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8/2022 “Wealthiest 10% Responsible for Nearly 50% of Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Study Finds”

Updated: Dec 18, 2023

“10 Worst States in America”

Eastern Tiger swallowtail (Papilio glaucus), female, dark color form

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2018-08-10 1208aaa2p

DeSantis and other Republican politicians busing immigrants apprehended at the U.S. Mexico border to far away Democrat led cities is a human rights violation that should have EVERY American deeply concerned with their Govt.

And when American citizens turn into biosphere collapse refugees? What then? The anti abortion crowd has no respect for life


Raising interest rates to the extent of inducing a recession under the guise of helping people with inflation (that is largely the result of greed and not consumer’s having inflated purchasing power). What’s the real reason?!


Politicians are obsessed with negating our vote. McConnell, Collins & Graham got re-elected off fictitious populations. Trump tried what he was told would work. We have a problem with election fraud by politicians & election staff acting in favor of Rich Conservative Candidates NOT voters


Baked-in & NO technology in our wildest imagination will be timely and of sufficient scale: if you are alive today - at any age - you will not see the end of today’s global warming \ thermal maximum event. They won.


The depravity of American politicians past and present knows no bottom and they must all be held responsible:

“COVID, Climate & Conflict Fueling Global Hunger as World Leaders at U.N. Urged to Take Action”


Chomsky on Climate Destruction:

“Noam Chomsky & Vijay Prashad on Ukraine, Why U.S. Must Negotiate with Russia & What Media Gets Wrong”


“The longer the war persists, the more destruction and devastation there will be, the more what’s called collateral damage elsewhere, massive starvation because of the closing off of Black Sea exports — there’s some relaxation of that, but we have little information about it — threat of nuclear war increases, and perhaps most significantly of all, and least discussed, is the fact that as the war continues, the limited efforts to deal with the overwhelming crisis of climate destruction, those reverse. Instead of moving to limit fossil fuels, what’s happening is expansion of fossil fuel production, exuberance in the offices of ExxonMobil, Chevron and the rest, opening new fields for development, expansion of the reduction of restrictions, search for new sources of oil. Some of what’s happening is — I mean, this means basically the end of organized human life on Earth. We’re not talking about something minor. We have a narrow window in which the severe problems of heating the climate can be dealt with. As you close that window more and more, the less are the chances of survival of organized human life on Earth. That’s what we’re facing.

As I say, sometimes what’s happening is simply surreal. You hardly can find words to describe it. Take just a week, last couple of weeks, new scientific reports appeared with regard to the eastern Mediterranean, not very far from Ukraine. They found that projections about what was going to happen in the region were way off, much too conservative. Now new studies indicate that by the end of the century, heating in the eastern Mediterranean region will be about twice as high as what was thought before: 5 degrees Celsius, 10 degrees Fahrenheit. That’s right at the level — it reaches the level of survival. And of course it doesn’t stop there.

Meanwhile, Israeli climatologists, who are quite good, discovered that their own projections of rise in sea level were way off. They were dire enough, but it turns out they were far from accurate. It’s going to be much worse than that. They predicted by midcentury there will be a meter of sea level rise; the end of the century, maybe two to two-and-a-half meters. The effects are indescribable. When you think about that for the two countries — the countries there, Egypt, Israel, Lebanon, it’s — can’t even describe it. Meanwhile, what’s happening? Israel and Lebanon are squabbling over who will have the right to administer the coup de grâce, literally. They’re squabbling over who will control the fossil fuel resources on their maritime border — so, who, in other words, will have the opportunity to destroy the two countries while they sink underwater. That’s what’s happening before our eyes. Other areas of the world, as well.”


The Christofascist purchase of Supreme Court Justices Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barrett those politicians & special interests responsible for Global Warming and our planet’s biosphere collapse will never be held responsible


Guns in America are getting worse:

“Congress Creates Federal "Assault Weapon" Purchase & Possession License!!!”

Note: US Congress: by by allowing possession of assault military rifles by approved permit, Govt can chose who wins the their coming Civil War. If you’re not a fascist tool you don’t get a permit


“Texas Paul REACTS to Lauren Boebert confusing the Bible with Chinese food”


6 seeking for every 1 job offered: Fed Is raising rates to deliberately induce a recession that will increase unemployment. It’s about keeping labor down, not fighting greedflation (howsoever it may be enhanced by climate death)


Jamie Dimon must be charged and prosecuted for ECOCIDE:

Fascist jacksss Jamie Dimon needs to state specifically how banning new fossil fuel financing by JP Morgan Chase would be America’s road to hell and we need a plan to keeping that from happening, but hell for the 99% is already biting down

We either change voluntarily in a reasonable orderly fashion or global warming will do it for us in a chaotic death-filled unjust melee.

And I really really doubt Jamie Dimon’s view of hell is the same as mine

“Jamie Dimon says stopping oil and gas production would be ‘road to hell’ for US”


Who is really in charge of the country?:

“Jamie Dimon Slams Biden Student Loan Forgiveness Plan”


“Wealthiest 10% Responsible for Nearly 50% of Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Study Finds”


Time for the rich to buy city Govts and help themselves $$$:

“Stuck with the bill: Local governments deluged with rising climate damage costs

Who’s stuck with the bill for climate impacts? Too often, local governments.”


“Photos: Monster Typhoon Smashes Into Japan

Typhoon Nanmadol, which blew through Japan this week, was the fourth-strongest storm to make landfall in the country's history.


“Atlantic on fire: Cat 4 Fiona, TS Gaston, and a concerning Caribbean system

Disturbance 98L, which is entering the Caribbean, may become a threat next week to the U.S. Gulf Coast.”


“What you need to know about the energy crisis”

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