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“Factory Farms Destroy Ecosystems”

Updated: Nov 27, 2022

“Climate change is warping our fresh water cycle – and much faster than we thought”

“Observed poleward freshwater transport since 1970 - by Taimoor Sohai et al.”


“This is the most complete and in-depth video I have ever created: the "ALL YOU CAN EAT BUFFET" version of "TEN INEVITABILITIES: POST DOOM, NO GLOOM". A visually rich and information dense experience, it includes the most credible and important resources available for understanding where we are, how we got here, and what is possible and no longer possible going forward. It also includes practical tools and insights for staying sane, sober, and grateful to be alive in increasingly crazy-making times.

THESIS (2-hours): Confusion and suffering prevail without a life-centered view of ecology, energy, and history. Enthralled by gee-whiz technology, and blind to TEN COLLAPSE-RELATED INEVITABILITIES, we stumble into a future of ECOLOGICAL AND SOCIETAL CERTAINTIES that most people cannot see, or will vehemently deny...

1. Most people will have a hard time trusting how and why our civilization is collapsing.

2. Abrupt climate change (rapid 2C+) locks in biospheric collapse and extinctions.

3. Tipping points already crossed will be falsely framed as “still avoidable”.

4. Without “Assisted Migration” love-in-action, most tree species will go extinct.

5. Without urgent collective action, there will be dozens of nuclear meltdowns.

6. As our biospheric and societal predicament worsens, so will our mental health.

7. Most people will only reluctantly relinquish their faith in “the Almighty We”.

8. If you proselytize only the 'doom' side of collapse reality, expect to be shunned.

9. Most people will crave distraction — and virtually anything that offers “hope”.

10. Elite universities, IPCC, MSM, & pols will remain first-rate legal hopium dealers. (Definition of hopium: "A comforting vision of the future that requires breaking the laws of physics, biology, or ecology, such as thinking that we can slow, stop, or reverse The Great Acceleration of biospheric collapse.")



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“Factory Farms Destroy Ecosystems”




“Extreme weather is going to get unimaginably worse and will never in your lifetime ever get better again.”


“A mild-mannered biker triggered a huge debate over humans’ role in climate change – in the early 20th century”


“Melting Down”


“Edge of Extinction: How To Proceed?”

“In Professor McPherson's latest presentation he discusses aspects of how to navigate the perfect storm we face.

Irreversible abrupt climate change, the melt down of the worlds nuclear power stations and much, much more.”


“The former head of Texas' power grid said he was following Gov. Greg Abbott's orders when amassing billions in electricity bills during the state freeze”

“The former head of Texas' power grid said he was following Gov. Greg Abbott's orders when amassing billions in electricity bills-- Gov. Abbott's office previously denied involvement in the decision to charge maximum electricity prices.”


“What a Wonderful World”

“Here is a clip from Bowling for Columbine by, Michael Moore exposing how history keeps repeating itself when The United States intervenes in foreign affairs. Our founding fathers did not want this to happen and wanted America to remain neutral when it comes to foreign affairs but for some reason we now live in a nation where The President can intervene either by picking a side by funding them with weapons or by straight up invading another country even without congressional approval like what happened in Iraq and Vietnam usually in most cases to help support their friends working for the military industrial complex. I would highly encourage people to study their history so we don't keep making the same mistakes of the past. Also speak up against war and the military industrial complex. Thank you for reading and God Bless.”


NEW LAW: All elected and governmentally appointed officials and their families are prohibited from using ANY survival bunker


“How to Survive What’s Coming Without Being a Total D!ck

A true survival mindset.”

“Jessica Wildfire: Prepping and survivalism have gotten a bad reputation, thanks to a bunch of spoiled suburbanites who took it up as a hobby. Throwing down fortunes on stuff they don’t need, because they’re scared.”


“Oil and Gas Companies ‘Flare’ or ‘Vent’ Excess Natural Gas. It’s Like Burning Money—and it’s Bad for the Environment”

“When companies flare, they do more than burn natural gas. They burn money. Every year, U.S. oil and gas companies set fire to billions of cubic feet of natural gas and directly vent an additional unknown amount. A valuable resource is squandered. Experts blame weak regulations, ineffective tracking and a lack of economic incentives to capture and sell the gas.”


Let it not go unnoticed that when the killing in Ukraine started America automatically offered to get Zelensky out of the country so as not to get caught up in the plight he brought to his commoners


This is America we’re talking about. Zelensky is NOT a hero. He’s staying because he probably got offered a payday$$$$$.

“Zelensky is killing his people in a desperate attempt to return Ukraine to wholesale exploitation by America. As in America, the nonrich have no real representation in their govt and exist as mere pawns caught in continuing barrage of offenses by powers that don’t give a shit what happens to them”

“Zelensky refuses US offer to evacuate saying, "I need ammunition, not a ride"”


“In 1871, Congress Crafted a Law to Break the Klan. Today, It’s Targeting Trump.”


Ben Karimi:

“Bernie is against Russia’s attack on Ukraine blah blah blah… I do not remember Bernie standing up to US intervention in Ukraine,

organizing of the 2014 coup, that resulted in putting a fascist Govt in power. So much for

a Social Democrat”


“Just a friendly reminder Ukraine is not the only place under attack right now... #StopAllWars


If not at least the stocks of those companies who profit from war! And if any of the existing politicians who are on record of approving America Warring should be charged and put in prison:

“Ban stock trading for Members of Congress!”


Sam Carana:

“New state-of-the-art technology collects a unique time series from methane seeps in the Arctic

A new key publication in Ocean Science links cutting-edge technology with developments in our understanding of the environment and climate, highlighting and constraining uncertainties in current methane estimates coming from the seafloor.

“Autonomous methane seep site monitoring offshore western Svalbard: hourly to seasonal variability and associated oceanographic parameters” - by Knut Ola Dølven et al.


“In Private, Bankers Discuss Nuclear War and Russian Trading Risk”


“TechScape: surveillance is now just a part of daily life for US citizens”

“On the normalization of everyday surveillance: "...[it's] hard to avoid having your data collected/images of yourself analyzed in the US... there isn’t a single, sweeping federal law regulating how co.s share, store or use your personal data." — Johana Bhuiya”


Romeu Peitinho:

“Excellent recent history recap piece by Scott Ritter.

“ Following the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) signed the Minsk Agreement on December 30, 1991. It gave the Russian government responsibility for all nuclear weapons, with the caveat that so long as nuclear weapons remained on the soil of the non-nuclear parties (Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine) those countries would have the right to veto their use.

Ukraine signed the Lisbon Protocol on May 23, 1992, where it agreed to return all nuclear weapons on its soil to Russia. By this time, however, the socio-economic situation inside Ukraine had deteriorated to the point that its elected officials were looking for any potential to monetize Ukraine’s Soviet-era infrastructure. Nuclear weapons were not excluded. Emboldened by arguments put forward by Western academics such as John Mearsheimer, who argued that Ukraine should retain its own independent nuclear deterrent, the Ukrainian parliament balked at handing over its nuclear weapons to Russia, on the belief that a special status for Ukraine as a temporary nuclear state would provide it with greater leverage when it came to being compensated for that which it was being called upon to surrender.

The Ukrainian desire to retain nuclear weapons had nothing to do with security, but rather took the form of nuclear blackmail. In short, it was a grift. And it worked – the United States provided Ukraine with $175 million to dismantle its nuclear weapons, and over $300 million in additional economic aid linked to Ukraine’s commitment to nuclear disarmament. The 1994 Budapest Memorandum must be seen as an extension of this grift.””

“Ukraine's nuclear fantasy is dangerous

Ukraine seeks to retain the status of a nuclear weapons state it never possessed”


Jeff Kurtz:

“The best form of government is that which is most likely to prevent the greatest sum of evil.” James Monroe

“Examine the major problems we face in the United States today—inadequate minimum wage, insufficient affordable housing, healthcare that produces unequal life chances, the quality gaps of both primary and secondary education between socioeconomic tiers, the high cost of college education, our ongoing corporate-military exploitations, political corruption, profit-driven prisons, the injustices in our judicial systems, our degrading environment, everything leading to climate change, our consumption-driven pursuit of happiness, and many more. All of them can be traced back to a single root cause. That's right. We could eliminate all of these problems by making one successful change: By revising our society's value system in a manner that causes us to care about the welfare of others. By deliberately reshaping our culture from one of entitlement to gratitude. To fulfill our social contract by improving the lives of people we don't know, not because we may have something to gain by it, but simply because it's the right thing to do— for humanity and our planet’s “Greatest Common Good”.

For the Greatest Common Good

These words should be etched on placards that grace every high corporate and government office. On banners prominently displayed in public spaces throughout our nation. They should serve as our motto, our mantra and our anthem. They should be our call to virtue elevated in society through education, media, and politics. Those who inspire us to achieve this most noble cause should be celebrated as our heroes. And these words should be so ingrained in our social consciousness that to think and behave otherwise would be considered harmful, counterproductive and clinically unsound.

We have a legitimate moral obligation and social responsibility to support one another on this tiny planet of ours. According to the US Constitution, it is our duty to promote the General Welfare of our nation’s citizens. "General Welfare" means everyone; not just a specific segment of the population. And in our increasingly interconnected world, the reach of our concern must also extend well beyond our borders.

When we, as a society, value the welfare of others— when our concern for the safety, health, and education of those we don't know becomes more important to us than our desire for excessive comfort, convenience and leisure, and when we gain greater satisfaction by serving others than by pampering and overindulging ourselves— only then can we lift our heads high with collective dignity and self-esteem. Only then can we say with confidence that our country is truly great.

The most noble of social values is the one that encourages us to promote our most worthy cause. Our country's greatness is not achieved by serving ourselves. It comes from serving one another— to achieve humanity and our planet’s “Greatest Common Good”.”


No trees, no forest fires and how about the promise to stop deforestation?:

Among other things, biden is fighting the consequences of climate change by chopping down the trees that mitigate climate change. When the reality is politics as usual. Meaning insurance industry liable for fire,….yadda yadda,…charles koch owns Georgia Pacific…votes for loggers and donations from timber harvesting. It is basically what Trump proposed.

“Biden forestry effort marks dramatic shift in fire prevention“

Propaganda for Biden’s political gift of deforestation:

“We're here to tell the truth about forest management.”


“Trees getting credit for producing the world’s supply of oxygen”

“Phytoplankton producing 70% of the world’s oxygen”


“The Native American population count has nearly doubled since 2000.

How has the Native American population changed since the last census? Dive into the data.”


“#ExxonKnew for decades about the negative impact of fossil fuels on our environment, but they are STILL greenwashing their reports to mislead the public and lawmakers and continuing practices that contribute to climate change.

UCS is supporting communities that are taking them to court to answer for their lies - donate now to help keep the pressure up.”



Mark Brnovich is pushing for a war that would, according to DHS data, impact families seeking refuge from Latin America’s most tumultuous places.”

“In a legal opinion issued February 7, Arizona’s attorney general concluded that due to the “unprecedented” policies of President Joe Biden, the state is experiencing an “invasion” in the form of people and drugs across the U.S.-Mexico divide.”


Wisconsin is not that important in the electoral college in the grand scheme of things. Think about it. Harris, Pence, Jill Biden, now POTUS himself,’s not say Oregon, Georgia or Nevada, but always Wisconsin aka Kochland. Same home to the alt right Nazi ALEC, Bradley Fdtn, Koch. Washington is going in person not by phone\paper

Is there anger over America not giving more support to the Nazis in Ukraine? Sure would like to read those emails, if they were ever created that is

“We live in a peculiar juncture of history in which truth has been banished as a threat to the maximization of private gain, i.e. the hyper-pursuit of self-interest. Both the evidence and narrative are manufactured to serve the interests of the few at the expense of the many. It's an elaborate, well-staged con designed to maximize the private gains of the few by exploiting the many.”

“Our Financial System Is Optimized for Sociopaths and Exploitation

Let's call this financial system what it really is: the MetaPerverse, a conjured world of self-serving cons.”


“Sea Ice Around Antarctica Reaches a Record Low

The drop surprised scientists, and may help them understand more about climate change affecting Antarctica and its waters.“


Probably accurate and that is HORRIFYING:

“Kirk Brent at NorringNearTermHumanExtinction on FB:

Think about it please.

Guy McPherson wasn’t the first man to join the dots.

The governments has been doing it for decades.

All scientists have to report their findings to the governments before it gets published. The governments then piece it all together to make the big picture.

There are people who know more about our nearby human extinction than Guy does.

They know that nothing can be done now except for themselves to protect their asses in whatever luxurious bunkers they have built for themselves.

They really don’t give a shit about what happens to you and me except that we are fooled into some false sense of security when none exist.

Those of us that do know are but a handful in a sea of hands.

Nobody is going to believe us when they can lie to themselves with Hope.

The enemy of the people is in fact the governments that rule us and keep us cattle penned up for the slaughter.”


Sam Carana:


Antarctic sea ice extent was only 1.973 million km² on February 16, 2022, the lowest on record since satellite measurements began in 1979.

Created by Sam Carana for with NSIDC image.”


“Yards With Non-Native Plants Create ‘Food Deserts’ for Bugs and Birds”

“A recent study found that Carolina Chickadees require a landscape with 70% native plants to keep their population steady. Is your yard more of a 'food desert' or delectable buffet?”


“Either America will destroy ignorance, or ignorance will destroy the United States.” W.E.B. Du Bois


“Solar Garden Uses Solar Panels For High-Quality Crops”


Canada’s Trudeau is a Ecocide Criminal:

“Wesley Wilbert

21 February at 10:56 ·

This is First nations drinking water in 2022 Canada. This photo was take on Red Rock Rez.

60% of the Indigenous reservations have no potable water in Canada. During the winter, they have to melt snow, and during the summer they have to haul water from a lake.”


“Studies confirm Canadian Oil and gas companies significantly under report methane emissions”

“Kim Hunter

Or is it the recent breakneck pace frackers are now pillaging and poisoning behind the scenes while everyone is in "lock-down"? Frackers have been particularly heavy handed in their invasion of unceded First Nations territories recently, are self regulated, 10s of thousands of methane belching "orphaned" wells, and can under report their birth defecting emissions by as much as 14X.”


“Planet Earth Report”


It won’t be long before conventional agriculture will be impractical:

“Record High and Low Temperatures hit USA Simultaneously”


American bombs are raining down in several locations throughout the globe:

“While Western Media distract you with Neo-Nazi Ukraine...2/24/22.”


Robert Cook

The Truth About Ukraine with Ben Norton - YouTube


2014 - 2022, The Eight (year lead up to Russia's military attacking Ukraine now.

It starts with the US-backed coup of the Ukrainian government in 2014

Video Link, The Truth About Ukraine with Ben Norton - YouTube,


“It’s time to get rid of Social Security’s not-so-hidden tax”


Zelensky, Guido, Scott walker, Biden, etc. almost like the theme is “any putz will do, the point isn’t governing but transferring wealth to the rich”

Biden's teaming up with Ukrainian Nazi's make me wonder if he ever wanted to stop Privatization of the Postal Service

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