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2/2023 Biden Lies: The US Environmental Protection Agency has been gutted of staff & resources

Updated: Jan 8

Eastern Tiger swallowtail (Papilio glaucus), female, dark color form

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2018-08-09 493aaa

REALITY CHECK: If biden is such a climate, species, and general Biosphere savior why is the American Environmental Protection Agency limping along as massively understaffed as the Internal Revenue Service. YOU CAN PASS ALL THE ENVIRONMENTAL LIP SERVICE YOU WANT, BUT IF YOU'RE SABOTAGING ENFORCEMENT AT THE SAME TIME FARCICAL ENVIRONMENTAL EFFORTS LIKE "THE INFLATION REDUCTION ACT" WILL BE WORTHLESS:

Biden Lies: “At EPA, staffing crisis clashes with expanded mission

“The future of the EPA and our planet are at stake.””

Biden is clearly to old and frail to make it to the point of American's being prosecuted for Ecocide but the People can pursue his legacy wealth from any of his living benefactors in order to help pay for Biosphere damage.


“Blood Fall, Taylor Glacier melted!! Crisis West and East Antartica Badman Nishioka/rainforest action group  #westantarctica #eastantarctica

By NASA on 2007 and 2020 in the link below:

“New study shows retreat of East Antarctic Ice Sheet during previous warm periods

Evidence of glacial retreat in the Wilkes Basin 400,000 years ago suggests ice loss in this region could add 10 to 13 feet (3 to 4 meters) to future global sea level rise

“The study, published July 22 in Nature, focused on the Wilkes Basin, one of several bowl-like basins at the edges of the ice sheet that are considered vulnerable to melting because the ice rests on land that is below sea level. The Wilkes Basin currently holds enough ice to raise sea level by 3 to 4 meters (10 to 13 feet).

Ice flows slowly through the basins from the interior of the continent out to the floating ice shelves at the margins. Ice loss causes the grounding line—the point at which the ice loses contact with the ground and starts floating—to shift inland, explained first author Terrence Blackburn, assistant professor of Earth and planetary sciences at UC Santa Cruz.

“Our data shows that the grounding line in the Wilkes Basin retreated 700 kilometers [435 miles] inland during one of the last really warm interglacials, when global temperatures were 1 to 2 degrees Celsius warmer than now,” Blackburn said. “That probably contributed 3 to 4 meters to global sea level rise, with Greenland and West Antarctica together contributing another 10 meters.”

In other words, a period of global warming comparable to what is expected under current scenarios for manmade greenhouse gas emissions resulted in an increase in sea level of around 13 meters (43 feet). Of course, this wouldn’t happen all at once—it takes time for that much ice to melt.”

“New study shows retreat of East Antarctic Ice Sheet during previous warm periods

Evidence of glacial retreat in the Wilkes Basin 400,000 years ago suggests ice loss in this region could add 10 to 13 feet (3 to 4 meters) to future global sea level rise


“Meet CEO of Norfolk Southern Alan Shaw.

His net worth is at least $11 million.

He lives in a 8,000 sq foot mansion.

He poisoned a small town for profit.

Let’s make him famous.”


Don’t let Politicians shame you into accepting the economic experience that they allege your having:

“Lately, I’ve noticed everybody look OK until you eventually have a deep conversation with them. And then, you’ll realize that, this is a sad generation of people struggling to survive through smiling faces and pretty pictures.”


Detroit has also experience a train derailment:

“Train carrying at least one car of hazardous materials derails outside Detroit - just a week after derailment in Ohio

A train carrying at least one car of hazardous materials derailed Thursday outside of Detroit

Authorities are investigating the situation, but say early indications show no sign of threat to the community of Van Buren Township

IMAGE: A train with at least one car carrying hazardous materials derailed outside Detroit on Thursday”

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