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1/2023 US coup in Peru coincides with precedent setting climate lawsuit hitting Peru's courts

Updated: Dec 18, 2023

Eastern Tiger swallowtail (Papilio glaucus), female, dark color form

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2021-07-29 _F2A5880aaa3p

Bearing in mind that the US recently launched a coup in Peru:

“Climate lawsuit over Peru glacier could set global precedent”

“THE CORDILLERA BLANCA, Peru — Once, this was where Saúl Luciano Lliuya came to find peace. The mountain’s pristine beauty ensured his livelihood as a guide; its steady stream of fresh water sustained his family farm. The everlasting ice that gleamed from its rugged crest spoke of a world in balance.”


Wait! What?!

“WTF did she just say?!?!?

(Listen close they are telling you what they are going to do!!)


“The January 6 attack on the Capitol was just the beginning. The failed insurrection that day has grown into a movement to subvert free and fair elections that now poses an even greater threat to the very survival of American democracy.”

“Attempts by former President Trump and his allies to overturn the 2020 election—culminating in the violent assault on Congress on Jan. 6, 2021—were a dramatic prelude to escalating efforts to undermine public confidence in voting in the U.S., eroding the foundation of democracy.

The 147 members of Congress who voted against certifying the 2020 election results and the extremists who stormed the Capitol are only part of the story. Across the country, a web of right-wing dark money groups, politicians, billionaire donors, media influencers, prominent activists, and lawyers worked behind the scenes to overturn the election.

Since then, they have continued to promote Trump’s Big Lie of a stolen election, spread disinformation about voter fraud, politicize control over the administration and certification of elections, and fuel political extremism and violence.

Insurrection Exposed provides a central resource for information about the key players behind these threats to the very survival of American democracy. While the people who attacked the bedrock of American democracy on Jan. 6 were largely pawns in a much larger game, the subjects of Insurrection Exposed are the chessmasters sitting at the table.”


Anti Democracy and Racism is getting VERY explicit in Wisconsin:

“State Senate Democrats call for Spindell's removal from Wisconsin Elections Commission

Ten of the 11 Democratic members of the state Senate are asking Senate Majority Leader Devin LeMahieu, R-Oostburg, to rescind his appointment of Robert Spindell to the Wisconsin Elections Commission.”

“Spindell has been under pressure after he publicly applauded GOP tactics in Milwaukee during the 2022 midterm, crediting them with depressing turnout from Black and Hispanic voters.”


A State Flat Tax favors the rich. If you don’t think so ask Voss if a Flat MINIMUM Tax would be acceptable - meaning you can pay more in taxes but never pay less than the MINIMUM

You either maximizes the wealth of everybody or the rich - you can’t do both. And when wealth is wildly concentrated you are starting out in a hole when you try help the nonrich without helping the rich primarily because your society has been so severely rigged that nearly all the benefits of your economy are hardwired to be collected by the rich

Collection of tax revenue from your wealthiest citizens will go down and austerity will make up the difference. Aggregate Demand creates jobs and that is helping the purchasing power of the nonrich more than than you concentrate wealth and crap on education & the safety net. Want to attract businesses? Have decent schools, clean air & water. Have a State govt culture that propels ALL your non billionaires upward.

A Flat Tax for a corporation is bad. It merely turns your State into a squalid fiefdom ruled by the rich.

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