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5/2022 Democrats: yellow is the new black - Corps deflecting blame on Asia & fueling violence

Updated: Jan 17

Nice when everything comes together for Washington?:

“Racist “Replacement” Conspiracy Is Undergirded by a Real Resource Scarcity

It would be folly to ignore the inequality, resource scarcity, and ecological calamity that lurk behind the Buffalo shooter’s racist conspiracy theories.”


“How does one proceed to confront an organized reactionary movement that believes it is fighting a war?”

“Racist Attack in Buffalo Was Crafted to Terrorize Us. Here’s How We Fight Back.”

Giant swallowtail (Papilio cresphontes)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2019 6/9 _F2A4683aaa

Heat waves becoming “extremely extreme”:

“Climate crisis makes extreme Indian heatwaves 100 times more likely – study”


Haboobs – late stage climate death:

“Middle East region enveloped by dust storms”

“Persisting dust storms have caused flight delays, school cancellations and the hospitalization of thousands of people due to respiratory issues on May 17 across multiple Middle Eastern nations.”


“Denver weather to go from high 80s to snow in a matter of just hours”


“How Corporations Are Taking Advantage of Inflation

Consumers are paying the price as some companies use inflation as a cover for price hikes.”

And for corporations that are doing this to be publicly traded in a stock market where 85% is owned by the wealthiest Americans means that “inflation “ is a transfer of wealth from the masses to the rich

“Consumers are paying higher prices almost everywhere as inflation continues to rise. But corporate earnings calls have revealed that many companies are using inflation as a cover to jack up prices and increase profits — all on the backs of customers.”


Democrats Pelosi and Sinema will be holding an ice cream and cake social when the dark ages arrive:

“If It Feels Like a New Dark Age Is Falling… That’s Because It Is

Why We’re Entering a Dark Age Between Civilizations”

“That chart is the Keeling Curve. It shows the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. As you can see, it shows no signs of slowing down in any way whatsoever. And that means we are heading for certain disaster.”


Democrats and Republicans demonizing China continues to result in violence against people of Asian ancestry. For Democrats yellow is the new black:

“White replacement is MAGA’s unified field theory”

Republicans used to unite around the interests of the rich. Now they unite around a conspiracy theory that has repeatedly inspired mass shootings. This weekend, we learned all over again that ideas have consequences. When people believe terrible ideas, they do terrible things. The idea this time is "White Replacement Theory."”


“There might not be enough electricity to go around this summer in Michigan. That could require planned outages”

“Not enough juice? The operator of the electric grid that includes Michigan, warns there's not enough firm electric generation capacity to meet the expected peak demand this summer.”


Our politicians must be held responsible:

“Collapse is Coming. An Unsustainable Society Will Not Last.”

“Predictions of societal collapse have been made for decades. The general trends are undeniable. Wildlife populations are collapsing, from oceanic fish to birds to amphibians to plankton. The climate system is breaking down. Glaciers and ice sheets are collapsing. Dead zones are proliferating in the ocean. People in wealthy nations are only insulated from these realities because of massive energy inputs—mostly from fossil fuels. Collapse is here.”


“See How Likely It Is Your House Will Burn Down From Wildfires

A nonprofit research group’s new online tool models the likelihood of a wildfire turning your house to ash over the course of a 30-year mortgage.”


“10 BLACK people killed in cold blood!Not surprised, yet I’m EXTREMELY pissed!!! The question for me is not “why,” because I and millions of my folks have lived on the receiving end of RACISM in this country for hundreds of years.

The real question is, What the fuck are you doing about it? Don’t pretend like you don’t know what fuels the flames of hate, just don’t pretend because we don’t buy that shit!! I continue to stand firm on a foundation of working from an anti racist framework. There’s a distinct difference between diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) and being anti racist.”


“Help Save These Wildlife in Trouble”

SIGN NOW: Tell Congress to pass legislation to prevent more than one-third of known plant and animal species from sliding toward extinction and possibly disappearing forever! 🌍


Zelensky ended up getting his $40 billion money laundering package:

Rand Paul lies - the reason he’s blocking Dems $40b Ukraine handout is that the knows it would win Dems the highly coveted allegiance of western oligarchs, not to mention give their campaigns a boost in the form of kickbacks\donations:

Republicans\Democrats got nothing but love for Putin and nothing but hate for the little people

“Rand Paul Blocks $40 Billion Ukraine Funding Bill”

Maybe it’s just capitalism, but it sure seems like the over arching criteria for most of what American govt does is whether or not doing it might ultimately contribute to a further alienation of the 99% in their own govt

Western oligarchs and their DemGOPs don’t want us to have a say on govt and to that end they have nonlethal means like voter suppression and lethal means like; their Mgmt of COVID; withholding healthcare for all; and biosphere collapse

It’s not ok to relegate your citizens to a population collapse !

Make rules,

Solve greater society’s problems,

Or get the fuck out of government!

Gun violence in America is a direct consequence of our bribery based Democracy. And cash in politics benefits our politicians & their rich donors leaving 99% of Americans in an increasingly deadly dystopia.

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