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10/2021 Washington Policy: You either optimize$ the country or optimize a few individuals - not both

Updated: Jan 12

You either optimize$ the country or you optimize the individual:

“Billionaires hurt economic growth and should be taxed out of existence, says bestselling French economist”

Edwards’ Hairstreak (Satyrium edwardsii)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2019 7/3 _F2A9446aaa2

“'Not Just Immoral, Deadly': How Corporate Lobbyists Ramped Up Spending Ahead of COP26

"The fossil fuel lobby's grimy fingerprints are all over yet another congressional deadlock on meaningful climate action," warned one campaigner.”


“Greenhouse gases at new record in 2020”

“The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) has released 2020 figures for carbon dioxide (CO₂), which reached 413.2 parts per million (ppm) in 2020, or 149% of the 1750 level. Methane (CH₄) reached 1889 parts per billion (ppb) in 2020, or 262% of the 1750 level and nitrous oxide (N₂O) reached 333.2 ppb, or 123% of the 1750 level.

“The last time the Earth experienced a comparable concentration of CO₂ was 3-5 million years ago, when the temperature was 2-3°C warmer and sea level was 10-20 meters higher than now”, said WMO Secretary-General Prof. Petteri Taalas.

From the post 'Will COP26 in Glasgow deliver?', at:


“Amplified Arctic Warming Causing Stratospheric Polar Vortex Stretching and Extreme Cold Outbreaks”


Manchurian Candidate:

“Biden and the Democratic leadership can use their power to force through many key initiatives, either by bypassing Congress or by dumping the Senate filibuster.”

“Why are Democrats afraid to use their power? American democracy depends on it

Biden and the Democrats face a fast-closing window to salvage democracy. They must act forcefully — and act now”


Jason scherl:

“Emissions Increasing Faster Than Ever Despite A Global Climate Emergency”

Emissions are actually going up. Fires and Man put out 81GT of CO2 and even if we stop emitting, a substantial amount of CO2 would still be going into the atmosphere.

I bet if you add 19 gt of co2 from permafrost that’d be 100GT of just CO2 going in the air per year right now”


Kirk Norring:

“The Lesser of Two Evils is Still Evil.”

“Ahead of COP26, Top Biden Appointees Pushing Natural Gas Are Undermining His Climate Credibility”


“Perpetual Systemic Hardship

When preventing social harm isn’t profitable

The United States government protects corporate interests by addressing the symptoms of system harm rather than preventing them. For this reason, they never wat to discuss the moral implications that caused your misfortune. They care only to repair its local damage and hold you accountable if your hardship causes you to react in a manner that is considered socially adverse, such as mental illness, drug use and/or crime.”


"What's really happening is more accurately described as a living-wage shortage, a hazard pay shortage, a childcare shortage, a paid sick leave shortage, and a health care shortage."

“Don't Believe the Corporate "Labor Shortage" Bullsh*t”


“Does this make any sense to you at all?

If you are a diabetic living England, you’re able to get a vial of insulin for around $7. But if you’re a diabetic here in the United States, you pay $98 for the EXACT SAME insulin?”


“An explosive new report says that several Republican House members and Trump's former White House Chief of Staff worked “back to back to back” with January 6 protest organizers.”

“Explosive Report Says GOP Congress Members Helped Plan Jan. 6 Capitol Attack”


“Republicans — prone to asking how social programs like Biden’s Build Back Better agenda will be paid for — are lobbying against the new tax reporting provisions.”


Mostly rich people avoid paying $600 billion a year in taxes, in part through lack of income reporting to the IRS that Biden is trying to change.”


“Pelosi and Hoyer to Progressives: Just Pretend Democrats Are Winning (Even If Corporate Lobbyists Are)

"If we don't act like we are winning, the American people won't believe it either," advised House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer.”


“"By refusing to support a massively popular social spending plan, Manchin is showing just how out of step he is with the American public and his own voters—like a modern day Marie Antoinette."”

“Joe Manchin Is the One With an 'Entitlement Mentality'”


“India Walton: Democrats Have “Gotten Very Comfortable Doing Nothing””


Manchin has enormous conflicts of interests yet he is allowed to obstruct Climate Action. Money has made American Government incapable of sensible conduct:

“Sunrise Movement Corrects Manchin: US 'Has Done More Than Any Other' to Cause—Not Solve—Climate Crisis

"Sen. Manchin is clearly drafting his climate plan with false information. At worst he's telling us lies given to him by his fossil fuel donors. At best, he's misinformed."”


Romeu Peitinho:

“Interesting interview.

“And I think America has joined the wrong side of history. And it’s a result of the combination of neoliberalism and the neocon military plan that somehow thinks that military force

can force other countries to submit to what you called neo- feudalism, which indeed it is.

And the question is – that has never worked over time. It’s very short term. But then these people think, well, they’re probably in their 50s or 60s now; they only have 20 years to live.

All they care about is getting rich for the next 20 years. They don’t care if they leave a bankrupt America in their place. That’s their business plan.

The business plan is to load the country down with debt, shrink the economy – but they’ll take their money and run.

And the question is, where are they going to run to? If the rest of the world is going its own way, that they’re driving the world to grow its own way. That’s the dynamic that is at work.””

“Super Imperialism: The economic strategy of American empire with economist Michael Hudson”

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