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6/2021 Biden Administration Greenlights Oil Drilling in Alaska

Updated: Nov 26, 2023

Heinous fools: Washington’s Infrastructure Bill:

For now, there will be nothing so vulgar as gas chambers and ovens. But make no mistake of their heinous disregard for the non-rich – that was on display with the pandemic – Global Warming & Environmental Collapse is the Rich and their Politicians Holocaust being acted out against the 99%.

With surface temperatures in the Arctic of 118 degrees F, this is what Washington’s Infrastructure Bill represents. It goes beyond a fine piece of social murder by leaving out climate measures. It is merely further clarification of their stance in their increasingly blatant and deadly class warfare.

Our two-parties’ conduct on global warming and environmental collapse is inexcusable. It is a grotesque, morally bankrupt dereliction of their oath of office. They are bald faced sociopaths that need to be removed from government.


“Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal Omits Big Climate Measures”


“Ignoring Climate Goals, Biden Administration Greenlights Oil Drilling in Alaska

You cannot approve massive oil drilling projects if you want to swiftly reach net-zero emissions.”

Eastern Tiger Swallowtail, female, dark form (Papilio glaucus), south central Wisconsin

2020 8/12 _F2A6445aaa2

“A leaked UN report warns ‘worst is yet to come’ on climate change. Here’s how you can help”

“This week, I spoke with PBS NewsHour about what we know about climate change.

We have known since the 1800s that digging up and burning coal, gas and oil are producing heat-trapping gases that are wrapping an extra blanket on the planet. By 1965, scientists were sufficiently concerned about the risks of climate change for humans that they formally warned a U.S. president, Lyndon B. Johnson.

And the last IPCC report in 2018, on the 1.5-degree target, was absolutely clear. Every bit of warming matters, they said, every action matters, every choice matters.

The time to act is now and we don’t have to wait for a new report to tell us that.

Read more:

Katharine Hayhoe”


That’s war crimes carried out against your own citizens:

“Ecocide: How a fast-growing movement plans to put environmental destruction on a par with war crimes”


“Arctic Death Spiral and the Methane Time Bomb”


“Orwellian Hellscape v. Neoliberal Caretakers: American Politics in the “Post-Trump” Era”

“Trump may be out of office, but American politics seem more crisis laden than ever between the caretaker neoliberalism of the Democrats and the creeping totalitarianism of the Republicans. On the Democratic front, although the progressive Sanders-Warren-AOC wing of the party continues to push for liberal reforms, we’ve seen “more of the same” establishment-friendly politics from the neoliberal Biden wing that’s dominated the party for decades. This will come as no shock to those of us who have lamented the plutocratic biases of the Democrats during the Obama years and before.”


First came the class warfare of the pandemic. Now the rich and their politicians are carrying out their next holocaust using climate and the environment:

“CCC: UK will miss climate goals by ‘huge margin’ without new policies”


With the country in the death throes of desertification, deadly heat wave and otherwise collapsing environment on the scale of a hitler’esque holocaust the first order of business for our two parties is to concentrate wealth and turn taxpayer dollars into campaign donations. This is beyond evil.

Prices charged for the services received by the Tennessee Valley Authority and other privatized entities will go up:

“Wall Street Sees Big Wish Granted in Biden’s Infrastructure Deal

So biden is giving the "Tennessee Valley Authority" to Wall St. ...privatization... to fund his infrastructure plan.

Just think what Wall St. parasites will do with it. Oh then the govt. will have to fix it just like the when the banks and wall st. failed .

President Joe Biden’s administration could kick off an asset-recycling initiative with federal government-owned power and generation companies such as the Tennessee Valley Authority and the Bonneville Power Administration, Gribbin said. He added that government-owned dams around the country that generate hydroelectric power and haven’t been well maintained could also be part of the program. Other


America’s judiciary is an abomination in no small part from the efforts of Charles Koch and Leonard Leo:

“Right-Wing SCOTUS Majority Rules Union Organizing on Farms Violates Landowners' Rights”

“The Supreme Court "fails to balance a farmer's property rights with a farm worker's human rights," said United Farm Workers of America.”


“Florida judge blocks USDA debt relief payments to farmers of color”


“Governments in capitalist society are but committees of the rich to manage the affairs of the capitalist class.” James Connolly


Damn the expense to the 99%, this is precisely what our two parties want – concentration of wealth and power into the hands of the fascists:

“The world’s farmers—and the research and governments that support them—need to embrace broader, more sweeping shifts in agriculture if they’re going to save millions from starving and feed the world’s growing population, a new report warns.”

“Without ‘Transformative Adaptation’ Climate Change May Threaten the Survival of Millions of Small Scale Farmers

A new report shows that, without sweeping, fundamental shifts to food systems, increasing heat, aridity and sea-level rise will also drive spikes in poverty and hunger.”


“In 2015, 75-year old Gerry Suttle was sitting on her porch when a cop rolled up and handed her an arrest warrant. The reason for her arrest?

She had failed to mow her lawn.”

“Why Lawns Must Die”


“Indigenous people have long understood the balance between nature and need when it comes to food generation and collection. Incursion into Indigenous lands not only threatens their food system, but biodiversity as well, a new report says.”

“Incursions Into Indigenous Lands Not Only Threaten Tribal Food Systems, But the Planet’s Well-Being

Nearly half a billion Indigenous people live off, and help preserve, the land. But a UN report concludes they are besieged as protectors of biodiversity.”

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