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12/2022 “Large parts of Europe are warming twice as fast as the planet on average”

Updated: Jan 13

Eastern Tailed-Blue (Cupido comyntas)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2015-10-12 255aaaa

American political corruption rages like never before:

“Congressmembers Tried to Stop the SEC’s Inquiry Into FTX

The ‘Blockchain Eight’ wrote a bipartisan letter in March attempting to chill the SEC’s information requests to crypto firms. FTX was one of those firms.”


Biden will tell railroad workers what they are entitled to:

“Major rail union rejects deal brokered by Biden, threatening a strike before the holidays”


Death of the family farm. This increases the power of monopolies and contributes to our broken food system. Recession self imposed and now famine\starvation self imposed:

“End of cheap money for U.S. farmers plows trouble into food production”


Washington is owned by dirt energy, of course renews are failing:

“Renewable energy isn’t replacing fossil fuel energy—it’s adding to it.”


“A Flowering of Radical Change”


The conservative Christo fascist’ have been building their infrastructure in America for decades. In full view of the Democratic Party. Now the dying starts:

“From Twitter to Terrorism, the Far Right Isn’t Taking No For an Answer

America’s Rejected the Far Right Democratically — So Now It’s Trying to Take Society by Force”


“The American Water Crisis, the Next Real Estate Crash, and the Myth of the Free Market

It’s what happens when the dollar is king”


There it is! America’s influence and funding!:

“Bolsonaro challenges Brazil election he lost to Lula”


“Today’s Energy Crisis Is Very Different from the Energy Crisis of 2005”


“Large parts of Europe are warming twice as fast as the planet on average”


Time is of the essence in our biosphere collapse. We need immediate action yesterday.

The more we indulge dirt energy the worse our predicament will get.

Bite the bullet and switch to a feral like existence and suffering and death will be minimized. Dimming the planet will have grave consequences. Sadly, the leadership class could try to achieve it using a nuclear war (nuclear winter). Either peacefully dimmed or dimmed by nuclear war many many many people are going to die.

“Dimming the Sun to Cool the Planet Is a Desperate Idea, Yet We’re Inching Toward It

The scientists who study solar geoengineering don’t want anyone to try it. But climate inaction is making it more likely.”


“The Impacts of Climate Disinformation on Public Perception”


Surging past coal and nuclear is not saying terribly too much:

“U.S. Renewable Energy Will Surge Past Coal and Nuclear by Year’s End

Wind, solar and hydropower will generate more than 20 percent of the power supply”


“Perspective: America is barreling toward a child care cliff

Without federal assistance, quality child care may become a luxury good as COVID-19 aid expires”


“Italy: Floods and rain kill at least 10 overnight – officials”


Not Good:

“The state of the world fisheries and aquaculture”


“State of the World’s Birds 2022”


“Bold Climate Protests Are Triggering Even Bolder Anti-Protest Laws”


“How Floating Wetlands Are Helping to Clean Up Urban Waters

As cities around the world look to rid their waterways of remaining pollution, researchers are installing artificial islands brimming with grasses and sedges. The islands’ surfaces attract wildlife, while the underwater plant roots absorb contaminants and support aquatic life.”


Diseases are raging throughout the planet:

“Eerie Video of Bizarre Sheep Phenomenon Has The World Running in Circles”


“High Fossil Fuel Costs Force Families to Choose Between Food and Heat”


Every single building should be able to generate its own power. Complete decentralization of the grid.

“Proposed HVDC macrogrid to transmit low-cost renewable power

A grid modeling firm proposes an underground high-voltage DC transmission overlay for the continental U.S. that, along with increased solar deployment and even greater wind deployment, would help reduce climate pollutants and electricity costs.”

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