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12/2022 Ocean acidification is out of control

Updated: Jan 8

Eastern Tiger swallowtail (Papilio glaucus), female, dark color form

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2016-07-29 567aaa 2018 Photos\Old n Reworks 567aaa3

Peter Carter:


10X faster than past 300 million years

This direct result of accelerating atmospheric CO2, is a planet catastrophe in its own right.

“The Climate Crisis Modelling a Monstrous Future

New research demonstrates the horrific future vulnerable parts of the globe will face, without significant climate change reduction action being taken”


“A Mysterious New Breed of Tropical Cyclone Has Just Been Identified”


“The cost of wildfires is rising. But by how much?

States are struggling to budget given incomplete data”


“The Mississippi River is Drying Out”


“Officials fear ‘complete doomsday scenario’ for drought-stricken Colorado River


Desperate labor is profitable labor:

“U.S. job growth likely slowed again in November; labor market still tight”


Up to date Earth CO2 levels:


The demise of the planet has been so clear for so long that you can only conclude that our resulting deaths are not of concern to our leaders$, if not outright planned and intentionally induced

FACT: The only reason we aren’t currently being baked alive is the fact that there is so much air pollution.


CRUNCH TIME! FULL COURT PRESS! Fuck. Charles. Koch. Make rules NOW or die. brick in the toilet; led lights; Green New Deal; etc. etm HELL ON EARTH IS IN THE MAIL (the old Mail do you know it’s coming) and we need to fight

Bricks in the toilets, switch to LED lights, eliminate lawns, etc. there are many life affirming things America could be doing to combat our dying planet, but…?!

“LED lights could contribute to massive carbon reductions”


Thanks Democrats and Republicans! Bang up job on custodianship!!:

The sixth mass extinction in the history of Earth has already begun and three-quarters of all species could disappear.

How You Can Help to Save Wildlife

“The Extinction Crisis is Far Worse than You Think”

“Climate Change is accelerating the sixth extinction”

“World biodiversity has declined alarmingly in half a century: more than 25,000 species almost a third of those known, are in danger of disappearing. Climate change will be responsible for 8% of these:


America will not enforce anti-trust laws. Ostensibly because it makes it easier for politicians to amass political donations:

“Kroger-Albertsons mega-merger could cause more US food deserts, experts say

Agreement between two of the largest supermarket chains in the US could also make prices increase”


“US Oligarchy: Command & Control”

“Inclusive Democracy for the 99%”


“Party Like There’s No Tomorrow. There Probably Isn’t.”


“There’s a lot going on presently but it’s important to always keep an eye on the Arctic! There’s presently an Arctic heatwave ongoing with temperature anomalies up to 20C!

There was a decline in ice extent two days ago of around 60-70,000km2 and Arctic extent is now 4th lowest on record, set to be 3rd lowest (if the ice doesn’t increase by 100k it will drop under 2006 level ) by tomorrow and potentially a record low in the next week or two [According to JAXA]

As ENSO-neutral conditions are forecast to emerge as early as next month, and the pace of warming will quicken as El Niño draws closer (by 2024 at the latest) this does not bode well for the possibility of a BOE and/or massive methane releases in the summers of 2023 & 2024

(Photos are 1: Arctic Temp anomalies 2: lowest 4 extent years 2002/2006/2020/2016 3: all extent years from 2000-2022 highlighting 2022 near the bottom)”

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