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“Blackwater is in Donbass with the Azov Battalion”

Updated: Jan 8

“Blackwater is in Donbass with the Azov Battalion”

Is Eric Prince of Blackwater Security quietly serving as America’s point man to Ukrainian Nazis the reason Biden welched on his promise to cancel student debt - a move that would effect Prince’s sister billionaire Betsy DeVos?


This is War and this is America. Geopolitical & Human Rights issues surrounding Ukraine are cited just to keep the more important act of fighting$$$ going. “Winning” or “Losing” is irrelevant - the profits arising from fighting are what matter!

See Ukraine for what it is: a choice by our 2 parties to use war to create private wealth for the few, in a way that comes at the expense of the socialized blood & treasury of the vast majority of American households.

America is a petroleum police state with an army, an environment, and our children’s lives & future at their disposal, long as the rich get richer your vote will never change anything.

Striking resemblance to many of today’s Democrats and Republicans:

Eastern Tiger swallowtail (Papilio glaucus), female, dark form

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2019-07-27 _F2A4121aaa

“1941 was a scary sad.

Do I have your attention?

This photo was taken in March 2022---with the color removed.

I hope it drops all of us to our knees in prayer.

(Originally posted by Vicki Ruth Marshall via my friend Deborah)”


American politicians’ close ties to Russia need to be investigated for any contribution to the expanding war with the US. For instance, did they do anything to encourage a war with Russia, proxy in Ukraine or otherwise, to serve the profit motive of the American rich:

“Alexander Vindman says Ron Johnson, others have 'blood on their hands' over Russian invasion of Ukraine”


Pelosi recently lead a fundraising delegation to Israel so please do NOT tell me objective of Republicans’ “Big Lie” is at odds with the Democratic party’s plan for Voters – turn America over to an authoritarian fascist dictator who represents the Rich. Again, Democrats have full throated support for AIPAC's agenda for reaping the benefits of "The Big Lie" and that means a deeply fascist America:

“AIPAC's support for Republicans who promote The Big Lie

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), a powerful lobby for pro-Israel candidates in the U.S., has endorsed dozens of Republicans who have endorsed the Big Lie that Donald Trump won the 2020 election. Some of them even voted against certifying the 2020 election as members of Congress.”

“IPAC Is All In on Support for ‘Stop the Steal’ Candidates”


“Pelosi and 7 members of Congress touch down in Israel for visit”


“I don’t think there’s good people on both sides”


Ukraine: “Make the Rich Kids Fight”


“Infamous day at Parliament as protest erupts in violence”


“Jamal Khashoggi killers living in luxury villas in Riyadh, say witnesses”


“Why all the effort to fool the public.

They have no intention to hear us.”


“Saudi Arabia Puts 81 People To Death In Largest Mass Execution”

Saudi Arabia can remain our ally despite their barbaric executions of their own citizens, and we are more than willing to help them decimate the Yemeni people for so long as they, of course, buy our weapons but also deal with the American oil industry and perhaps most importantly accept payment for their oil sales in US dollars (contributing to demand for the USD and hence supporting its value).


“Watch Police Seize $578 Million Superyacht Linked To Russian Billionaire

The “Sy A” was seized in Trieste, Italy, amid a crackdown on oligarch wealth to pressure Vladimir Putin to halt Russia’s war on Ukraine.”

If they can do it here, there is no reason why America can’t do it to its billionaires,...and seizing their yachts for a retro active tax increase (including penalties and interest) is just the beginning, next comes an assessment for environmental damage and remediation


American’s mainstream media needs to be evaluated for contributing to or outright creating war crimes:

“Can't they find any REAL atrocities committed by the Russians in Ukraine?

A badly hurt "Ukrainian" child who's actually a Syrian”


Interesting & Disturbing Conversation with U.S. Government employee Michael Mann of climate science infamy. Don NOT trust Michael Mann the U.S. Government employee.

“Yes, I have spoke to the Grand Liar.

He's good too because he mixes lies with the truth.

The trick is to catch him in a lie.

And on top of that I had a Messenger conversation where I got Michael Mann to admit that the GWP of Methane does not decrease in time as long as Methane levels remain constant or are increasing.

Facebook has a massive databank where all conversations are kept.

I can download it anytime I want.

I also posted it here a long time ago.”

“Professor Peter Wadhams on Greenland's Melting Ice Sheet”

“The Likelihood of Recent Record Warmth”


The boobery of Biden squandering one of our last windows to save mankind from environmental ruin will burn through history

I stand with the Dems\Reps and Charles Koch’s Supreme Court and personally can’t wait until all that is God’s green earth is finally extinct and mankind is ravaged by zoophagic viruses & famine - ‘because their wealth is more important than my kids’ [sarcasm]


“Wildfire Covers 1,000 Acres on North Carolina’s Outer Banks

A wildfire in eastern North Carolina has burned parts of the Outer Banks and covered the area in smoke.”


“If we removed the cap on Social Security for 1 year and everyone paid in full for one year, Social Security would be fully funded for the next 75 years and no one would have to pay into it until then. “

“The Ultra-rich stop contributing to Social Security after earning their first $147,000 of the year.

Someone with a million dollar income makes that in 54 days.

Billionaires likely made that after the first hour of the year.

Why should there be a cap on how much the wealthy contribute?”


Please understand the severity of what you and your loved ones will VERY SOON be facing:

Joe Neubarth:

“In pre-industrial times Methane was charted at 722 parts per billion (ppb).

In the year 1900, Methane was charted at 900 ppb.

In the year 1987 at Mauna Loa, Methane was charted at 1700 ppb.

In the beginning of the year 2022, at Mauna Loa, Methane was charted at 1940 ppb and at Barrow Alaska on the shore of the Arctic Ocean, it was charted at 2060.

It is rapidly increasing because of the large methane release from the Arctic.”

Reader Comment: Henrik Isberg

“If the effect of CH4 is 200 times stronger than CO2 in year 1, it means CH4 impact increases relatively CO2 as we get 5+ ppb extra CH4 for every ppm extra CO2. Looks like we're about there now, like methane is starting to take bigger shares of impact and perhaps eventually dominate?”

“NOAA Global Monitoring Laboratory”

“Trends in Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide”



Ukraine: deliberate war started by US resulting in record profits for big oil from record prices at the pump & now record permission to “drill baby kill” and stock mkt is up as rich get richer.

Anybody care about the deaths caused? What about the strategic Oil Reserve? The Environmental damage?


See it for what it is.

Any time you see greedflation, price-gouging at the pump, voluntary restrictions on supply, etc. involving a publicly traded firm what you are witnessing is effectively an upstream transfer of wealth from the 99% to the rich.

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