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12/2022 The Constitution directs that federal money be spent to provide for the good of all

Updated: Jan 8

This is they type of language DemGops want to eliminate when the rewrite the US Constitution:

“The constitution directs that federal money be spent to provide for the good of all (Article 1, Section 8)

For decades corrupt Congress has issued federal money to enrich themselves and their criminal buddies via various scams.

Time for this:

Most of Congress should face charges of violating the Constitution, dereliction of duty, war crimes, & embezzling federal money.

“Congress Approves $858 Billion Military Budget, $45 Billion More Than Requested by Biden”

Eastern Tiger swallowtail (Papilio glaucus), female, dark color form

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

8/4/2011  IMG_9686aaaaa 2011 Good AAAA

Coup in Peru, "as American as,... the bombing of the Nord Stream pipeline?!


“Climate Home’s five must-read climate change stories from 2022”

“The hype machine behind a $70,000 carbon credit, fossil fuel fights in Sharm el-Sheikh and other essential journalism”


Social murder for profit:

“New data show Houston-area communities are being flooded with chemicals

"The people there are tired of being studied. We need to take action.””



“Amazon’s plastic packaging waste grew 18% in 2021, report says

The retail giant says it generated 214 million pounds of plastic waste last year. An advocacy group says it produced three times as much.”


“Restoring Watersheds, and Hope, After New Mexico’s Record-Breaking Wildfires

Local nonprofits and a tribe that recovered from earlier blazes are critical allies for communities threatened by floods after the largest fire in state history.”


“Destruction of Brazil’s Cerrado savanna soars for third year in a row”

“Brazil’s outgoing president Jair Bolsonaro has presided over four years of destruction of the Amazon rainforest and the Cerrado grasslands”


“EU Reaches Initial Agreement for World-First Green Tariff on Climate-Polluting Goods”


“The Debt-Climate Nexus”


Corporate profits hit a record high of $2.1 trillion last quarter.

Folks, corporate greed is driving inflation, not workers asking for better wages.” Robert Reich

And with ownership of the stock market concentrated into the hands of the rich, and many of these profitable corporations being publicly traded this represents a transfer of wealth from the working class to the rich:”

“it’s insane that the top 1% has more wealth than the bottom 90% and people have been convinced it was stimulus to the working class that drove inflation instead of corporate profits and executive pay.”


“Please cremate the remains of your children & other Climate\Extinction victims within a matter of days to avoid the spread of disease”


China and India lead in greening of the world through land-use management”

2011 Good AAAA IMG_9725aaaa

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