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4/2023 2015-2016 El Nino anomalies reach ed a record of + 3°C. 2023-2026 El Nino poised to be worse

Updated: Jan 2

Eyed Brown (Satyrodes eurydice eurydice)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2020-06-20 _F2A8173aaa

“Dems timely / coordinated moot accusations against T & P are to justify their never ending profit wars for their owners!

To Dem apologists: There are no good guys in For Profit Wars!”


“These days, the Iraq war is often called a “mistake”. It was a methodically planned and calculated crime against humanity.”

“The elites who planned it are still highly influential in both war parties and the media. And they’re not done planning wars for profit.”


Caitlin Johnstone:

“You’ll never convince me it’s an organic phenomenon that the population always splits itself into two equal oppositional political factions which always leaves them in a deadlock unable to get anything done, and it always deadlocks in a way that benefits the rich and powerful.”


El Nino:

Val Eisman:

“"An El Nino event in the equatorial Pacific Ocean may be developing sooner than expected as many climate models have forecasted an El Nino as soon as in May 2023. The development of an El Nino in May or June may cause a possible weakening of the southwest monsoon season, which brings around 70 per cent of the total rainfall India receives and on which most of its farmers still depend.

It could also cause heatwaves and droughts in India and other regions around the world such as South Africa, Australia, Indonesia and the Pacific Islands.

It brings heavy rainfall and flooding to other regions such as California in the United States and could cause bleaching and death of coral reefs.

The El Nino is the warmer-than-normal phase of the El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phenomenon, during which there are generally warmer temperatures and less rainfall than normal in many regions of the world, including India.

During an El Nino event, the sea surface temperatures (SST) in the equatorial Pacific Ocean off the northern coast of South America become at least 0.5 degrees Celsius warmer than the long-term average (1980-2010).

In the case of a strong El Nino event as occurred in 2015-2016, anomalies can reach as high as 3°C, which is a record.

This unusual warming of the sea surface weakens the trade winds flowing above and could even cause their reversal. This decreases the amount of rainfall that these trade winds carry to most places around the world and heightens temperatures in general.

In the 2015-2016, there were widespread heatwaves in India that killed around 2,500 people in each of the years. Coral reefs around the world also suffered from bleaching and the sea level rose by 7 millimetres due to thermal expansion.

The El Nino, along with global warming, had made 2016 the warmest year on record. The El Nino in 2023 and going into 2024 may push the global average temperature towards 1.5 degree celsius warmer than the pre industrial average.

The warming of the oceans is one of the major impacts of an El Nino event. This is when ocean heat content is already at a record high, according to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).

Many meteorological agencies, including the India Meteorological Department (IMD), track the evolution of the El Nino and incorporate it into their climate and weather models, forecasts and advisories. The IMD will take into account the possibility of an El Nino in its first long-range monsoon forecast it will issue around mid April.

Most of the models analysed by the World Climate Service, a private weather forecasting firm based in the United States, predicted SSTs in the range of 0.7-0.95°C above the long-term average between 1993-2016 for May 2023." Snip”

“El Nino on its way, will likely impact monsoon: Experts”


“"This is not a model. This is real observation. And it is frankly scary. Even to me." Eric Rignot, a glaciologist at the University of California at Irvine who was not involved in the new study.”

“Glaciologist Says New Melting Study 'Frankly Scary. Even to Me.'

"Ice sheets are retreating fast today," said one expert. "But we see traces in the seafloor that the retreat could go faster, way faster, and this is a reminder that we have not seen everything yet."”


“The worst environmental disaster in OH and PA didn’t need to happen. Demand rail safety from the Dept. of Transportation NOW!”

“East Palestine, Ohio residents are living through a public health nightmare after a train carrying toxic chemicals derailed on February 3rd. This was preventable.

The lack of oversight for transporting hazardous materials by rail puts our health and communities at risk to prop up the fracking and plastics industries for corporate profit.

Demand that Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg reinstate rules on braking systems and strengthen regulations on the transport of hazardous material by rail.”


“BRICS is working on a new currency that would enable all members to trade without US dollar or Euro.

And this currency will be backed by gold and other commodities – my guess: oil, natural gas and lithium.

South Africa is not mincing worlds. The goal is “re-calibration of the world order”

There are at least 12 countries that have applied for BRICS membership.




The government of St. Maarten is planning to kill hundreds of free-living monkeys. Speak out to stop this cruelty by adding your name to our petition!”

“Hundreds of non-native, free-living green monkeys call the Caribbean territory of St. Maarten home. Now, the government plans to kill these animals as a means of controlling the monkeys' growing numbers.

This kind of deadly "management" is cruel and unnecessary, as compassionate non-lethal options exist.”


“Environmental advocates flooded Albany yesterday to demand action. Climate legislation needs to take a central in the state budget. From an emissions cap to electrification, we need to cross the finish line, NY!”


Cop City:

“The First Amendment protects our right to protest. Full stop.”

“How Officials in Georgia are Suppressing Political Protest as ‘Domestic Terrorism’”

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