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6/2021 America's Democrats & Republicans have unleased an "Environmental Holocaust" upon the world

Updated: Jan 12

Today’s Environmental Holocaust:

In their lust for surplus profit taking the rich and their politicians have unleashed an Environmental Holocaust. They have lit the planet’s “wicks” at both ends - the North & South poles.

This death and destruction will prey upon the 99% first, starting with the most marginalized and moving up in income.


June 30:

“The Earth is being murdered by greedy old men in suits

Shattering records all over the Pacific Northwest and Western Canada right now. Too many to count and this is just the beginning.

Left image was yesterday. Right image is what is coming. This heat will intensify and pulverize many long standing all-time records.”

Eyed Brown (Lethe eurydice) or (Satyrodes eurydice eurydice)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2020 7/15 _F2A2077aaa

Social Murder

“As Food Insecurity Surges, Leading Scientist Says Hunger Is a Deliberate Choice by Those in Power”

“It’s important to remember that hunger does not always happen because of natural disasters. It is often the result of things that we do to each other deliberately."


“'We Are in a Climate Emergency': As Temps Soar, Over 90% of Western US Gripped by Drought”


“Records crumble in Europe, Russia amid scorching heat wave

Moscow has its highest June temperature on record due to one of several heat domes baking the Northern Hemisphere”


“"Its mixture of heat and humidity has made it one of only two places on earth to have now officially passed, albeit briefly, a threshold hotter than the human body can withstand."

Five years ago I wrote a blog post titled "Wet Bulb Temperature Soon to Become Leading Cause of Death"

Sadly that possibility creeps closer and closer by the scorching day.

Soon we will see entire cities wiped out by exceeding our 'Wet Bulb' temps.

Contemporaneous with an event like that the world will wake up to the unfolding crisis and industrial civilisation will teeter and collapse.”

“Hotter than the human body can handle: Pakistan city broils in world’s highest temperatures

Experts fear Jacobabad's extreme heat and humidity may worsen with climate change – and that other cities may join the club”


“About half of adults infected in an outbreak of the Delta variant of Covid-19 in Israel were fully inoculated with the Pfizer Inc. vaccine, prompting the government to reimpose an indoor mask requirement and other measures to contain the highly transmissible strain.”

“Delta Variant Outbreak in Israel Infects Some Vaccinated Adults

Government reimposes indoor mask requirement in light of preliminary findings”


The avian apocalypse:

“Mystery Disease Killing Hundreds of Birds in Six States + DC


“Earth is trapping twice as much heat as it did in 2005”



As the temperature rise is accelerating due to people's emissions, the acceleration is speeding up more in the Arctic than anywhere else on Earth, due to numerous feedbacks and tipping points, including:

• Albedo loss goes hand in hand with decline of the snow and ice cover. Albedo is a measure of reflectivity of the surface. Albedo is higher as more sunlight is reflected back upward and less energy is getting absorbed at the surface. Albedo decline can occur as snow and ice disappears and the underlying darker soil and rock becomes exposed. Even when the snow and ice cover remains extensive, its reflectivity can decline, due to cracks and holes in the ice, due to formation of melt ponds on top of the ice and due to changes in texture (melting snow and ice reflects less light). Calving of the ice can take place where warmer water can reach it, and such calving can increase as storms strengthen and waves get larger.

• Furthermore, albedo loss can occur as dust, soot and organic compounds that are caused by human activities get deposited on the snow and ice cover, reducing the reflectivity of the surface. Organic compounds and nutrients in meltwater pools can lead to rapid growth of algae, especially at times of high insolation.

• Latent heat loss. As sea ice gets thinner, ever less ocean heat gets consumed in the process of melting the subsurface ice, to the point where - as long as air temperatures are still low enough - there still is a thin layer of ice at the surface that will still consume some heat below the surface, but that at the same time acts as a seal, preventing heat from the Arctic Ocean to enter the atmosphere.

• Jet Stream changes can further amplify the temperature rise. As the temperature difference between the North Pole and the Equator narrows, the Jet Stream becomes more wavy, spreading out widely at times. The changes to the jet stream cause more extreme weather, including heatwaves, forest fires, storms, flooding, etc. This can cause more aerosols to get deposited on the snow and ice cover. It can also speed up the flow of warm water into the Arctic Ocean

Albedo loss, latent heat loss and changes to the jet stream can dramatically amplify the temperature rise in the Arctic. The temperature of the Arctic Ocean is rising accordingly, while there are a number of developments that specifically speed up the temperature rise of the water of the Arctic Ocean. The temperature of the water of the Arctic Ocean is rising, due to a number of events and developments:

• Solstice occurred on June 21, 2021. The Arctic is now receiving huge amounts of sunlight.

• Sea surface temperatures and temperatures on land are very high in Siberia, Canada and Alaska. Strong winds can spread warm air over the Arctic Ocean.

• Warm water from rivers is flowing into the Arctic Ocean, carrying further heat into the Arctic Ocean.

• Warm water from the North Atlantic Ocean and the North Pacific Ocean is flowing into the Arctic Ocean and the amount of ocean heat flowing into the Arctic Ocean is rising steadily each year.

• Arctic sea ice extent is low for the time of year, but at this stage, there still is a lot of sea ice present (compared to September). The sea ice acts as a seal, preventing ocean heat from entering the atmosphere, resulting in more heat remaining in the Arctic Ocean.

• Latent heat loss is contributing to the rapid temperature rise in the Arctic. The remaining sea ice acts as a buffer, consuming ocean heat from below. Sea ice is getting thinner each year, so ever less ocean heat can get consumed in the process of melting the sea ice from below.

• Changes to the jet stream can also cause strong storms that can dramatically speed up the amount of heat flowing into the Arctic Ocean.

The danger of the temperature rise of the Arctic Ocean is that it can cause destabilization of hydrates at its seafloor, resulting in eruption of huge amounts of methane from hydrates and from free gas underneath the hydrates.

From the post 'Heatwaves and the danger of the Arctic Ocean heating up', at:”


Dem\Gop\koch don’t care:

“Honey bees are still dying at high rates”

“Between April 2020 and this April, losses across the country averaged 45.5 percent according to preliminary data.””


Yep. Bezos isn’t the only rich person who thinks this. The create value for themselves by fobbing off and not recognizing all the costs of their profit taking on society.

Demand creates jobs - period . The business entities and persons serving this demand are completely and entirely substitutable in an optimally performing economy.

“In his final letter to shareholders as Amazon CEO, Jeff Bezos offers a novel — and profoundly disturbing — conception of value creation: a handful of visionaries are the sole source of all “real value.” This aristocracy mercifully blesses customers, clients, and even Amazon workers with social goods.”

“The Bezos Theory of Value Is Deeply Disturbing”


The assumption being not all people are entitled to drinking water:

“In May, Gavin Newsom, California’s governor, proposed a $5.1 billion package to improve water security in the state. About $1.3 billion of it would be for improving drinking water infrastructure, which is far short of the nearly $6 billion that a recent study estimated would be required to provide every Californian access to safe drinking water.”

“Once Again, the Earth Is Being Wrung Dry”


“It’s extremely unusual for the National Weather Service to predict three or four days in advance that all-time records could be not only approached but exceeded. Read more from meterologist/journalist Bob Henson on this.”

“Northwest U.S., British Columbia brace for historic, record-melting heat

All-time record highs may be toppled in large cities and small towns alike”


“Bring up cobalt and lithium mining & their negative impacts to the environment & humans, & some bona-fide environmentalists don’t want to talk about any of that. Knights of the Climate Covenant #IntersectionalEnvironmentalism #ClimateCrisis #ClimateChange #ElectricVehicles

“The Environmental & Societal Costs of Electric Vehicles & Storage”


“Biden Administration Signals Climate and Tribal Impacts Irrelevant to Line 3”


“Heatwaves, droughts, and superstorms are hurting communities across the country right now. We need Congress to act with new investments that address the climate crisis head on, create jobs, and protect future generations”

“6 crucial climate actions the Senate left out of its infrastructure deal”

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