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5/2022 Demand ‘Death of the Biosphere Trails’ (on par with the Nazi Nuremberg Trails)

Updated: Jan 12

The People of the Earth must demand ‘Death of the Biosphere Trails’ (on par with the Nazi Nuremberg Trails) to holding those accountable for making material contributions to the Death of our planet

Edwards’ Hairstreak (Satyrium edwardsii)

Madison, Dane County, Wisconsin, USA

2019 7/3 _F2A9397aaa2p

Steven Tracy Schlicht:

“If you want to ban books that include beastiality, incest, genocide, fratricide, infanticide, slavery, talking animals, wizardry, zombies, and a full load of racism and ethnic cleansing, by slaughter and rape, in a positive light by the main protagonist and his "chosen" folk...y'all may want to actually read the Torah, Bible, Quran and Joseph Smith's golden plates delivered to him by the Angel Moroni.”


“Nearly 5 million bees died after being left on a hot tarmac in Atlanta”

“When beekeeper Sarah McElrea, who runs Sarah’s Alaska Honey, ordered 80 pounds of bees to pollinate her orchids and nurseries, she wasn’t expecting the vast majority of them to be left to die on a hot tarmac at Atlanta’s Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport, but that’s exactly what happened.

On April 24, 2022, the bees, which were initially kept in a cooler, were moved outside onto the hot tarmac by Delta Air Lines employees, where the sun was ‘baking down on the containers.’ To make matters worse, some of the containers were reportedly placed upside down, making it impossible for the bees to access their food.

Beekeepers from the Metro Atlanta Beekeepers Association responded to McElrea’s call for help and made an attempt to save the bees, but unfortunately, most of the 5 million honeybees died from heat exposure.

In an email to Alaska Public Media, a spokesperson for Delta Air Lines said the airline is working to make sure this type of situation doesn’t happen again, adding, ‘We have been in contact with the customer directly to apologize for the unfortunate situation.’

McElrea said that education is key to this not happening again, saying, ‘Being educated about honeybees is the first big step I think everyone should take on that can help them to just have a better understanding of how important they are as far as pollinators, and just such a fragile part of our ecosystem that we as humans are completely dependent on for our survival.’”


“Frontline: The Power of Big Oil Part 3 - Delay HD Trailer PBS”


Western oligarchs used America’s might to extract imperialistic profits from Ukraine starting in 2014, now I’d bet the $33B is getting laundered thru Zelensky to compensate the same oligarchs for lost profits due to war. In legitimate circles its called business interruption or lost profit insurance.


Biden’s new “Dept of Misinformation” to decide what is & is not true in the public discourse as $33 billion flies out the door to a known tax cheat without a whisper of requiring an audit of how it’s our dark money world!


“The Illegal Trade in These Love Charms Is a Growing Threat to Hummingbirds”

“Since 2013, U.S. wildlife law enforcement agents have seized more than 900 hummingbird carcasses from 22 species as part of an illegal trade in love charms called chuparosas. That suggests the market for these illegal products is extensive, writes forensic ornithologist Pepper Trail.”


“I wonder why they never show us any of the pictures of the Russian speaking Ukrainians thanking Russian soldiers for liberating them from the Nazis that have been terrorizing them for the last 8 years.”


“Major Corporate contributors to anti-abortion committees since 2016”

“And that is only the required reported amount. It doesn't include all the dark money funneled through PACs.”


“The path Biden Admin has us on will lead to WWIII & nuclear Armageddon”


Hans Rotterdam\Arctic News:

“6th of May 2022 AD

My prediction for the future (estimated within 3 years):

Famine and barbarism will soon be all over the Earth.


The ever-faster increasing CO2 level in Earth's atmosphere and oceans;

The already collapsed Arctic Vortex;

Soon to be expected Arctic methane (CH4), especially from East Siberian Shelf;

Worldwide more, ever more extreme weather:

Eco collapse, including failing food crops:;

Evermore expensive food, leading to total devaluation of money (all currencies);

Total collapse of human society: no more money, no more tap water, no more fuel, electricity, or gas, no more supermarkets.

After this, only famine and barbarism will remain.”



“The palm oil industry has poisoned Guatemala’s waterways, transformed the countryside, and torn communities apart. Alessandra Bergamin reports on the land defenders standing up to agribusiness, and the long odds they face.”

“Bitter Fruit

The palm oil industry remakes Guatemala”


OMG 1984

““Disinformation Governance Board” Chief Is Huge Spreader Of Disinformation”

“Joe Biden has announced the formation of something called the “Disinformation Governance Board,” which will operate within the Homeland Security Department as a sort of Orwellian “Ministry of Truth,” pointing out what the administration considers to be “disinformation” in the public discourse. Because who better to identify propaganda than the US government?”


“As drought worsens, can Kenyan communities coexist with native wildlife?

As prolonged drought plagues the Horn of Africa, some people perceive animals as a threat to scarce resources, while other communities rally to protect the creatures.”


“NASA's CERES radiative flux data for 2021 has come available. The annual Earth's Energy Imbalance was +1.52 W/m², the energy equivalent to 1 million Hiroshima sized atomic bombs every day.

The rate of global warming has tripled in the past 20 years.”


Oil Profits when we don’t have money for climate collapse – NATIONALIZE ALREADY!

“Shell quarterly profits hit record $9bn”

“Oil profits triple from Ukraine War and "Sanctions"...

Opening Passage:

Shell’s underlying profits leapt to an all-time high of $9.13 billion in the first three months of this year as the oil and gas group cashed in on soaring prices after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Britain’s biggest energy company stoked calls for a windfall tax as it revealed that adjusted earnings had almost tripled, from $3.23 billion in the same period last year.

Shell credited higher prices and a stronger performance by its traders for the result, which was even better than the $8.67 billion analysts had forecast. The figures exclude a $3.9 billion post-tax charge for exiting its interests in Russia, which led to a more muted increase in headline profits.”


“Canadian researchers may have found link between fracking and premature births”

“Oil and gas operations are linked to increased health risks for pregnant women and their babies.”


We have obliterated ourselves

“BREAKING! NASA data shows our Earth is heating at unprecedented speed: 1.64 W/m² Another 12-month EEI record (from Mar21-Feb22). That's a lot of additional energy in the Earth's system, available to heat oceans, land and atmosphere, melt ice and increase sea levels.”


Grotesque: Govts, including America, lied so that they could keep looting:

“WHO Says COVID-19 Has Caused Nearly 15 Million Deaths, Nearly Triple Official Toll”

“Global Death Toll from COVID-19 Tops 15 Million as Vaccine Inequity Continues to Prolong Pandemic”

““An Apocalyptic Situation”: Indian Hospitals Overwhelmed as COVID Cases Soar in “Modi-Made Disaster””

“Premature “Normalcy” Could Backfire as U.S. COVID Death Toll Passes 1 Million & New Variants Spread”


The up stream wealth transfer represented by Price Gouging at the pump should translate into no govt assistance for abandoned or obsolete assets in the oil and gas industry when they are nationalized


The American Government lied to its People. The number of deaths in the US from COVID is much MUCH higher than 1 million. Blame Charles Kock in addition to the craven geriatric leadership caste.

Jul 3 2019 F2A9397aaa2

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