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02/2002 “Ocean Temperatures Just Smashed a New Record For The Sixth Year in a Row"

Updated: Jan 8

America does not have “Free and Fair Elections”:

“From: Americans of Conscience Checklist:

#Action Restore voting rights to people in prison.

If you live in any state except ME or VT: Contact your state legislators (look up:

Script: Hi, I’m a resident of [ZIP] calling to ask you to follow the lead of Maine and Vermont, and pass legislation that restores voting rights to people currently in prison. More than five million Americans are denied the right to vote because of felony convictions, and people in prison represent about 25% of that number. Every citizen deserves the right to cast a ballot. Thank you.

If you live in ME or VT, yours is one of the only two states that already allow eligible prisoners to vote.

Source: The Sentencing Project:”

“People currently in prison and jail now represent about 25% of the disenfranchised population in the United States. Maine and Vermont remain the only states that allow people in prison to vote”

“Locked Out 2020: Estimates of People Denied Voting Rights Due to a Felony Conviction

OCTOBER 30, 2020

Chris Uggen, Ryan Larson, Sarah Shannon, and Arleth Pulido-Nava

5.2 million Americans are forbidden to vote because of felony disenfranchisement, or laws restricting voting rights for those convicted of felony-level crimes.”

Eastern Tiger swallowtail (Papilio glaucus), female with male

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2015-08-01 330aaaa2

“The Siberian Permafrost is Melting

And It's Not Looking Good”

“Methane ebullition in the Severnaya Zemlya archipelago is going bonkers. Will post ice loss in comment.”


“Rolling Stone reports: Jan. 6 Protest Organizers Say They Participated in 'Dozens' of Planning Meetings with Members of Congress. Marjorie Taylor Greene was one of those Members of Congress. Sign your name to demand she resign now”


“The “misguided 40-years experiment” started when the Reagan administration began dismantling governmental protections in the 1980s. After 40 years of letting giant corporations acquire more power, we have slower economic growth and a declining standard of living.”

“Yup I agree. Well in my personal opinion of the day.......The GOP and the DNC witch turned into The GOP lite gave us this last insurrection. Both parties fighting hard for the wealthiest donors in all of history and forgetting about the realities of normal working Americans, 70% of their tax base. In my personal opinion every President since then has added to the sell out of America. Thanks for letting me rant, my very personal opinion of the day.”


“Why Increased Food Production Isn’t as Sustainable as Reducing Food Loss and Waste”


“A Wall Street Veteran Speaks Out – Bubbles & the Planet”


“If half of American lawns were replaced with native plants, we would create the equivalent of a 20 million acre national park, nine times bigger than Yellowstone, or 100 times bigger than Shenandoah National Park.” Doug Tallamy

If you're helping by restoring indigenous plants back to their rightful place in North America.... then get on the map!


Democrats still haven’t done what it takes to stop the private equity privatization of the USPS


Sam Carana:

“Climate change has likely begun to suffocate the world’s fisheries”

“New research finds the ocean’s middle depths, home to many commercially fished species, started losing oxygen at unnatural rates in 2021”

“Emerging Global Ocean Deoxygenation Across the 21st Century” - by Hongjing Gong et al.


The collapse of mankind’s numbers is certain and eminent

“This will change so much. The rivers of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, even China, begin in Himalayan glaciers.”

“Mount Everest: Mountain's highest glacier melting rapidly, new study shows”


“Ocean Temperatures Just Smashed a New Record For The Sixth Year in a Row #EcologicalCrisis #ClimateCrisis #auspol #qldpol #FundOurFutureNotGas #StopEcocide #MEER



“Larsen B Embayment Breaks Up”


“A Belfair tree more than 500 years old comes down: 'It's a loss for humanity'”


“Texas Deep Freeze: The Sequel HD Winter Tornadoes”


Alessandro Stefani:

“The strongest storm on earth, Category 4 Cyclone Batsirai, is barreling towards the Madagascar coast, packing sustained winds of 130 mph (209 km/h).

This comes just 2 weeks after Tropical Storm Ana slammed the region with deadly flooding.”

Alessandro Stefani:

“They are freezing in Southern Texas, bet you guessed where that air came from. Go back and trace it from 5 days ago and you will see. Hello Arctic!! winter frigid @NWSBrownsville”

Alessandro Stefani:

“February started cold in Japan. On 1st Rokkasho dropped to -12.6C tying its coldest day at least since 1982. Monthly record at Uzura,Hokkaido with -23.1C. The cold reached the tropics with 11.3 at Chichijima (27N),9.6C at Minamidaitojima (25N) and 15.1C at Minamitorishima (24N).”

Alessandro Stefani:

“Historic snowstorms in Bhutan and in the Indian State of Himachal Pradesh. Accumulations in some places were over 50cm and snow also fell at unusually low elevations. According to locals,the former Bhutanese winter capital Punakha (1250m) had its first snow (5cm) since 1958.”

Alessandro Stefani:

“January 2022 in Turkey had an average temperature of +2.2C which is -0.7C below the 1991-2020 baseline. The month was split between a mild first half with an average of +5.3C and a cold second half with -0.7C. It was the first month since April 2019 with such a negative anomaly”



“In the rapidly worsening Ukraine fiasco, the U.S. is reaping exactly what it sowed

U.S. media spins a one-sided narrative of Russian aggression — but decades of U.S. meddling is what got us here”

"But these were not unprovoked actions. They were responses to the U.S.-backed coup, in which an armed mob led by the neo-Nazi Right Sector militia stormed the Ukrainian parliament, forcing elected President Viktor Yanukovych and members of his party to flee for their lives. After the events of Jan. 6, 2021, in Washington, that scenario should now be easier for Americans to understand. "


“CNN Pushes War While Smearing Peace Advocates”


“It’s ridiculous to talk about freedom in a society dominated by huge corporations. What kind of freedom is there inside a corporation? They’re totalitarian institutions – you take orders from above and maybe given them to people below. There’s about as much freedom as under Stalinism.” - Noam Chomsky


“FaIse FIag Exposed?”


“U.S. and NATO afraid of Trade Deals and Peace”

“Europe Thinks Putin is Planning Something Even Worse Than War”


“A war with Russia would be unlike anything the US and NATO have ever experienced”

Romeu Peitinho:

“An OpEd definitely worth reading.

“Scott Ritter is a former US Marine Corps intelligence officer and author of 'SCORPION KING: America's Suicidal Embrace of Nuclear Weapons from FDR to Trump.' He served in the Soviet Union as an inspector implementing the INF Treaty, in General Schwarzkopf’s staff during the Gulf War, and from 1991-1998 as a UN weapons inspector.””

“The issue isn’t just qualitative, but also quantitative – even if the US military could stand toe-to-toe with a Russian adversary (which it can’t), it simply lacks the size to survive in any sustained battle or campaign.” - Scott Ritter



“The Neocons' Primary War Tactic: Branding Opponents of U.S. Intervention as Traitors

By rehabilitating neocons and elevating them as thought leaders, liberals live in their framework. Thus are opponents of U.S. involvement in Ukraine deemed treasonous.”

“Yup, it's like Iraq never happened.

"But perhaps the most influential and beloved pundit in U.S. liberal political life now is former Bush White House speechwriter David Frum, now at The Atlantic and CNN."”


This is what the Koch network relies on. They will order their politicians to wait out the protests. You can see it Boris Johnson as well as walker and act 10:

“People get used to anything. The less you think about your oppression, the more you tolerance for it grows. After a while, people just think oppression is the normal state of things. But to become free, you have to be acutely aware of being a slave.” Assata Shukur


“CDC study finds about 78% of people hospitalized for Covid were overweight or obese”

Victor Hernandez:

"Why doesn’t anyone ever mention THIS!!! Is it not science? That being overweight causes health issues?!?! Or are we so body positive and all inclusive in this new liberal era, we actually forgot about the science we’ve been using for decades… BE HEALTHY!!! Which means EATING HEALTHY!! No?!?!?”


“The extinction crisis that no one’s talking about

Coffee, wine, and wheat varieties are among the foods we could lose forever.”


“Clyburn Pushes Management-Side labor attorney for Supreme Court”

“New: Jim Clyburn is currently making a huge push for Michelle Childs as Biden’s Supreme Court pick. As a lawyer, Childs repeatedly defended employers accused of racial and gender discrimination by Black women, and was a partner at an anti-union law firm.”


“Why does America put income caps on disabled people but not billionaires”


“Methane Plume: Alaska - Largest Ever”


America’s timber industry is an environmental regulation travesty:

Timber's Cover-Up: The Truth About Oregon Forests


“The Lost Forests of New England - Eastern Old Growth”


“What if I told you

They were filling your head with useless sports stats, celebrity gossip and flavor of the week fashion to distract you from the corruption and theft that actually impacts your life everyday.”


Today’s enemies are, as always, where the power of money resides - the rich and their corporations:

They want you to hate the people in countries you’ve never been to but worship the oligarchs who exploit you at home.”


“While Climate Activists Beg For Emissions Reductions, Empty Airplanes Are Flying Across Europe”

“In the European Union, airlines are flying empty, fossil-fuel guzzling airplanes as part of their "guaranteed flight" requirement to maintain their slots.”


“'I Remember WMDs in Iraq': Reporter Calls Out US Official on Russian Intel Claims”


“Huge bank of dead fish spotted off French Atlantic coast”

“"France's fisheries minister has called for an investigation after a spillage of more than 100,000 dead fish off of the country's Atlantic coast...An industry statement said the Margiris - the world's second-largest super trawler - had reported a 'fishing incident' after its net broke."”


“Study provides first statistical characterisation of methane ultra-emitters from oil and gas”

Mark Trewick:

“A first look at the unnatural (Oil and Gas) Methane being detected from new satellite measurements.”


The rich, as well as their politicians and corporations are plunging mankind toward oblivion:

“Replacing animal agriculture and shifting to a plant-based diet could drastically curb greenhouse gas emissions, according to new model”

Phasing out animal agriculture represents “our best and most immediate chance to reverse the trajectory of climate change,” according to a new model developed by scientists from Stanford and the University of California, Berkeley.”

“Rapid global phaseout of animal agriculture has the potential to stabilize greenhouse gas levels for 30 years and offset 68 percent of CO2 emissions this century” - by Michael Eisen et al.


Ben Karimi:

“What do you think US Would do if Russia surrounded US, by having military alliances with Canada, Mexico, Cuba, and other nations in Central & South America including dozens of military bases equipped with the latest military weapons?”


“The dystopian horror of late stage unchecked Capitalism: monetizing your deepest psychological pain.”

“Krystal Ball: Billionaires EXPLOIT Crisis Text Line to FEAST on Your Pain”


“The Monster Behind the Door: CH4 Methane Both Old and New - Thaw Chimney Gateway to Hell”


“New Book Takes a Hard Look at How Hedge Funds Have Designed Trades to Tap into the Fed’s Money Spigot”


“Billionaires Don’t Create Jobs

They literally do the exact opposite”


“How Bad is Pollution Loading?”


“Public schools staffing is on the brink of collapse”

A country that destroys, restricts, or scams it’s people’s educational success is committing competitive economic suicide:

“The public school system is hanging by a thread as staff are stressed, burned out and thinking of quitting more than ever before. Staffing shortages are leading school districts to look for "bodies in a room to babysit kids" as last-ditch efforts to keep their doors open.”


“Prosecutors Silence Evidence of Cruel Factory Farm Practices in Animal Rights Cases”

“”The government wants to keep juries from seeing gruesome evidence of animals in distress — the very reason activists are going into farms.”


Won’t bring prices at American pumps down

“Azerbaijan is ready to supply Europe with some emergency gas should tensions between Russia and Ukraine disrupt shipments.”


“We’re Killing Our Future, and We Don’t Even Know It

This “new normal” isn’t worth it.”

“The current wisdom is that it takes months to get back to your old self. If you push it too hard, you up your chances of Long Covid. You also elevate your risk of heart attack and stroke. Yes, even for the “mild” Omicron, which doctors say is doing incredible damage to people’s blood vessels and causing blood clots in disturbing numbers of patients. "Mild" means nothing.”


“A Collection of Blackpills in no particular order: 1. the Generational Health/Wealth Gap”

“It's pretty well known, even by non millennials, that millennials and subsequent generations, are not only substantially poorer than the Boomers and Gen x, but also less healthy as a result of cumulative environmental and pollution factors. A wealth gap has become a health gap.”


“Plastic Rain Is the New Acid Rain”

“Researchers find that over 1,000 metric tons of microplastic fall on 11 protected areas in the US annually, equivalent to over 120 million plastic water bottles.”


Working American Taxpayers will have to bail them out:

“The Oil Industry Has a $500 Billion Bubble Problem”

Energy prices are soaring. But if Big Oil takes the bait in pursuit of profits, it could end up screwed.


Nationalize the Oil and Gas Industry:

“Researchers say the fossil fuel industry engages in ‘discourses of delay’ to divert attention away from the crisis. And from themselves.”



“Watching the World Go Bye”

”The Demise of Hopium”

Eliot Jacobson: "Collapse is the endpoint of overshoot and overpopulation and it has already begun. While the speed of this collapse may be altered by various projects, plans and efforts, the end result will not change. Exponential growth on a finite planet is unsustainable, period."


“When Renewables Are Not Renewable

Sure the wind and sun are renewable, but the collectors we build are not”

“We term an energy source “renewable” when the energy provided is powered by the sun — wind and solar, or powered by gravitational forces — tidal. However, the energy collectors are not renewable.”


“How one major disaster can lead to another: a lack of clean drinking water

It’s not just Tonga—the US stumbles in distributing freshwater in times of need too.”


“A Massive Oil Spill Helped One Billionaire Avoid Paying Income Tax for 14 Years”


“Honest Government Ad | Net Zero by 2050 (feat. Greta Thunberg)”


“Why do leaders deny peak oil & limits to growth?”

“It’s strange that we’re on the cusp of Peak Oil, and yet the only existential threat you ever hear about is Climate Change. The New York Times has mentioned climate change over 15,000 times the past 5 years, and “peak oil” just nine, mostly to say it didn’t happen and never will.”


“Drought Exposes ‘Canary in This Coal Mine’ of PFAS in Well Water”


John Traczyk:

“Jan 31, 30, 29. Continued mangled disfigurement and extreme disturbances of Earth's magnetic field.

Day after day for a full year straight now that Earth's magnetosphere has sustained daily extreme disturbances.

2574 km/sec recorded. That's five times the speed of the solar winds at that time. That's some incredibly intense energy.

Precursors to what's coming”


Goldman Sachs defrauded Greece

“Dedicated to those intent on claiming that Greece has been 'fixed'. It has not. The crisis, the burden of the people's debt-bondage, is carrying on and on. All that has changed is that the local and European oligarchy has succeeded in dividing our people and ruling over them.”


JBS is destroying the Amazon:

“Beef giant JBS to pay $52.5M to settle price-fixing lawsuit

Meatpacking giant JBS has agreed to a $52.5 million settlement in a beef price-fixing lawsuit that some say supports their concerns about how the lack of competition in the industry affects prices”


Feb 3, 2022:

“Biden FIGHTS To Make Student Debt Forgiveness More DIFFICULT”


“The dying earth

Cutting trees, killing the animals

Planting concrete, using the chemicals

Wasting the water, making the plastic

Polluting oceans, eroding the hills

Drying the rivers, drying the wells

Burning the forest, burning the fuels

Ignoring the time ignoring the warning bells

Human are making earth a bloody hell.”

D. Dhyani


“Only 0.006% of Earth’s Water is lakes and rivers”


“Incremental change has now ceased too.

If only our future selves look back and see:

And the complacency that manufactured Austerity would be the end of us all if we hadn't risen up!”

Amy Westervelt:

“We’re at a moment in time where radical change is necessary *because* those in power refused to make incremental change over the last 20 years. That’s as true on minimum wage as it is on climate”

We could have slowly increased min wage over the past 20 years, but those proposals were blocked at every turn, mostly by GOP and corporate interests. Now we need to double it overnight which is exponentially harder.

We could have decarbonized gradually but those proposals were blocked at every turn for going on 40 years now. Now we need to decarbonize in a decade, which is exponentially harder.

It’s not that today’s progressives are ‘radical’ it’s that they’ve been handed a pile of shit created by decades of inaction and total dereliction of duty when it comes to the government working for individual citizens and not just corporate citizens.

So yes, proposals of incremental change now are ridiculous. Proposing solutions now that would have actually worked 20 years ago are ridiculous. It’s radical change or radical failure, that is the situation we’ve all be placed in by the radically self-interested few.”



In 'Environmental thresholds for mass-extinction events', Guy McPherson, Beril Sirmacek and Ricardo Vinuesa point at an analysis by Song et al. (2021) that shows how major mass extinctions over the past 541 million years (the Phanerozoic) are linked to temperature rises higher than 5.2°C and rates of change higher than 10°C/Myr.

Authors point out that, next to temperature rise and rates of change, there are further variables such as rates of deforestation, ocean acidification and spreading of toxic substances that can additionally contribute to cause species to disappear.

Accordingly, many species are likely to go extinct at rises much lower than 5°C.

Humans - who depend on many species - could go extinct with a 3°C rise.

This makes it even more critical to assess how much the temperature has already risen from pre-industrial. As illustrated by the image at the top, we may already be more than 2°C above pre-industrial and face a potentially huge temperature rise over the next few years.

From the post 'When will humans go extinct?', at:”


“Save Birds From Toxic Pesticides”

“Speak Up Against Bird-Killing Pesticides: Tell Congress to support the Saving America's Pollinators Act (H.R. 4079), protect birds, and strengthen regulations on toxic pesticides.”


“NPR, the other corp media, has been going on none stop at China’s Zero Covid APP*. China, which is 5 times more populated than US,has only lost about

5000 ppl to Covid while US has killed about 1,000,000 people so far. Stick it up your *** NPR.”


“The life of a single human being is worth more than all the property of the richest man on earth.” Che Guevara


“How the PR Industry Has Helped Big Oil Transform the Way We Think About the Environment

Powered by fossil fuel funding, PR agents have used astroturfing, “manufactured consent,” and other techniques to furtively shape public perceptions in favor of their polluting clients.”


“Continue geomagnetic storms now, and forecast”


“Contrasting impacts of forests on cloud cover based on satellite observations” - by Ru Xu et al.


“Clearly the United States has no conscience.

If law had a conscience, identifying the root causes of unnecessary and avoidable harm and suffering would be its primary function. Instead, our legal system is primarily motivated to at on its own behalf without regard for optimal prosocial outcomes.

A legal system that truly cares to promote the social good would financially penalize the self-serving agents of harm harshly enough to deter future negligence and would reward those who call out the harm well enough to encourage future acts of civic virtue.

A prosocial legal system understands how such a financial penalty and reward system serves to transfer wealth from social harm to social good, and how this ongoing transfer of wealth ultimately improves society.”


“Environmental Thresholds for Mass Extinction Events ~ Elsevier Journal ~ Authors' panel”


Don’t let them confuse you with the “cold like” symptoms of Omicron. Omicron will leave your insides much worse off than if you “got over” a cold


“Views from space reveal huge methane leaks in the US and Asia. They could be easy spots to cut emissions and save money.”


Like Osama Bin Laden, Putin knows there is a boob & special interests in the White House that when manipulated correctly will further destroy America on their own from within

I believe absolutely NOTHING the American mainstream media is saying about Ukraine and neither should you

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