded out and its agricultural heartland begins to swelter in insufferable heat."

“To Govern the Globe: Washington’s World Order and Catastrophic Climate Change”


The Military Industrial Congressional complex is angling toward their next pound of flesh and massive discharge of greenhouse gases under Biden and the other ghouls from the Democratic\Republican party. Frankly, China would be doing the planet a favor if vaporized one of the most destructive and deadly criminal organization on the planet headquartered around the national mall (38.8875° N, 77.0364° W). But alas, wealth must be concentrated further:

“Pentagon Quietly Puts More Troops in Taiwan

Deeper U.S. engagement comes as the wisdom of strategic ambiguity is increasingly questioned.


“US warship again transits sensitive Taiwan Strait”


“75 Ways Socialism Has Improved America”


Washington’s media will try to convince you that you should be having a good economic experience, and then rely on the psychology that if you’re not, you should be ashamed and not talk about it. Don’t let them tell what you should be happy with


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