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6/2022 Democrats & Republicans LIED - US Covid cases may be 30 times higher than reported

Updated: Jan 17

They lied to protect charles koch who commandeered control over America's response to the pandemic from the start. CHARLES KOCH KILLED MILLIONS OF AMERICANS

Maureen Haley:

"Look how FB changes the title of video. This is what they do to Bernie. Sickening!

This is actual title of video:”

Giant swallowtail (Papilio cresphontes)

South Central Wisconsin, Dane County, USA

2020 8/6 _F2A5068aaa2

Brain Droppings:

~ Skyrocketing prices at the pump is inflicting economic hardship on millions of Americans as big oil political flunkies recite a litany of industry approved excuses - LETS SEE THE MATH!!!

~ Media reporting we are paying a premium at the pump in anticipation of hurricane season,...hurricane hasn’t happened yet, severity of any disruption indeterminable, etc etc,…Are people really ok with that?!? NATIONALIZE BIG OIL

~ In a perfect world, Democrats & Republicans should not be allowed to participate in ANY further elections. All should be expected to terminate their service before a set date. Even if an agreement can’t be reached regarding their freedoms

~ We know what they’re not doing, but what they are doing is setting the world’s 99% up for a swift execution by environment. And they know it. Their lying, censoring, and procrastinating is their version of Nazis telling Jews to get in the showers

~ Unspoken Consequences of Greedflation: higher prices at the pump lower the value of a lot of vehicles and burns up a lot of equity in far flung homes (think sprawl) - both transfers of wealth up stream (sticking it to consumers)

~ Slow, steady, calculated strangulation of working Americans : Koch’s “Kwik Trip” Gas Stations - a dominant chain in Wisconsin - consistently & suspiciously raising price of a gallon of gas by around 12 to 18 cents almost daily.

~ Did working American’s disgust with Biden\Trump’s corrupt US Supreme Court contribute the recent shooting death of a Wisconsin Judge?

~ If it were not but for Washington giving billions to Elan Musk he would not have been able create jobs in China

~ The worse the coming collapse can be made the faster and more thorough will be the loss of life, and the less assistance Washington can expect to provide the ‘little people’.

…and the less disarray will conceivably befall hard assets

Big publicly traded firms will practice the idea of “big bath” when relating bad news - all at once, get it behind ya

And biz as usual for as long as possible maximizes revenue compared operating with everyone anticipating raw survival

~ In a decent world, a convoy of buses would be shuttling between the White House, Congress, Judiciary, Senate and special interests and the local penitentiary


“Neocolonialism and the Unholy Trinity with Fadhel Kaboub”



“All the animals in this photo were killed by domestic cats, who are responsible for killing an estimated 2.4 billion birds per year in the USA, and more than 12 billion small mammals. A lot of predation occurs where housing areas border Open Space, allowing cats to easily cross into wild areas. Ground-nesting birds - a rapidly declining group - are especially vulnerable.

I LOVE cats, but there are many options to reduce cat predation on wildlife, including "catios", leash training, limiting time outdoors during peak hunting time, collars that help alert birds to the cat presence (e.g. BirdBeSafe), and making your next cat an indoor cat.

The animals in the photograph were brought to WildCare animal hospital in 2019 after domestic cat attack, and did not survive. 232 animals are in the photograph. Thanks to Jak Wonderly Photography.”

“The impact of free-ranging domestic cats on wildlife of the United States”


“The one thing that many of you need to pause and look at, is that the “democratic” Party was willing to hand the election to the Republican party, rather than allow a modern day FDR type candidate, who would have defeated Trump by double digit percentages.

And to the that, they were willing to show themselves, blatantly rig the primaries, and use 700 of their own insider and lobbyist “Superdelegates.” to override the votes of 7 million of their own party members. That is not al ALL “democratic.”

“A lot of progressives think that illuminating Democrat hypocrisy is a futile exercise. We have seen the DNC's true colors. Why would they ever change? Why even try to hold them accountable? These critics are right that the DNC is a monster that has no benevolence to anyone except to its corporate donors. But it is a monster with an Achilles' heel -- the fact that its legitimacy is based on the myth that it is truly democratic. This is the reason they put their commitment to being fair and impartial in their charter -- they need that legitimacy to survive. That's exactly where they are the weakest and where we need to apply maximum pressure. That is the essence of a hostile takeover of the party and it can work because their need for legitimacy ties their hands. All they have is PR and we can counter that PR by constantly pointing out their hypocrisy. That's what this group is dedicated to doing.”


“Chris Hedges | Overthrowing The System”


Wall st influences prices at the pump via traders who speculate on theoretical justification for supply shortages. To the extent their expectations don’t pan out in reality - including timing & severity - consumers overpay unnecessarily


“The last shots taken by an eyewitness of the floods in Assam. India”


Our next president in the us will let Israel do this within America:

“Listen to This Article: "The Israeli Execution of Al Jazeera reporter Shireen Abu Akleh"

Israel, which shoots hundreds of Palestinians a year, routinely includes reporters and photographers on its target lists.”


CRIMINAL. Now consider what they are willing to let Climate Change and the Mass Extinction do to us:

“‘We’re playing with fire’: US Covid cases may be 30 times higher than reported

“Severe undercounting undermines our efforts to ‘understand and get ahead of the virus’, researcher says after New York survey”


The problem is student loan borrowers can’t scrape up enough money for a meaningful bribe of a Poltician:

“If Corinthian Student Debt Can Be Wiped Out—All of It Can

The entire system is predatory. Backed by the Department of Education, it has pushed millions of us into a debt trap while Wall Street profited.”


“'Racing at Top Speed Towards Global Catastrophe': NOAA Says CO2 Levels Highest in Human History

"We have known about this for half a century, and have failed to do anything meaningful about it," said one NOAA researcher. "What's it going to take for us to wake up?"


“Nearly half of families with kids can no longer afford enough food 5 months after child tax credit ended”


“Russia 'threatens to strike the West' if it’s hit with US rockets”


“Let’s Not Pretend Planting Trees Is a Permanent Climate Solution”


Buttigieg’s allocation of money is intended to maximize votes and donations which is not necessarily in decreasing order of desperately needed infrastructure improvements:

“Too hot to handle: Crumbling US infrastructure melts under excessive heat

"When people are no longer able to work as many days outside, those are sort of the things that will prompt" action”


“Delhi sees heatwave conditions, maximum temperature at 47.1 degrees

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