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11/2022 U.S. Congressional vote to authorize the deadly war on Iraq, killed 1.3 million

Updated: Jan 17

In the future the rich will send armed killers to take any food you might have:

“Billionaire warlords: Why the future is medieval”

Giant swallowtail (Papilio cresphontes)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2020-08-07 _F2A6236aaa

“This Liquidless Laundry Detergent Is Stopping 700 Million Plastic Jugs From Entering The Ocean”


That ship has sailed:

“It’s not so much staying alive, it’s staying HUMAN that’s important. What counts is that we don’t betray each other.”

George Orwell


“Latest supply chain crisis could threaten global stash of food, energy”


Gt. Britain is going back to its Dickensian Age:

“They knew they were destroying the country when they did it at the behest of moneyed interests

The last two weeks have been a masterclass…in how to destroy your own country. The world’s watched, baffled, horrified, bemused, by what happened in — to — Britain. Never in modern history has a nation inflicted such catastrophe on itself, and if you think I exaggerate, let’s first take stock of what happened.”

Edward Luce:

“As a public servant Mark Carney declines to offer a ‘value judgement’ on Brexit. He’s happy to give a neutral valuation thought: “Put it this way, in 2016 the British economy was 90 percent the size of German’s. Now it is less than 70 per cent.” Boom. “

[and it very likely follows that that 70 is now concentrated into the hands of the few. A similar phenomena is taking place in America. Making the few rich, makes your country’s economic perform way below potential]

“This Is the Broken Britain Brexit Made

Why Did Britain Implode Over the Last Few Weeks? The Bill for Brexit Finally Came Due”


The only way out that minimizes death of people and species (peoples human health infrastructure) is to stop all fossil fuel everything NOW:

“The cost to capture carbon? More water and electricity”


The spouse works in biotech and we have NEVER stopped wearing masks. Wear them even today:

“World Faces New Threats From Fast-Mutating Omicron Variants”


“Chomsky: 20 Years After Iraq War Vote, US Continues to Flout International Law”

“This week marks the 20th anniversary of the U.S. congressional vote to authorize the deadly war on Iraq, which according to some estimates, killed between 800,000 and 1.3 million people. In the exclusive interview for Truthout that follows, Noam Chomsky shares his thoughts on the causes and ramifications of this appalling crime against humanity.”


Fishing: America actively stokes conflict every where constantly hoping to strike it rich with at least one or two breaking out in blood shed:

“Pakistan summons US envoy over Biden 'most dangerous nation' remark”


Specifically. Ukrainians - and therefore America - aren’t “neo-Nazis” they worship and glorify the Nazis of WWII. A gain Zelensky and Ukraine Nazis are not some worshippers of a version of Nazi. They praise, they worship the Nazis of WWII.

No surprise here as the father of Charles Koch - America’s unelected president - was key to Hitler realizing his murderous ambitions.


“Nazi collaborator monuments in Ukraine

Many new streets and monuments have been erected since a new government took over in 2014”

Al Harris:

“One of the biggest lies being told about Ukraine is that they don't have a Nazi problem. While the full-blown Nazi factions in Ukraine (i.e. Svoboda, The Right Sector, C14, The Azov Battalion, etc.) do represent less than 50% of the country, it's important to recognize the prevalent mindset in Ukraine of ethnic bigotry and their attempts to glorify the Ukrainians who collaborated with the German Nazi invaders during WWII to murder thousands of Poles, Jews, Roma, and ethnic-Russians because they weren't "pure" Ukrainians. There are dozens of statues and street names in western Ukraine dedicated to honoring Ukrainian Nazis like Stepan Bandera, Roman Shukhevych, Yaroslav Stetsko, Dmytro Paliiv, Andrei Melnyk, and others. To many Ukrainians these Nazi collaborators are "heroes." Check out this article that documents the way Ukrainians are glorifying WWII Nazis.”


BOOK: “Gangsters of Capitalism: Smedley Butler, the Marines, and the Making and Breaking of America's Empire”


Our 2 political parties and 3 branches of government is killing us for profit:

“A new study has found that a single year of wildfire smoke essentially erased all of California's hard-fought emission reduction gains between 2003 and 2019.”

“A new study shows just how awful California’s wildfire smoke is for the climate”


Food, there just not making it anymore here on Earth:

“Nestle CEO Warns Shoppers to Brace for More Price Increases

Purina maker forecasts sales growth at top end of range

Volume eases in quarter; Nestle buys Seattle’s Best Coffee”


Your 401k is being sacrificed by a sacrifice meant to hobble labor (via a recession) as a campaign inducement for the patronage of the rich:

“Citi Says US Stocks Pricing Recession More Than Any Other Asset

More macro and earnings risk needs to be factored: Saunders

Bloomberg Economics model implies 100% chance of recession”


America’s healthcare system is a MASSIVE wasteful drag on the US economy:

“US health insurers get more and more federal funding, deliver less and less care”


“Tax the Ultra Rich NOW & Rebuild America! Sign our petition if you agree”

David Hogg:

“No – it wasn’t millennials that ruined the economy it was the deregulation of the financial industry and letting the rich write the tax code.”

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