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2/2023 Top military saying we will "be at war with China in 2025." The US schedules wars now?!

Updated: Jan 8

Eastern Tiger swallowtail (Papilio glaucus), female, dark color form

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

8/10/2016 1061aaa2 2018 Photos\Old n Reworks

War with China Is Not Inevitable: Jake Werner on How to Defuse Tensions Between Washington & Beijing”

“The U.S. Has 750 Overseas Military Bases, and Continues to Build More to Encircle China”

Quote: "The United States, the Biden administration and a larger foreign policy elite, I’m sad to say, has hijacked our foreign policy and is currently escalating military tensions with China"

Quote: "Lloyd Austin announcing the deployment of U.S. forces to four new bases, in addition to five U.S. bases where U.S. troops are deployed in the Philippines, making a total of nine, potentially, in days and months to come, that’s precisely the wrong image and precisely the wrong direction that the U.S. should be going in. "

Quote: "he current approach that the Biden administration and this foreign policy blob, a group of elites that have dominated U.S. foreign policy for far too long — they have led us down the wrong path. And we need to push back on our leaders to choose a different path, a path of peaceful, if challenging, coexistence with China, cooperation on the real threats that face us,"

Quote: "adding U.S. troops to four new bases in the Philippines is simply unnecessary and wasteful, on top of an already astronomically wasteful Pentagon budget. In addition to the potentially nine U.S. bases in the Philippines, the United States already has, by the Pentagon’s own count, 313 U.S. military base sites in East Asia alone. And that’s part of a larger global network of around 750 U.S. military bases outside the 50 states and Washington, D.C. That’s according to a list that the coalition that you mentioned that I’m a part of, the Overseas Base Realignment and Closure Coalition, a transpartisan group of folks, that we’ve been keeping. And indeed, the 750 U.S. bases in some 80 countries and colonies around the world is more bases than any nation, empire or people in world history.

Compare it to China, again — and I think this helps underline the fact that China is not a conventional military threat to the United States. And that can’t be emphasized enough in this moment of ballooning China fearmongering, a kind of really racist fearmongering that’s both fueled by anti-Asian racism and fueling anti-Asian racism in this moment. We need to remind people that China is not the threat that the Soviet Union was at the height of the Cold War. China is not about to attack California or Hawaii or Guam or Alaska. China is a threat to neighbors, and they have every right to be afraid. But the response to that fear, the response to any military threat that China does pose regionally, is not to escalate militarily, not to build more bases.

And again, the comparison with China’s military presence globally is helpful. China has about eight foreign military bases — one in Djibouti and some on human-made islands in the South China Sea. This, compared to the 750 U.S. military bases outside the 50 states and Washington, D.C., shows again how misdirected our priorities are, because of this foreign policy that has been, in my mind, hijacked by the military-industrial complex, the people who are making a killing, often literally, off war, and a foreign policy elite that has taken us down precisely the wrong path."

Quote: "Imagine if China were to announce that it was going to build a single base anywhere near the borders of the United States. We saw the reaction to an unarmed balloon that posed no military threat. Imagine China was to announce that it was going to build a base, for example, in Mexico or Canada or the Caribbean. There would be calls for an immediate military reaction.

And meanwhile, the United States is in the process of encircling China with more and more bases. And this has been a long-standing buildup over years, dating to the Obama administration — the Trump administration continued it — and, before it, the George W. Bush administration. There are, of course, also a buildup of bases in recent months in Eastern and Central Europe in reaction to Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. But the buildup in East Asia is one we should be deathly concerned about,"

America's policy of War - starkly on display with the Chinese balloon kerfuffle - is the result of the military industrial congressional complex whose members whose members are making a killing off of war - period. Biden international policy has been completely overwhelmed by individuals who are out of date with what America needs, And America needs NO MORE WAR

It blows my mind that top US military minds are saying we will be at war with China in 2025. America schedules it’s wars now!? Are they sure they’ll have all checks$$$ ready by 2025? Don’t elections make a difference anymore?’

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