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01/2022 “An area of rainforest as large as 40 football fields is destroyed every minute.”

Updated: Dec 18, 2023

Rainforest Alliance:

“An area of rainforest as large as 40 football fields is destroyed every minute.”


Elon needs to pay interest and penalties retroactive for all years he did not pay 37% in Federal

Taxes and 13.3% taxes. Likewise, for the Walton family, Bezos, our politicians, etc. as well as the cost of any government services their employees may have relied upon while employed with them.

Any judge who attempts to thwart the collection action, should be booted from the bench and made to live at Mar A Lago:

Elon: “For those wondering, I will pay over $11 billion in taxes this year.

Anya Overmann: “That’s 4.5% of your net worth. You paid 3.27% between 2014 and 2018, & no fed taxes at all in 2018. You made $36 billion in ONE DAY in 2021. Most US ppl pay 10 to 37% in fed taxes & up to 13.3% in state taxes. Stop vying for sympathy from people who pay and pay your fair share.”


“Elon Musk Tweet Was Illegal Anti-Union Behavior, Board Says”

Eastern Tiger swallowtail (Papilio glaucus), female, dark color form

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2021-07-29 _F2A5844aaa2

The same thing is being seen in Canada and the US. The Conservative NeoLiberal Axis of Evil is throwing human rights to the wind:

“The policing of protests in France has become so nakedly repressive that even the United Nations has denounced its excesses. But a new protocol shows that Emmanuel Macron’s administration has chosen to turn violent police tactics into the norm.”

“For Emmanuel Macron, Liberalism Means Letting Armed Police Do Whatever They Like”


A utility here in southern Wisconsin built a huge solar farm where they mow between and around the panels:

“Solar Farms Could Boost Bumblebee Populations, Study Says”


A culture of death and destruction on steroids:

“The United States Military Budge for 2022 is projected to be $768 Billion

What does $768 billion a year look like?

1. Universal, free childcare and pre-k$150 billion/year

2. 12 weeks national paid family/medical leave$55 billion/year

3. Homes for all guarantee, $150 billion/year

4. Add dental, hearing and vision to medicare, $36 billion/year

5. Tuition free public universities $80 billion/year

6. Publicly owned broadband, $15 billion/year

7. 100% Renewable in the U.S. by 2050, $270 billion/year


“Desmond Tutu Opposed Capitalism, Israeli Apartheid and US/UK Imperialism, Too”


“In 2021:

The wealth of the 1 percent exceeded that of the entire middle class for the first time ever.

Corporate profit margins hit a 70-year high as inflation grew to the highest level in nearly 30 years.

In 2022:

We need to tax the rich.”

“Top 1% of U.S. Earners Now Hold More Wealth Than All of the Middle Class”


Our 2 political parties don’t respect ANY life:

“A dark day in Montana as wildlife officials sink to new lows”


“Every notice how the media always focuses on the costs of tackling big problems but never mentions the costs of doing nothing about them?” Robert Reich


Excellent analysis regarding the death of our atmosphere’s ability to support life:

Andrea Corigliano


The atmospheric situation that goes between the end of December and the beginning of January deserves a short analysis that goes beyond the interest in the weather forecast real wait for those days. There are dynamics, just like the one that will await us between New Year's Eve and New Year, which invite you to a wider reflection on why they are going to build aberrant anomalies in the atmospheric circulation scheme which, in this case, concerns prop I laugh at our latitudes. We need to talk about it, even if I told you that we would be re-reading with the new year, because I think the situation deserves to be looked into.

In the last article dedicated to this topic, published on December 22, we said that the uncertainties about the formation of a subtropical wave in transit on the Mid-Western Mediterranean between December 29-30 and January 4-5 were there almost completely dissipated at the moment 24 hours away, the recalculation of the future state of time by the Global Forecast System (GFS) ensemble probabilistic system (GFS) had sharply evaluated the assumption about the beginning of a more or less mild phase giving credit to a dominant signal that appeared pretty clean and clear. Update after update, we are now better outline the surroundings of this atmospheric phase that will draw us into the new year in the company of a subtropical promontory that will have a semi-continental root (because it is passing inland in North Africa) and part of the summer because the geopotential at 500 hPa that gives the quota promontory form and exceptionally mild air aviation at 850 hPa really makes it mean that similar bar structures belong to a really unusual synotical scheme for this time of year.

In particular, seeing that to find the atmospheric pressure of 500 hPa you need to go up above 5760 meters (fig. 1 to the left) and that at 850 hPa the temperature will be above 12°C in most of our regions right during the peak of the expansion of the promontory (fig. 1, right), it means taking note that at least in the amount the anti-cyclonic structure carries with it features of a directly summer mold. To remind us that we are however in winter, or anyway in the cold season, there is instead the pressure field at sea level through a torrential isobara around Italy of 1025 hPa that shapes what, in all aspects, can mo call it "North African Anticyclone". The most careful people will remember that in the summer I never called this barricade figure with this name because in the hot season the Saharian interior hosts a «thermal depression» in the lower layers: that’s why in winter the heating of d the desert soil does not reach such levels to initiate this dynamic process to Due to the low incidence of solar radiation and limited hours of light, we are facing the case where the reasons for subsidence and therefore of crashing from the top to the bottom of the atmospheric layers characterizing the ancient fields clones also cause an increase in the values of the ground Pressure.

The formation of thermal inversions, which will be tied to fog and low clouds, will be the other aspect that will remind us that we are not in the summer. As the temperatures will still be well above the average period even in the lower layers, the signal of anomaly will be more intense above the inversion layer and therefore, essentially, in the hills and in the mountains where, a c irca 1500 meters, you could reach 13-14 °C with ease. Right in relation to the thermal camp projected at 850 hPa, there is a aspect that deserves to be highlighted more than anyone else (fig. 2): the estimate of anomaly average for 5 days, from December 29 to January 2, over Europe and in particular the Central-Western Mediterranean where values are noted up to 10-12 °C above the average, with positive anomaly spikes of 12-14 °C on the verge Ticale of a good part of Northern Italy. With that being said, maybe it doesn’t make the idea of how aberrant such a situation is, so let’s try to narrate it in another way. In general, having such an anomalies for five days in a month means that the month is already “assigned from a climate point of view”, that is, it is a candidate to end with a positive anomaly that could also be significant. Just to think that, admitting in pure case that the phase has passed markedly anomalous atmospheric dynamics continue on the tracks of normality, five days with similar anomalies mediated with another twenty-five days spent with average temperatures means then handing over to the annals a month ahead, at 850 hPa, an equal positive anomaly a +2 °C: a value that, on a monthly scale, is also quite significant. Atmospheric dynamics like these belong in a changed climate.”


“If you have to be persuaded, reminded pressured, liked to, incentivized, coerced, bullied, socially shamed, guilt-tripped, threatened, punished and criminalized; if all this is considered necessary to gain your compliance – you can be absolutely certain that what is being promoted is not in your best interest.” Ian Watson


“Money, behaviour and society: the invisible link | Stef Kuypers | TEDxAntwerp”


“If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse an you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciated your neutrality.” Desmond Tutu


“Police don’t prevent crime.

They respond to it.

Higher wages, guaranteed health care, food security, high quality child care, housing, good schools, and addition treatment prevent crime.”


Richard D. Wolff, an economist for the people:

“We live in an extraordinarily unequal society. If the phrase capitalism delivers is to have any substance, then one of the things it delivers – and oh, does it deliver it – is inequality.” Richard D. Wolff


“Shop With Your Heart Grocery List”


“A groundbreaking peer-reviewed study further demonstrates that Bayer-Monsanto's Roundup Ready NK603 GMO corn, which was approved in 2000, contains worrying levels of toxins caused by the process of genetic engineering. A total of 117 proteins and 91 small molecule biochemicals (metabolites) were found to be significantly altered in NK603 corn by the genetic modification transformation process. The analysis used cutting-edge molecular profiling methods. The results showed disturbances in energy utilization and oxidative stress (damage to cells and tissues by reactive oxygen) in the GMO corn. There were also, in the words of one of the scientists, Dr. Antoniou, “worryingly large increases” in substances called polyamines, which are linked to the formation of carcinogens, increase the severity of allergic reactions and are likely linked to liver and kidney damage. GMO corn is not substantially equivalent to non-GMO corn. Our food is slowly poisoning us. Boycott GMOs. BAN GMOs. Do your best. Be safe and well during the holidays and always.


Read the study:


“Halting the Gas Export Boom

On Louisiana's Gulf Coast, the fossil fuel industry is planning a massive expansion of LNG exports. One woman is determined to stop them.”

"It must have come as quite an unwelcome shock to a who's who of large energy companies when local resident Roishetta Ozane started showing up to put a kink in their plans—virtually a lone voice against the #LNG build-out. 'My mission is to ensure that Southwest Louisiana, specifically Lake Charles and the surrounding areas, aren't made into a climate sacrifice zone,' Ozane says."

We are proud and privileged to say that this one woman force of nature, Roishetta Sibley Ozane, is the leader of the Vessel Project and a member of A2. #Congratulations to Roishetta and her team for being #inthenews and thank you for being #onthecase!


“Supreme Court “Hijacking” Democracy with Rulings That Gut Voting Rights & Allow More Dark Money”


“What could possibly go wrong? These are the biggest Economic Risks for 2022”


Hell on earth has been unleashed in the Arctic and there is no way to contain it:

“Science Update: Climate Havoc in the Arctic”


An America that serves the few fails the many:

“We’re Heading Toward a Very American Climate Tragedy “

“First, the world will go past 1.5 C (which we know has already happened) Second, the technological advantage will go to China and Third) "The left will argue, more convincingly than ever, that only radicalism and political rupture constitute a sane response to the climate crisis." which we know is necessary anyway!!

"If Build Back Better fails, it will be a catastrophe for the Democratic Party too. Biden has argued that only his moderation, his experience, and his institutionalism can relieve the country’s crises. Congressional Democrats followed by electing Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, geriatric pragmatists, to lead the House and the Senate, respectively. If this trio of moderates cannot deliver the goods—if they cannot, despite their decades of yammering, actually succeed in passing what is an aspirational but still insufficient climate law—then the center-left’s case for itself will collapse. The left will argue, more convincingly than ever, that only radicalism and political rupture constitute a sane response to the climate crisis."”


“World Bank’s War Against Nature

Bankrolling destruction, calling it progress”

“Kevin Hester

This sums up exactly why we are going extinct.

One country is genuinely sustainable, so it ends up in the World Bank's cross hairs.

The infinite growth paradigm on a finite planet sealed our fate.”


“The Secret to the Weston Family’s Wealth Is Exploitation, Not Hard Work”


“Himalayan Glaciers Are Melting at Furious Rate, New Study Shows”

“An analysis of almost 15,000 ice sheets in the Himalayan region shows they are shrinking 10 times faster now than in previous centuries.”


“An Ode to Common Birds—and to Cherishing What We’ve Got

The recent news about species extinctions underscores the importance of noticing and protecting everyday birds while they are still plentiful.”

“Rescuing a species on the verge of extinction is heroic, certainly, but we would be serving wildlife far better if we worked towards a more enduring—if less flashy—form of care: preserving and protecting the birds in our midst. Including the ones we see every day.”


“There’s no such thing as a self-made millionaire. I should know. I only got there with tons of help from employees and society. This is a dangerous myth because it suggests rich people deserve to be rich – therefore poor people deserve to be poor, when most never even had a chance.” Dan Price


Kansas – Slashed taxes on the wealthy – 5 years later – economy on life support and is running a $1.1 billion deficit.

California – Raised taxes on the wealthy – 5 years later – economy is among the strongest in USA & erased a $27 billion deficit.


IPCC slips out a bomb at the 11th hour before a holiday weekend? They’re taking after Washington:

“The Big Climate Short: IPCC inserts gigantic negative emissions in their climate scenarios. These are implausible. The 2021 cost is $2.5-5.1 trillion for David Keith’s operation. 2C global warming is

baked in. Don’t despair. More soon. Big Climate Short:”

“November Temperature Update and the Big Climate Short”


“This is the true joy in life, being used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one. Being a force of nature instead of a feverish, selfish little clod of ailments and grievances, complaining tha the world will not devote itself to making you happy. I am of the opinion that my life belongs tot eh whole community and as long as I live, it is my privilege to do for it what I can. I want to be thoroughly used up when I die, for the harder I work, the more I live. I rejoice in life for its own sake. Life is no brief candle to me. It is a sort of splendid torch which I have go hold of for the moment and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it on to future generations.”


“REVEALED: Amazon COVERED UP Worker Deaths”


“Inequality of a certain type – not just the mere fact that people have different amounts of resources, but inequality that comes from profound unfairness – has profound consequences throughout society…it makes it impossible for people to form a reasonable society. It makes them individual unreasonable. We’re seeing that now.” Matthew Stewart

“Inequality is often framed as the 99% versus the wealthiest 1%. But that’s not quite the right matchup.

While the bottom 90% has done dramatically worse over the last several decades and the top 0.1% has done significantly better, the 9.9% in between those groups still controls more than half of the wealth in the United States.

Listen to the latest Pitchfork Economics Podcast, where author and philosopher Matthew Stewart and I discuss how the 9.9% is working to entrench inequality and warp our culture.”


Excellent Poster:

“Arctic Methane Alert”

“In the Arctic, three problems compounding one another: emissions causing global warming, see ice loss accelerating Arctic warming, and methane releases further accelerating Arctic warming, with the danger of triggering runaway global warming.

“Temperature anomalies in the Arctic look set to escalate; they were 3.3 degrees Celsius higher in 2010 for latitude 81, while 0.44 degrees for latitudes below 64.

“Given methane’s high initial global warming potential and the lack of hydroxyl in the Arctic the danger is that large methane releases will overwhelm the system.

The situation is critical and should be treated as international emergency that calls for immediate action.

The Arctic-methane group calls for comprehensive global action to reduce emission and deploy geoengineering, including methods to cool the Arctic and to capture or oxidize the methane.”




Best to think of the increase in average global temperature not as in degrees of F or C but rather a degree of magnitude that the Earth’s systems are out of balance. Sort of like every 0.1 C increase in average global is equivalent to throwing a pair of tennis shoes in the (American style) washing machine. At first the whole washing machine starts banging out of balance until, if you add enough shoes, the whole thing starts bouncing up and down thrashing and frothing until it finally unplugs itself in a spectacular mess:

“Extreme Temperatures on Christmas”


“In any given moment, we have two options: step forward into growth or step backward into safety.”

Abraham Maslow


“Abrupt Permafrost Thaw Has Scientists Worried”


“What is the bloop?

The source of a mysterious rumble recorded in the ocean in 1997 is now known to have originated from an icequake.”

“In 1997, researchers recorded a strange, extremely loud sound under the southern Pacific. They called it “The Bloop.” But what was it? There were a lot of theories: underwater military exercises, giant squids, unknown creatures from the deep. But NOAA researchers eventually confirmed the sound was actually made by an icequake — an iceberg breaking away from a glacier in Antarctica.”

and “NOAA's Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory has an acoustics program”:


“Dutch trains run entirely on wind energy. The wind powers 5,500 trips per day, enabling 600,000 daily train passengers to commute without an emissions. Over the course of an hour, a single windmill can power a train for 120 miles.”


“Neoliberal Jesus”

“Before I say the magic healing words, I’m going to need proof of insurance or cash in advance.”


“C Andy Hailey

Time to end Profit Over Humanity. Time to replace the authoritarian economic system with a democratic one.”


“Peter carter


Climate Emergency Institute AGU 2021 conference Town-hall on the biosphere and climate Emergency”


“As always with Hedges, an essential 2015 discussion to watch.”

“Leo Panitch and Chris Hedges - The Making of Global Capitalism”


“Free Assange

“When you tear out a man’s tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you’re only telling the world that you fear what he might say.” George R. R. Martin, author of “Game of Thrones”


“We all have the same 24 hours.”

“Use public transport? Your 24 hours are not the same as those of private jet owners.

Do your own cooking, cleaning, child~raising? Your 24 hours are not the same as those of someone with a full~time domestic staff.

Stop this nonsense.”


“A Christmas Carol

The heartwarming tale of a selfish oligarch who was terrorized into sharing his excessive wealth.”


“From well-being to well-living: Towards a post-capitalist understanding of quality of life”


The new ruling class recognized how the individual’s endless craving for pleasure and comfort can be a great source of profit and be leveraged by a system that assumes natural resources are infinitely exploitable. New schools of thought emerged to provide the modern secular politics with a moral framework to define what human success looked like. With the demise of the ‘welfare state’, after the free-market revolution in the 1980s, the idea of improving individual’s ‘wellbeing’ was sold to the public as the ultimate goal of the so-called ‘caring corporate capitalism’. This sentiment continues today, with ‘social welfare’ increasingly seen as a burden too heavy for the state to carry alone in this age of lower taxes for the rich. In a cunning twist, a promising new image of ‘wellbeing’ has emerged, one that fully devolves responsibility for an individual’s wellbeing onto the individual while creating new faith in the magic of market and capital. This independent consumer model of well-being further reduces the role of the state to simply a provider of institutional support for the market in its mission to maximize wellbeing for all.

The more the public sector is colonized by the corporate sector – through privatization or controlled by managerialist technocrats from within – the more the acquirement of ‘wellbeing’ (as a process or outcome) will primarily become the responsibility of the individual. This de-politicization of own personal wellbeing and health clearly serves the interest of the ruling class and their policymakers, by blaming the individuals for their so-called bad choices.”


“The Collapse Chronicle”

“News & media website

“Civil society will collapse in the near future, as environmental degradation and resource constraints stress existing systems. Elites will attempt to continue to live well at the expense of lower classes until the system breaks.”

Kevin Hester:

“Another entry in my blog post titled; "The Insurance Industry, soon to be the first pillar of Capitalism to succumb to Abrupt Climate Change".

Expect massive increases in policy costs in the beginning of the year followed by the impossibility of getting storm cover not long there after;”

“U.S. tornadoes push insurers 2021 bill over $105 bln as climate change impact grows”

“Devastation from tornadoes that slammed parts of the United States this month will push the insurance industry's 2021 bill for weather-related claims well above the predicted $105 billion, industry experts said, and premiums should rise on worries that climate change will drive more severe weather.”


Stop the rape of Africa’s forests:

“involving schools and communities to achieve and strengthen sustainable farming and climate change adaptation, Campaign by Ever green environmental conservation Association - Bugiri district, Uganda”


John Berbatis:

“60 thousand jobs rely on a healthy Barrier Reef. The consecutive governments failed their citizens.”

“Why Are Coral Reefs Dying? And What You Can Do to Help Save Them #auspol #qldpol #NoNewCoal #FundOurFutureNotGas #TellTheTruth #StopEcocide listen to the scientists!”


“Kevin Hester

There hasn't been a large discovery of easy to mine copper for decades. The demand for EV's and mis-named renewables are just another way to grind the living planet into dust.”

“Green-conscious Norway will dig a new copper mine in the Arctic”

“The Nussir copper mine has become emblematic of a Norwegian contradiction.”


The failed State of America is a liability for the rest of the planet. Other countries need to take an aggressive proactive approach to making America a sensible global citizen:

“The brazen corruption within the USA political system is ever increasing and is an insult to the voting public. It must be curtailed and soon. We need to be demonstrating our outrage by getting in touch with any representative in huge numbers to make them realize how untenable this has become.”

“Corporate donations to Sen. Joe Manchin’s PAC surged as he fought against Biden’s agenda. The political action committee received 17 contributions in October and 19 last month, according to a CNBC analysis of Federal Election Commission filings.”


The “prick” is President Joe Biden:

“The price whose privileged, crack-addict son got an $80k/month as a board member of Ukranian gas co. just told student loan borrowers that they have 90 more days to sweat before their payments come due. Privileged families, regardless of party, don’t give a f**k about you.”


“Can we cool the planet”


“House Speaker Nancy Pelosi scoffs at the idea of banning lawmakers from owning individual stocks”

“Nancy Pelosi, nicknamed the "Mama Bear" of the Democratic Party, signals to her Congressional cubs that it is okay to trade in stocks of companies that they have valuable information about. My present Congressman, NY CD 3 Democrat Tom Suozzi, was found in a recent study to be one of the 13 most egregious violators of the STOCK Act designed to protect citizens from their representatives' potential conflicts of interest. ........ Oh, and BTW, he is running for Governor of New York.”


Pelosi = destroyer of worlds:

“Nancy Pelosi's Strange Response to Insider Trading Question”


“How Much Should You Worry About an Arctic Methane Bomb?

Recent warnings that this greenhouse gas could cost us $60 trillion have received widespread publicity. But many scientists are skeptical.”


U.S. Interior Secretary Deb Haaland should be expelled from her Tribe:

“Feds OK huge new solar farms on public California desert lands; critics cry foul on one”


“The republican party planned, organized and executed an attempt to overthrow these United States of America.

They are still planning to cheat the American people in future elections. That’s called suborning treason. So if you’re still voting republican you are a dirty rotten traitor. Period.


Petit Poulet:

“I can’t understand why the same billionaires and lobbyists give money to both parties…both parties…its so strange…


“It’s almost like it’s a one party system masquerading as a two party democracy….”


“Israeli army rule allowing shooting of stone-throwers will be applied to Palestinians, not Jews

The Israeli military has changed its rules of engagement to allow its forces to fire on Palestinians who have thrown stones or firebombs even when they no longer pose any danger. The new rule is a sop to Israeli settlers, the IDF's clientele.”


If America engages in a nuclear war better it play out on Israeli soil than the Fatherland:

“Israel has 90 nukes– but our leaders won’t say so because U.S. would have to cut off aid

Any realistic discussion of Iran's nuclear program ought to include the glaring fact that Israel has 90 nukes. But acknowledging as much would trigger US laws against giving foreign aid to a country with unauthorized weapons.”


“[Capitalism] as it exists today is, in my opinion, the real source of evils. I am convinced there is only one way to eliminate these grave evils, namely through the establishment of a socialist economy, accompanied by an educational system which would be oriented toward social goals. In such an economy, the means of production are owned by society itself and are utilized in a planned fashion.” Albert Einstein


Carbon Sequestration will not remove Nitrous Oxide:

“Thawing Permafrost Releases Nitrous Oxide, a Greenhouse Gas”


Manchin is a social murderer on a global scale and other countries need to take a proactive approach to making American politics sensible:

“Joe Manchin may have doomed American climate policy

“This is the last best shot we’re really going to have.””


“Good historical insight into the elite rich corruption driving US domestic policy. And why we can’t have nice things. Another reason for abolishing the US Tax Code and setting a ‘flat tax’ on income generated from both labor AND capital. End the loopholes for good. Force some lawyers to seek a new line of work.”

“The Great Inheritors: How Three Families Shielded Their Fortunes From Taxes For Generations

In the early 1900s some of the wealthiest Americans claimed their fortunes would never last through the generations. A century of tax avoidance later, the dynasties are going strong.”



“Americans only make up for just 4% of the world population.

That's it. 4%. It doesn't matter what the USA does if the rest of the world doesn't follow.”


The Democratic Party is here to control opposition and launder money.

“The Democratic Party worked harder to stop Bernie Sanders then they did move Joe Manchin”


“Women account for two-thirds of HIV-related arrests in Kentucky, report finds

Of the 32 arrests, 97 percent were the result of a law that criminalizes sex work as a misdemeanor or a felony for people living with HIV.”


“Racism is a spectrum, with varying degrees of unconscious & learned behaviors reinforced by society every day.

It’s not: either you’re racists or you’re not. It’s to what degree are you prejudiced, against whom, and why?”


“In a 1914 essay, Eugene V. Debs pronounced Jesus “the world’s supreme revolutionary leader” and “as real and persuasive a historic character as John Brown, Abraham Lincoln, or Karl Marx.” We reprint the essay here in full as our Christmas gift to you.”

“Eugene Debs on “Jesus, the Supreme Leader””


It ALL must change:

George Tsakraklides:

“For those of us lucky, let’s start paying attention to every item on the Xmas table: What is it made of? What impact did its production have on Earth? Can all of us afford to eat this way without breaking Nature’s Bank, or do we come closer to collapse with each table?


“The Biden administration is following Trump’s border wall playbook by casting aside bedrock environmental protections with no regard for human health, wildlife or the law,” said Paulo Lopes of the Center for Biological Diversity.”

“Lawsuit Launched Against Biden Administration’s Texas Border Levee Wall Construction”


“The 10 Worst Americans of 2021”

“At Christmas we traditionally reflect upon our blessings and forgive those who have trespassed against us. Let’s not this year, writes Jon Schwarz.”


“Rev. Angela Cowser, a cofounder of the Institute for Christian Socialism, argues that a society rooted in the dictates of the Gospel would look radically different from the one we have now. There is a name for what that change should look like: socialism.”

“To Rev. Angela Cowser, “the Biblical Basis for Socialism Is Undeniable””


“I prefer liberty with danger than peace with slavery.” — Jean Jacques Rousseau


“When you consider that God could have commanded anything he wanted – anything! – the Ten [Commandments] have got to ranks as one of the great missed moral opportunities of all time. How different history would have been had he clearly & unmistakably forbidden war, tyranny, taking over other people’s countries, slavery, exploitation of workers, cruelty to children, wife-beating, stoning, treating women – or anyone as chattel or inferior beings.” Katha Pollitt


“The Equality That Socialists Care About Most Is Equality of Power”

“When socialists talk about creating a more equal society, we don’t mean a society where everyone has an exactly equal share of everything. We mean a society where power has been equalized by extending democracy into the economy.”


“Warming Trends: A Potential Decline in Farmed Fish, Less Ice on Minnesota Lakes and a ‘Black Box’ for the Planet”


“America is morally upside down because the wealthiest 1% tricked the dumbest 20% into believing the rest of us are so evil that lying to us and cheating us I not only okay, it’s godly.” Jim Carrey


[***This content isn’t available right now***] courtesy of facebook censors]


“How Chile’s Left Won”

“Gabriel Boric’s victory in Chile is a vindication of the mass movement that took to the streets in 2019 — and points toward a country ready to bury Pinochet’s legacy and neoliberalism for good.”


“Alternative Obama Center designs, locations revealed ahead of court hearing”

“I can't tell the Obama Presidential Center to stop cutting down trees in Jackson Park. However, if you share our post, the public pressure of disapproval (if you disapprove of the cutting down of beautiful legacy trees) could possibly give the Obama Foundation second thoughts. There is a beautiful almost treeless alternative site, designed by Adjaye, about 7 minutes west of Jackson Park. Please share our post!”


“The Obama Presidential Center (OPC) has cut down over 350 mature, legacy trees in Jackson Park, Chicago, to begin its construction. OPC plans on cutting down 789 trees in total to complete its construction. The Bartlett Tree Experts estimated that "The trees [on the OPC site] store 203.8 tons of carbon, sequester 5.8 tons of carbon per year, and remove 341.5 pounds of air pollution per year." Jackson Park was designed by FL Olmsted in 1871, then constructed in 1893. Some of the trees that the OPC is cutting down date back to 1893.

#SaveJacksonPark Save the rest of the Jackson Park's trees from being cut down by the Obama Presidential Center. #MoveOPC

To read the Ron Grossman/The Chicago Tribune opinion piece:

To read the Bartlett Tree Report:


“if what happened in Flint happened in Venezuela, we’d hear about the horrors of socialism. Yet Flint doesn’t get linked to capitalism.”


Postcard to the Political Class:

“Why MMT

1. Federal taxes do not fund Federal spending (fiat money system)

2. The US can never run out of money (it’s a currency issuer)

3. Real resources limit Federal programs (and not money)

4. So, no SS/Medicare financing problem

5. So, unemployment means the deficit isn’t big enough

6. The Jobs Guarantee enables democratic control lover a living wage.”


“Scientist finds Alaska's Arctic coastal towns face extensive inundation”


“I am so tired of people running around with a mouthful of scripture and a heart full of hate.”


“Some people say the problem with Christianity is that it’s not taught in schools.

I say the problem with Christianity is that it’s not taught in churches.”


“Coronavirus: world treating symptoms, not cause of pandemics, says UN

Ongoing destruction of nature will result in stream of animal diseases jumping to humans, says report”

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